Hogwarts Asylum

33. How dare you?

O'Loughlin sometimes felt that it was not good to use Lily to stimulate Snape all the time. It made him look like a villain who lived next door to a good family.

Although O'Loughlin didn't mind being a villain, he didn't want to be a villain, especially because the main sufferer was Snape, who also had a tendency to be a villain. Is a tauren a human being? James would cry!

It's just that Snape doesn't even care about his own life, let alone stimulating his emotions. Only things about Lily can further arouse this licking dog's emotions. What can O'Loughlin do?

Although Snape will be stimulated repeatedly as long as Harry keeps dazzling in front of Snape's eyes, but people's inertia is very strong. Once Snape gets used to this kind of stimulation, it will be difficult in the future, Eurolin I don't think Snape could push Occlumency to an advanced stage so quickly.

Moreover, since Lily's death, Snape has become an alcoholic. Orolin has received reports from Gollum more than once, saying that he saw Snape drinking in the Pig's Head Bar. This poor guy almost every weekend They all use alcohol to numb themselves.

As a famous drunkard in Hogwarts, Trelawney may not drink as much as Snape.

Alcohol is dangerous to normal people, not to mention Snape, who is losing his emotions and humanity little by little. The paralysis caused by alcohol has a great impact on the human brain.

Alas, if Snape hadn't been the first patient that Eurolin studied since he came into this world, he wouldn't have bothered to care so much.

Orolin wandered over to the armor on the aisle and knocked on it.

"Come out, don't hide."

After the words fell, Harry and the three of them all appeared, and they all lowered their heads to say hello.

"Why are you hiding here?"

Olorin didn't think they were hiding here in advance to eavesdrop. If they had this ability, they wouldn't have to work so hard while shrinking. It's not like there aren't secret passages around where they can hide comfortably.

After the three people explained incessantly, Eurolin found out that they hid because they got lost on the fourth floor and were chased by Filch.

Although I don’t know where Harry and Ron got the courage to let Neville lead the way, Neville was pretty good at being able to lead the way from being a wanderer on the way to Gryffindor Tower to the principal’s office.

"Forget it, I'll take you there. Looking at you like this, you may not be able to go back until tomorrow."

"Thank you Professor."

O'Loughlin wasn't going to ask them if they heard anything. It wasn't an important conversation.

"By the way, why didn't you bring Granger with you? She should be much better at finding the way than you are." Olorin asked as he walked.

He was a little curious. Logically speaking, after yesterday's exchange on the train, Hermione should not be disliked by them, so why was she not with them.

When Hermione was mentioned, Ron rolled his eyes. Harry said, "Hermione has gone to the library. She is going to finish her morning herb homework and then go back to the lounge."

"She actually wants us to do our homework too!" Ron couldn't help but mutter, "That's due next week!"

Orolin nodded, this was indeed something Hermione could do.

Along the way, Oluolin chatted with the three little wizards about their morning experiences.

Harry said he got too much attention and it felt bad.

Neville said that Peeves was very annoying and often threw chalk heads at him.

Ron complained that the most annoying thing was the doors in the school. They were so weird. Some doors had to be tickled to open, but some doors turned out to be solid after a lot of hard work. wall!

O'Loughlin echoed from time to time that the most annoying thing in Hogwarts Castle, apart from Peeves, was indeed those weird doors, which were even more annoying than the moving stairs.

When Olorin was in school, he encountered a door that could move and deform. It often turned into a wall and quietly appeared in the middle of the aisle, making people think they were going the wrong way.Unless you kick it twice, it will turn into a door and open. Its existence makes many little wizards want to kick the wall when they see it.

I don’t know if that door has any special quirks.

Arriving at the door of the Gryffindor common room, the three Harrys felt that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere.

The people who were playing in the corridor stopped and stared at them quietly. This was different from the crowd that Harry received in the morning. In the morning, those people looked at Harry with more of a curious look. .

But now, there is hostility in those eyes!

Under the watchful eyes of all the Gryffindors, the three Harrys respectfully thanked and said goodbye.

After O'Loughlin left, the three Harrys were immediately surrounded by a group of senior students.

"Oh my god! How dare you!"

"Do you know who that is!"

"That's Gryffindor's enemy!"

"Are you ready to betray Gryffindor!"

The senior students all accused Harry and the others of collaborating with the enemy. The three of them had never seen such a battle before. They immediately pushed through the crowd and hid in the dormitory, locking the door.

"Merlin's socks, what's going on? They're like bees that have been stung in their nest. It's more exaggerated than queuing up at the classroom door to see Harry."

In the dormitory, neither Seamus nor Malfoy were there. Malfoy never came back after being called away by Professor McGonagall. Seamus seemed to have gone somewhere to play with Dean in the next dormitory.

"They... they seemed to say... said..." Neville tried hard to recall the news he had just heard.

"They say that Professor O'Loughlin is the enemy of Gryffindor. Any Gryffindor who meets the professor alone will have his legs broken by him and then be tortured to the point of death." Harry helped Neville tell what he wanted to say. if.

"Yes, that's what they said, and they also said..." Neville nodded vigorously.

"They also said that Professor O'Loughlin graduated from Slytherin. When he was a seeker in school, he would beat the Gryffindor team every year by cheating." Harry repeated expressionlessly.

In the morning, Harry asked about Professor Snape. He still remembered the way Professor Snape looked at him last night.

Then he learned that Professor Snape was the Head of Slytherin and an extremely eccentric Potions professor. Every year, in order to help Slytherin win the House Cup, Professor Snape not only added magic to Slytherin during class A huge amount of points, and they desperately deducted points from Gryffindor. It was because of this that Slytherin was able to win the Academy Cup for six consecutive years.

Originally, Harry had a dislike for Slytherin because of Ron's words and Malfoy's behavior, but after Malfoy was sorted into Gryffindor, Harry began to doubt his own thoughts again, and found out that Snape Because of the professor's character, Harry's bad impression of Slytherin was completely irreversible.

Because what Harry hates most is people who are extremely partial, just like how Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon treat him and Dally.

Unexpectedly, Professor O'Loughlin, who looks so nice, is actually from Slytherin!

Harry's mood was very complicated.

No wonder the professor didn’t mention the college he was from when he introduced himself last night.

Probably because he was afraid that he would see through his disguise.

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