Hogwarts becomes host

11. Grandpa, do you know about Horcruxes?

During the remaining month, Hermione happily lived in Elaine's house and studied magic hard.

Then she was very surprised to find that Elaine's learning progress was actually worse than hers. Elaine complained about this. Before she got the wand, it was difficult for her to use magic. It was wandless casting, and even many adult wizards couldn't do it. How could she possibly do it?

Therefore, the two of them studied at the same time. Since they did not escape, it is not normal for ordinary people to lose to the god of learning.

Under Lupine's guidance, the two successfully cast small spells such as the Levitation Charm, the Illumination Charm, and the Lock Picking Charm. However, they did not make much progress with offensive and defensive spells such as the Iron Armor Curse, the Disarming Curse, the Stunning Curse, and the Petrification Curse. The curse can be said to be completely powerless.

Lu Ping said that this is a normal phenomenon, because attack and defense magic consumes more magic power, and their temperament and foundation are not enough, at least not enough to control the magic power to attack. There is no way to do it quickly.

Everyone's method of manipulating magic power is a little different. You can only explore it through practice, or wait for the magic power in your body to grow.

As long as there is a large amount of magic power to support it, even if the control technique is rough, the power of the spell will not decrease too much, and it will even become stronger.

However, the magic power increases with practice and age, and it seems to have returned to its original point.

Shafiq's voice magic is becoming more and more proficient. Although it can make the illusion move flexibly, it is still unable to be used in practice. After all, as the scale of the illusion becomes larger, the magic power and control requirements are more and higher. . Elaine once tried to hide herself with illusions, but in the end it could only cover half of her body, and there would be holes as her body moved. It was better to wear an invisibility cloak.

At this point, Elaine discovered that she could hardly protect herself with magic before her second grade.

What’s even more troublesome is that certain behaviors will also consume popularity points

Most of the time when performing sound magic, a little bit of it will be consumed when playing the piano. For this reason, Elaine even stopped practicing for three days for the first time. Only then did she realize that it was not playing the piano itself, but when recalling the music score or melody that consumed it.

But other aspects are not affected. I don’t understand it at all. I can only hope that there will be an explanation when the system is repaired.

Fortunately, the average daily number of regular viewers has exceeded two million, and the total number of rewards has reached more than three million. It is not far from the goal of tens of millions. Perhaps the system can be activated before the end of this year.

Horace Slughorn visited Shafik's house in the last week of August with a few potion ingredients, because Elaine wrote a letter hoping that he could come over to teach potions. Lupine said that his potion was just Ordinary level.

He first helped the two girls make small bags for the Invisible Telescopic Charm, and taught them how to prepare the simplest scabies potion. Then, as written, he was full of praise for Hermione.

After knowing that this little Muggle-born girl was able to prepare such a perfect scabies potion and successfully use several basic magics in less than a month after learning about the existence of the wizarding world, Slughorn told Her to Min is counted as a reserve member of his slug club, and of course Elaine's own granddaughter is also a member.

When it comes to potions, Elaine is very reluctant. Millions of fans in the live broadcast room testified that she performed every step normally, exactly the same as Hermione, but the potions she prepared were not as good as Hermione's.

Slughorn explained that it was because she didn't have good control over the magic when stirring with her wand.

“Stirring is the most difficult step in preparing a potion,” said Slughorn. “During the stirring process, magic is incorporated to promote the effectiveness of the materials and allow the potion to achieve a harmonious and neutral aesthetic. A gifted child can do it the first time, but with lots of practice he can also make the perfect potion.”

Obviously, the gifted child he mentioned was not Elaine.

This makes people a little uncomfortable, so

"Grandpa, do you know about Horcruxes?"

After dinner one day, after asking Lupine to send Hermione away, Elaine came to the room and said this to Slughorn who was drinking a nightcap with a smile.

Slughorn Sr. reacted as most viewers expected - he squirted, choked, and broke his glass.

"Dumbledore sent you here."

"No, Dumbledore didn't tell me to do anything. Back to business as usual."

Elaine pointed to the fragments of the wine glass and said that the fragments quickly recovered, but there was still a crack on the glass, which was a characteristic of the imperfect repair spell. This made Elaine frown. The magic was more difficult than she thought.

Although Lupine explained that in addition to poor control ability, insufficient magic power also has an impact. Secondly, the external magic power in the Muggle world is too low. She will perform better when she goes to Hogwarts, but looking at the results is still surprising. Frustrated.

"It's impossible how old you are. How could you know this word if Dumbledore hadn't told you?"

"It will surprise you to know that I know so much, including where the Horcruxes are hidden, Tom Riddle's past, the exact time of the Dark Lord's resurrection, Hermione becoming Minister of Magic, and Dumbledore's murderer. I know everything about it and the location.”

Slughorn looked at Elaine pale and scared at first, sweating profusely, but as she spoke, fear turned into shock, and then turned into confusion.

"Who killed Dumbledore and where?" he repeated Elaine's last words in disbelief. "Dumbledore will be killed by whom and when"

"It will be about six or seven years later. Are you sure you want to know the murderer?" Elaine tried to stay calm, but she was still a little nervous. "But I'm not sure. After all, the future can be changed."

Of course, she didn't break the news unprepared. What she said was very selective, and she had discussed it with Slughorn. After all, this body was related to Slughorn, and Slughorn's Her personality shouldn't be enough to do anything to her, most likely the Forgetting Curse.

She asked Lupine for a test. The Forgetting Curse could modify her memory, but it had no way of affecting the live broadcast room. If Slughorn used it, the barrage would immediately remind her.

"No, six or seven years later, wait, neither the Shafiqs nor the Slughorns have prophecy blood."

"I never said this was a prophecy. Prophecies can know the past."

"I don't understand whether it's a prophecy or not."

"Calm down first. Don't worry about the Dark Lord. Don't forget that I just said that Hermione will become the Minister of Magic."

Elaine kindly reminded Slughorn. After being stunned for a few seconds, Slughorn grabbed the mead bottle on the side and drank it directly into his mouth. After drinking the entire bottle, he sighed and looked up at Elaine.

"I agree that the Muggle-born girl is very talented, but she lacks connections and backing, so it will be difficult for her to become a minister."

"Destroying the Dark Lord with Harry Potter is the best backstage."

"Haha, yes, if she can really do it." Slughorn laughed a few times. It was obvious that he was still dubious, so Elaine decided to add some spice.

"Can the soul only be divided once? Seven is the most powerful magic number - uh, I won't say it anymore. Just relax, take a deep breath, are you okay?"

Just in the middle of the sentence, Slughorn's eyes bulged, he inhaled sharply, and his face turned red. Considering his size and the entire bottle of mead he had just drank, Elaine immediately stopped talking.

It took five minutes this time before Slughorn regained consciousness. The first thing he did was to wave his wand and cast a spell on the entire room, and then looked at Elaine with empty eyes.

"Actually, you don't have to feel so guilty." Elaine touched her nose, remembering the previous barrage of Aunt Rowling's profile of Slughorn on Potterre. "Riddle already knew how to make Horcruxes at that time. He just wanted to confirm with you. You are not as important as you think."

"Even if you say that, I won't feel comfortable." Slughorn smiled hoarsely.

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