Hogwarts becomes host

25. The flower language of mugwort and narcissus

Calm returned to the classroom quickly, and no one in Gryffindor complained - anyway, Elaine and Hermione received nearly 80 points from each teacher this week, and deducting 50 points would reveal Mr. Malfoy's guilt. pants, well worth it.

Moreover, Snape's aura was a bit scary. He walked to the podium and coldly picked up the roll call book.

"Now start the roll call."

The deterrence is transmitted through the screen

Light the wax for Harry and Neville

Spot wax 1

It can be seen from a simple roll call that Snape's attitude towards Gryffindor and Slytherin is different. He ignored most of the Gryffindor students and only nodded to the Slytherin students.

Then just as it was written in the book, he stopped when he called Harry's name.

"Oh, yes." Snape rarely spoke in an uplifting tone, seeming to find it very interesting, "Harry Potter, this is our new and famous character."

There were snickers in the classroom. Harry was a little embarrassed, but he met Snape's gaze without flinching. Elaine had already warned him that he would receive special treatment from Snape, and he was mentally prepared.

Snape and Harry looked at each other for almost a minute before continuing their roll call.

"Elaine Shafiq." Snape stopped again when Elaine was called, "Tonight at eight o'clock in the dungeon, your labor service, picking the internal organs of multi-layered beetles should make you realize your own mistake."

Lavender and Parvati gasped.

"Okay, Professor." Elaine nodded obediently without saying a word.

Although I had the urge to ask if I could add a few more days of labor service in exchange for taking off Malfoy's robe, I had to resist.

Wearing a skirt for a week and being treated differently by professors caused her to think abnormally now and she had to calm down.

As for the bug guts, sorry, she's not a real girl, this kind of work won't disgust her.

Now the focus is on the matter just now. There are only new students in the dungeon. Even Hermione can't cast the excision spell. How could she do it? It's impossible to control the magic riot so well. Even if Malfoy is not divided in half like the robe, at least It will also hurt. The cut is so clean and neat, and only cuts the outer garment without damaging the underwear. It is definitely a human control.

This leaves only one unpleasant conclusion - the system in her body has intelligence, independent consciousness, and control over her body.

She should have thought of it earlier.

Elaine's face darkened. Without wisdom and awareness, how could she possibly have accurately picked out the dialogue related to her among the chaotic sounds and then subtitled it?

But in this case, do we still need to give out the popularity value of 10 million people?

No one can guarantee that the system after resurrection can be controlled by her. Although she did achieve what she wanted in terms of results just now, what happens next?

If one day she gets angry with Harry, will the system directly cast a torture spell on Harry?

"I can teach you how to increase your reputation, brew glory, and even prevent death, but you must not be the stupid fools I often encounter."

While Elaine was thinking, Snape had finished his opening remarks and was about to take action on Harry.

“Potter what would I get if I added narcissus root powder to a mugwort infusion?”

"I don't know, Professor." Harry was stunned, then said hesitantly. "That's not what Chapter 1 is about."

He knew that Snape and his father were rivals at school and that he would be made things difficult for him, so he turned over the first chapter of the textbook several times and even memorized it. However, none of the ingredients in the magic potions and potions required Narcissus. Flowers and mugwort are the main ingredients listed in the catalog.

Elaine hugged her head and sighed deeply. Hermione hesitated but did not raise her hand because Elaine had said it in advance.

"Ha, this is not the content of the first chapter. Are you sure it is not written in the textbook?" Snape curled his lips contemptuously, "Let's try again. Potter, if I ask you to find me a piece of bezoar, you will Where to find it?”

"In the stomach, sir."

"What's in the stomach"

"I don't know, sir." Harry lowered his head. He remembered hearing someone talking about bezoar in the common room, but he had forgotten the details. He was busy playing chess with Ron at that time.

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that fame doesn't mean everything. If you don't memorize the things in the textbook well, then why are you wasting your time flipping through it? Last chance, Potter, tell me what the difference between Aconitum scaphoides and Aconitum wolfsbane is. the difference"

Hermione couldn't help it anymore and raised her hand to answer the question, even if Elaine pulled her robe to hint.

