Hogwarts becomes host

16. Run away, the ghost is level 3

"It turns out that in Malfoy's eyes, I'm a bad person."

Elaine took off the textbook that covered her face and said with a smile.

But Hermione, Harry, and Ron all saw Malfoy's face turn blue instantly with shock on their faces. Soon the three of them knew why Malfoy showed such an expression──

Elaine just smiled and threw the beginner's guide to transformation into Goyle's face. Well, it was originally intended to hit Malfoy, but because of the lesson last time, Malfoy immediately crouched back as soon as he reacted, so the textbook changed from It flew over his head.

Goyle's head was knocked back, but he was standing by the door. As soon as he leaned back, he hit the back of his head against the door frame, causing him and Hermione's textbooks to fall to the ground together.

Hermione's face also turned blue, whether it was because of Goyle or her textbooks.

"Tsk, it didn't hit again."

"Shafiq, don't go too far. This is a train. Do you want to be expelled?"

"Yes, this is the end of the train, and patrol prefects rarely come here." Elaine was still smiling, "I dare to beat you in front of your parents, do you think dropping out of school can scare me? We haven’t enrolled yet.”

She stood up, causing Malfoy and Crabbe to immediately retreat into the corridor.

Ron was very happy. He raised his hands in the air to celebrate, but did not shout long live. Harry also clenched his fists in excitement. Only Hermione frowned tightly, as if she wanted to stop him, but she didn't say anything in the end.

The commotion attracted the attention of the surrounding cars, and many faces could be seen looking through the glass.

"My dad is the school director. If you dare to touch a hair on my head──"

"If your dad could scare me, I wouldn't hit you in front of him last time. Anyway, I will break the bridge of your nose today." Elaine walked out of the carriage, picked up the textbook on the ground and pretended to throw it away. She was so frightened that Malfoy and Crabbe winced. "It's okay if you don't want to be beaten. Take off your robe and run back naked for me."

"Are you crazy? That was just a joke. Didn't I apologize later?"

"I'm kidding you too, come on, take it off yourself, or I'll hit you until you take it off."

"You, you are just a woman. There are three of us. If we really fight, we don't know who will hit whom."

Crabbe helped Goyle up. He was not very confident, but he still clenched his fists. Malfoy seemed to remember his two followers at this time, so he also stood up and returned to his original slow tone.

"Yes, there are three of us, Shafiq. Let's forget it this time. I won't argue with you."

"I just want to argue with you. So what if there are three of us? I still have a knife."

Everyone thought the words were a bluff until Elaine pulled a kitchen knife from her textbook.

Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the knife, and they didn't dare to make a sound. There was only the rapid ringing in the carriage, mixed with a low humming sound, like the sound of a heart beating, adding to the tension and tension. A sense of terror.

Dead by Daylight's Uncle Mai pursues BG anchor and has been transferred to a pretty boy

It’s level three. Choose the hook you like.

Don't come here. I didn't dismantle the totem, Д

"You don't dare but you can't"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. Just because Malfoy is a Death Eater, it's natural for me, Shafik, to kill you. Oh, yes, Crabbe and Goyle are also Death Eaters." Elaine smiled gently, but Malfoy Fu and the three of them were so frightened that they were sweating profusely. "You can't reach this distance even though you pull out your wand and struggle. My knife will definitely be faster than your incantation."

"You, you will end up in Azkaban if you kill people. There are dementors there."

"It's good to go in. I'm worried that I won't be able to kill the imprisoned Death Eaters."

"There are three of us here. She can only cut one with the knife, and then the other two can restrain her." Malfoy pretended to be calm and said, "She won't die if she gets chopped a few times. With magic, she can be cured in one go." OK──”

"First of all, I will chop the neck and heart first." Elaine held the handle of the knife behind her back. "You can try to see if it can be cured. There seems to be no therapist in the car. The only condition is that the other two are willing to die for you."

Goyle and Crabbe took a step back subconsciously.

"I have no plans to escape, but I will definitely kill you before I am captured. I hate that you have a father who is a Death Eater─"

"Hey, run away quickly"

Elaine suddenly raised her tone and stepped forward. Seeing her like this, Malfoy immediately screamed in fright and ran away first.

After the leader ran away, the followers naturally wouldn't stay. The three of them rolled and crawled towards the distance, not daring to look back at all, otherwise they would see Elaine holding her belly and laughing.

"Oh my god, that's so cool," Ron shouted and jumped, "but that can't be a real knife, right?"

"It's an illusion. You should have been suspicious when you heard the music." Hermione said calmly. "Elaine often used this to tease people, especially when she was playing the piano."

"What kind of music? You're talking about this strange sound?" Harry was confused.

Their attention had been attracted by Elaine's movements just now, but now they noticed in retrospect that there seemed to be a sound when they threw the book, but it was just very quiet, and then it gradually became louder.

Elaine raised the kitchen knife and chopped off her wrist, causing a burst of frightened screams in the surrounding cars, but when the blade fell on her wrist, it turned into a magic wand, and of course nothing happened.

The peeping little wizards around applauded, and some whistled. Elaine walked back to the carriage like a hero, closed the door──and then immediately bowed ninety degrees to Hermione and apologized, holding the textbook in both hands.

There was some blood splattered on the Beginner's Transfiguration Guide, and it looked like Goyle's nose wasn't having a good time.

"Next time, don't take my textbook, take your own." Hermione took the book angrily. "Forget it this time, but what happened to you?"

"Please, this is an honor." Ron just didn't have the word "adoration" written on his face. "Next time, take mine. Anyway, I use old textbooks, so it doesn't matter if they are broken."

"You and Malfoy knew each other. He was completely frightened when he saw you, and he seemed to know that you could smash books." Harry asked curiously.

"Well, after all, I lost him once first." Elaine waved her hand, "It's actually nothing. You know, everyone in the Shafik family was killed by the Dark Lord, and the Death Eaters are followers of the Dark Lord. So when I saw him I wanted to fight.”

"Daphne seemed to have mentioned it when we went to Diagon Alley." Hermione murmured to herself, "But I always feel that you didn't tell the truth. What were the jokes and apologies Malfoy said?"

"I'm telling the truth. The Dark Lord killed my whole family. I can't defeat him, so I can only vent my anger on his followers." Elaine pretended not to understand and talked about him.

"Didn't you tell Miss Granger what she wanted to know?"

A new female voice sounded, and Daphne Greengrass walked in. She first introduced herself to Harry and Ron in a friendly manner, and then sat down next to Elaine.

"This has nothing to do with you. Don't keep squeezing me. Go back to your car."

"But I want to talk to you. If you don't want to, then I'll talk to Miss Granger instead."

"I don't want to talk to you, and neither do Hermione, Harry, and Ron. You, a Slytherin, have nothing to talk about with us Gryffindors. Go away."

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