Hogwarts becomes host

13. Wild Harry Potter

"Platform 9 - Platform 10, your platform should be somewhere in the middle, but it seems they haven't had time to build it yet, don't you think so? Have a good semester, kid."

Harry watched his uncle's family leave with a smile, and his joyful heart sank to the bottom. The Hogwarts Express would leave in half an hour, but where was the platform?

Should he pick out his magic wand and tap it on the ticket gate between platforms nine and ten?

"Hey, are you Harry Potter?"

Just as Harry looked around at a loss for help, someone greeted him.

Harry's eyes lit up. The girl who had just spoken was teasing Hedwig curiously. The school emblem embroidered on the chest of the Hogwarts uniform she had seen in Mrs. Malkin's shop could prove it, but she was wearing trousers and golden trousers. Her hair is tied into a ponytail and dangles behind her, looking pretty cute.

However, she didn't have any luggage with her. She was only carrying a small shopping bag. She looked like a Muggle who was going to play. Harry glanced at the bag and saw that it was full of Coke and orange juice.

"Yes, I'm sorry, the thing is--that's it, I can't find it."

"Well, Hagrid definitely didn't tell you, he is just careless." The girl smiled at him kindly and put her shopping bags on Harry's cart, "Come on, you can enter the platform through the partition wall. Inside, this partition wall has been enchanted, so you can just walk through it easily."

Harry was a little worried, but the girl had already started to push the luggage trolley, so he had no choice but to push the trolley with her and hit the partition wall. The speed was not very fast, but Harry still closed his eyes nervously before hitting the partition wall.

Then the expected impact did not happen. When he opened his eyes again, he was already on platform nine and three-quarters.

The scarlet train stopped next to the platform, and the steam and smoke exhaled by the locomotive spread and hovered above the crowd. Harry looked around curiously and saw many little wizards like him who were carrying owls and large suitcases, and some were also carrying cats. But these kids are surrounded by adults.

There were also some older ones, probably senior students. They greeted each other happily and laughed together. Everyone had his own friends, unlike him who was alone--oh no, there was a girl for him. Leading the way.

The girl pushed the cart forward leisurely. Harry was stunned for a few seconds before jogging to follow her to the compartment at the rear of the car.

There was someone inside. The girl who was reading a book had very fluffy brown hair and was very focused. Harry was embarrassed to disturb her and wanted to change cars, but the blond girl spoke first. It seemed that they knew each other:

"Hermione, look what I brought back. The clerk told me that if I bought ten bottles of Coke, I would give Harry Potter as a gift, so I bought ten bottles as he said - Nott, help me carry it up."

Ten bottles of Coke. Before Harry could recover, a strange creature appeared with a bang. He easily lifted Harry's suitcase and put it into the corner of the carriage before mysteriously disappearing. He could only follow him into the carriage.

"Who are you talking nonsense again?" The girl who was reading raised her head and looked at Harry with wide eyes. "It's really Harry Potter's modern history of magic, the rise and fall of dark magic, and important magical events of the twentieth century. Your name is mentioned in these books. It says that you defeated the most powerful dark wizard in history─ ─”


"Hermione, calm down. According to politeness, we should introduce ourselves first." The blonde girl said gently, "Hello, my name is Elaine Shafiq, and this is Hermione Granger. Nice to meet you. .”

The two of them sat together, and Harry took the seat opposite them.

To be honest, he wanted to change carriages, it was very stressful to sit with a girl, not to mention Hermione constantly looking at him like an exotic animal.

But Elaine was kind enough to take him into the platform, and Harry was too embarrassed to tell her that he was leaving.

"Would you like Coke or orange juice? The drink the snack witch sells is only pumpkin juice and not even water. It's terrible."

"Well, I think it's okay, Coke."

"I want orange juice." Hermione continued to stare at Harry, "So you really defeated the Dark Lord, do you know how you did it?"

"I don't know, I don't remember it at all, thank you for this." Harry took the drink, but Elaine also stuffed another book for herself.

Opening the book, Harry found that it was filled with photos. It was a photo album, and these people in the photos were the same young man with messy black hair and glasses, smiling brightly and waving to him. ─

"This is what Remus asked me to pass on to you. He is your father and one of James Potter's best friends." Elaine said. "Unfortunately, he doesn't have many photos of Lily, most of them are James's, but I guess you won't mind, right?"

Harry didn't answer, he was flipping through the photos attentively.

Hermione opened her mouth several times to say something, but Elaine put her index finger to her lips to stop her - this gesture was discussed during their chat before going to bed last night. As long as she made this gesture, Hermione would temporarily Quiet.

Elaine also paid a price for this: Hermione will have to live in her house during the summer vacation in the future, and Elaine must use the power of the Shafiq family to guarantee that the two of them can practice magic during the holidays.

Of course, the fans in the live broadcast room strongly condemned this. In addition to shouting about kidnapping lolita and perverted anchors, there were also those who protested for the freshmen that she wanted to turn the academic master into a god of academics. The most exaggerated one was the self-proclaimed Ron Support Club. Some water friends scolded her for wanting to tear down CP and poach others.

Elaine protested strongly, please, the two of them will live under the same roof for this month. Elaine swore that she never did anything to Hermione. It was Hermione who came over to do anything to her, okay?

From getting up in the morning, not being picky eaters, being polite, to brushing your teeth carefully, she experienced maternal love from Hermione, and she almost called her mom in the end.

Miss Granger was a little dissatisfied with being banned from speaking continuously, but seeing the tears gathering in the corners of Harry's eyes, Hermione stopped saying anything and reopened the standard spell book she was reading, Elementary.

Since two of the three people in the carriage were already reading, Elaine was too embarrassed not to cooperate, so she also dug out the small potion notes old Slughorn had given her. The booklet was full of various information related to it. The different secret recipes in the textbook were much more detailed than Hermione's, which made Elaine feel that her call to grandpa was not in vain.

Time passed quickly and the train whistled and started moving forward, towards Hogwarts.

This was what Ron Weasley saw when he opened the carriage door. The three people in the carriage were all concentrating on reading. It was full of good atmosphere, and as a scumbag, he subconsciously wanted to turn around and leave.

Unfortunately, the Weasley family arrived too slowly, and the other carriages were all full, unless he was willing to sit with the upperclassmen, but I heard from his brothers that it would be more convenient for freshmen to sit with other freshmen on the train. make friends.

So he had to muster up the courage to speak. "Sorry, is there anyone else sitting here? The other carriages are full."

The three people who were immersed in the book raised their heads. Harry looked directly at Elaine. Hermione looked at Ron for a while and then also looked at Elaine. Because of this, even Ron finally looked at Elaine.

"I said, if he wants to sit down, he should sit next to you, Harry. Why are you looking at me?"

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