"I don't know, sir," Harry whispered, "but I think Hermione knows the answer. Why don't you ask her?"

Anchor, you didn’t interfere enough. You followed the original script and left again.

I just told you to stop raising your hands, Hermione, ah, ah, ah

These kids are really naughty, they won’t give up until they break through the wall.

The barrage complained, and Elaine felt a lump in her throat. What could she do? She was also desperate.

She didn't tell you directly because you said you wanted to be more secretive, and now she's complaining about not interfering enough. What's going on? It's all her fault anyway.

Someone was snickering, and Snape was certainly not happy. He glared at Hermione.

"Hands down, Miss Shafiq, you answer."

The anchor was shot while lying down, pitiful

Why is the anchor answering xdd

"Call me" Elaine almost complained, what did you call her to do?

She stood up angrily and answered, "Aconitum scapularis and Aconitum wolfsbane are the same plant, also collectively known as Aconitum; bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of cows, which has a strong detoxifying effect."

"As for narcissus root powder and mugwort, they are the ingredients for a dose of water of life and death, but this should be n.e.t." Elaine sneered, if you want to trouble me, then I will give you a good look. "Interestingly, in the language of flowers, wormwood means absence, bitter sadness, and narcissus -"

"Shut up. We are wizards and have no interest in Muggle knowledge." Snape interrupted Elaine loudly, raising his voice for the first time. "Miss Shafiq, if you like it so much, you should continue your studies at a Muggle school instead of coming to Hogwarts."

Elaine looked up and wanted to reply, but nothing came out.

She fell into a very strange situation, and fragments of memories kept passing before her eyes.

Playing the piano in the common room, brewing potions with Hermione, being trapped in the vault when going to Gringotts to collect money, attending a pure-blood banquet, lying in bed unable to move, playing with the newly bought Xiaomi phone, etc. What happened?

It's Legilimency

Elaine reacted, and when she subconsciously raised her head, she met Snape's gaze, but this guy was sick and actually used Legilimency directly on the student.

Could it be because she stepped on the red line? It doesn't matter. Now she has fallen into Legilimency, and there is no point in regretting it. Time seems to have stopped, the barrage is not noticeable, and no one in the classroom dares to say anything.

The text that appeared on the phone was Du Chen’s inferential article about Snape on Weibo.

No, we have to stop Snape from reading any more.

But what to do

The huge music suddenly sounded, and the level of fright was like pressing the play button with headphones but forgetting that the music was turned to the loudest last time. Fortunately, the melody was quite soft, and there was a table behind, so Elaine didn't. Fall down.

It was a man's singing voice. He only sang a few words and then faded into the outro.

Only half a minute of music was enough to bring Elaine back to her senses and break out of the Legilimency state. Snape snorted coldly.

Damn it, I was so scared that I threw away my phone.

Why did the anchor suddenly use magic? Did Snape do something to you?

Looking at the two of you staring at each other, you can't be affected by Legilimency, right?

That’s why I didn’t use magic, no, forget it, now is not the time to defend, Elaine stood up again while holding on to the table behind her.

"i kno it doesn't an you dont ss

so prose so promise me

you are there you are ith your song ithout even without me"

Snape recited the lyrics just now and looked at Elaine with a critical look, his eyes no longer filled with resentment.

"You have a very caring father, Miss Shafiq. For Mr. Adair's sake—"

"This song has nothing to do with him." Elaine muttered.

The song does describe the affection of deceased relatives, but what Snape said is wrong. This is one of the last new songs that Dee updated. The lyrics describe the brother's reluctance to leave his sister. It has nothing to do with father's love. Adair Shafik left Elaine with nothing more than a lot of trouble and homework on the history of magic.

The problem is that the timing of the play was so good that it was completely misunderstood.

"You have already completed the scabies potion under the guidance of Professor Slughorn. Therefore, this lesson is of no use to you." Snape wrote a few lines on the paper and threw it away, and the parchment automatically shrunk. The roll fell in front of Elaine. "Pack your things and take this to Professor McGonagall. Gryffindor students should still be dealt with by her."

"Uh, professor, what do you mean?"

"Go away, immediately."

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