Hogwarts becomes host

19. 3 in 1 minutes

Slughorn means well. As the president of the Slug Club, he knows how to seize opportunities.

The music magic of the Shafiq family is very suitable for stimulating the atmosphere at banquet occasions, and Elaine’s skills are needless to say. Not only does she insist on practicing every day, but she also knows countless musical scores.

During the week he stayed at Shafiq's house, the child played at least fifty melodies that he had never heard before. It was easier to come up with a piece suitable for the moment and sing it. How could Shafiq not do it? singing

This is a good time to become famous throughout Hogwarts. As long as he plays perfectly at the banquet, the old and new students will remember Shafiq's name. The next step is to help Elaine expand her network.

Of course, I can also earn some benefits. Oh, just treat it as a handling fee. Don’t mind. Don’t mind.

If Elaine goes one step further and creates a good illusion, then he doesn't have to do anything. Someone will keep bringing mead and pineapple preserves in the office, asking for a chance to contact Shafiq─but This is unlikely. Elaine is still too young and does not have enough magic power to support her in doing this.

Old Slughorn's calculations were clicking, but little did he know that Elaine had already decided to call him Old Walrus instead.

She's a pianist, not a singer

Okay, I have played and sang at the same time. The problem was that the songs I sang at that time were Chinese songs.

You can take a hundred steps back and say it can be done, but why do you need to be in the limelight?

What's more, she's still wearing a skirt

Forcing her to wear a skirt and perform in front of tens of millions of viewers including teachers and students at Hogwarts and a live broadcast room

Well, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, one day she will let the old walrus try it too

"What a great idea," Dumbledore said with a smile, "Then Miss Shafik, please come to the stage."

Very good, when old Slughorn wore a skirt and played the piano, Dumbledore also danced to Elysium in women's clothing.

Smile on the face, p in the heart

Thumbs up for old Slughorn

Anchor, stop posting comments and complain, what do you want to play?

Elaine walked onto the stage, and Slughorn very thoughtfully conjured a piano out of thin air, which was exactly the same as the one at her home. Dumbledore grabbed it in the air and suddenly pulled out a piece of parchment with gold on it. The font reads the school song of Hogwarts.

"Come on, Miss Shafik, I'm very much looking forward to your performance." He handed the paper to Elaine and winked at her in a friendly way, which made Elaine tremble.

Dumbledore's wink

It seems that everyone who is expected by Lao Deng will end well, so prepare some incense first

Elaine laid the parchment on the piano and played a song that was definitely not a funeral march.

There are also skills in selecting songs. First of all, choose something you are familiar with, something that sounds good, and it must also match the current environment and atmosphere.

In the past, when performing in restaurants, Duchenne always played soothing, elegant, relaxing and slow-tempo music. He would also change the music according to festivals. For example, he would play more romantic songs for Valentine's Day.

Now it’s time to end the banquet. Any kind of tune should be fine. However, considering the first day of school and your identity, a tune that is too slow or too low-key is not suitable. It must be lively, joyful, and expectant.

Don't make it too difficult, she still has to sing and create an illusion.

Chinese songs have stereotypes and are not suitable for revision. You have to choose English ones.

Elaine had an idea. She thought of a familiar song. It was an English song. It was nice and lively. The best thing was that the melody of this song was great, but the lyrics, well, she had forgotten the original lyrics anyway. Wrong song.

Now that the music has been chosen, let’s start. Elaine sat upright in front of the piano. A good pianist not only pays attention to the music, but also his own appearance and posture are part of the performance.

It was impossible to have stage fright. She performed in restaurants every day and was used to being watched. It was just her dress that made her uncomfortable.

The left hand presses the octave, and the right hand plays a high-pitched brisk melody, followed by continuous repetition of fast tones to speed up the speed.

The songs in g ll's album are also included in dee, li's nine point eight

With the cheerful music melody, illusions began to appear. Amid the exclamations of the students, snakes, lions, badgers and eagles fell into the hall. The cartoon versions were very cute with big eyes and lovable looks.

The eagle spread its wings and flew up. One of its talons grabbed the badger that was waving its limbs, and the other grabbed the snake. The snake wrapped its tail around the lion. However, at the moment it caught the lion, the eagle fell obviously. It seemed that the lion was too big. Fat.

The four animals flew around the restaurant, landed at the door, and ran forward to the brisk rhythm. An empty frame appeared in front of the piano. Some naughty children tried to catch them, but the animals nimbly got out of the way.

The little lion ran bigger and bigger. It was the first to rush to the stands, jumped high, and jumped over the heads of several students into the inner school emblem. Next was the badger, which was half crawling and half rolling. It grabbed the lower left corner. The frame line slowly creeps into the school emblem.

Ravenclaw's eagle showed all the students what a fancy flight is, rolling four times in the air before rushing into the lower right frame; and finally Slytherin, the snake's tail was still at the door, but the snake's head kept moving forward. Crawling, the body is stretched so long that it makes people’s scalp numb.

The Hogwarts crest shimmered, slowly disintegrated, and disappeared completely as the last tone sounded.

Although the illusion is a bit fake, the anchor forced me to give it 88 points


Poor people, reward 10 Rockets to comfort the anchors

Elaine stood up and bowed to the thundering applause of students and teachers. Even Slytherin applauded in a dignified manner, but Slughorn's face was covered in cold sweat, and even Dumbledore's face didn't look too good. Satisfied.

But who cares about them? Elaine secretly felt distressed when she saw the huge drop in popularity.

The seven-digit number is directly reduced by one. The price is too high, right?

Although the reward was gradually recovered later, it only took three minutes and it actually cost one million.

It wasn't even that expensive when she used her illusions to deliberately doodle in Hermione's books at home.

"Thank you Miss Shafik for your wonderful performance. Music," said Dumbledore, "the mysterious magic that is more charming than anything else. It's bedtime now. Let's go back to the dormitories."

The auditorium was noisy, and the students stood up one after another. Most of them were still talking excitedly about the illusion they had just had - Elaine said that they had never seen bumpkin in the market and they were easy to cheat. Twenty years later, animations of this level would be available on station B. No one is watching.

"First-year students, I am Percy Weasley, prefect of Gryffindor. After you get the curriculum, follow me, and I will take you to your dormitory." Percy shouted to the new students, raising a hand to let the new students know He could be seen, and Professor McGonagall also walked over, holding a stack of parchment in her hand.

"Elaine" For some reason, Slughorn also ran over. It was hard to imagine that his crowded figure could avoid the crowd so flexibly. "It doesn't matter to you."


"You're fine, hurry up. Drink this. This is a magic replenishing potion."

"Wait, Grandpa, I have nothing to do." Elaine was confused, "Besides, I'm about to go to bed. Why are you drinking this? I remember this is very expensive."

"Miss Shafik, don't force yourself." Professor McGonagall also walked to Elaine's side. "How could such an illusion come about with the magic power in your body?"

"Okay, okay, you two, let's go have a nightcap." Dumbledore was standing next to her at some point, and he put the parchment with the Hogwarts school anthem written on it into Elaine's hand. superior. "It doesn't matter if Miss Shafiq doesn't feel uncomfortable. The performance was wonderful. I'm very much looking forward to next year's opening banquet."

"Okay, if something happens, just drink this and go to the school hospital, do you understand?"

Slughorn was worried, and after repeated warnings, he handed the magic replenishing potion to Elaine.

Elaine looked at the potion in her hand. Because of the difficulty in cultivating the material and the wide range of uses, the price of this thing has always been high. She got it out of nowhere, but she made a profit.

Just what Dumbledore meant, is he going to make this trip again next year and lose a million popularity points?

Damn it, I'm going to take a flying car next year and skip the school opening party.

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