Hogwarts becomes host

34. Piano dominance

Shooting herself in the foot, Elaine felt a little regretful. She really shouldn't have listened to the live broadcast room and committed suicide.

The problem is that these scumbags know that she lacks popularity, so they always deliberately use rewards to tempt her.

Well, actually having a restless heart is also one of the reasons, but the thought of a male creature being interested in her makes her hair stand on end, frightened, and shuddering.

I am a man and I like women

Even if you become a woman, you should still be single for the rest of your life.

"No, I don't think it's a good idea right now." Elaine looked at Daphne helplessly, "Don't stare at me like you're looking at magical animals. Isn't this very common in Hogwarts, especially Ravenc Law and Slytherin"

"There are indeed rumors, but this is the first time I have seen a real example." Even if Elaine said this, Daphne remained the same, "This is the reason why you are obsessed with Granger. What will happen if I tell her?"

"Absolutely not. Just say whatever you want. She will know sooner or later anyway."

Slapping Daphne's hand away, Elaine answered lightly.

She had no intention of hiding her sexual orientation, so it would be better to announce it as soon as possible.

It's just that this kind of thing is too high-profile and can easily cause controversy, so it would be more appropriate for Daphne to get mixed up in the rumors and slowly reveal it.

As for boiling a frog in warm water, the actual disclosure will have to wait until the fourth grade Christmas party.

As for Hermione, there is no need to worry. With the friendship between the two of them, nothing will happen if they talk about it; and will she really believe such unfounded rumors? Then it will be enough to deal with it with a vague battle.

"Anyway, that's it for today. I understand everything I want to know. Goodbye."

"Wait a minute, I haven't got the answer yet. Where is the other shouting letter you want to send me?"

"There is no such thing."

"Yes, give it to me quickly."

"Do you really know the consequences of this?" Elaine frowned. Daphne's behavior was too wrong. If it was just a joke, she could accept it, but seriously, "How much do you hate your dad?"

"If you had a father who wanted to marry you to Malfoy, you would hate him too."

The information in this sentence was so shocking that Elaine's eyes widened, while Daphne sighed heavily and squeezed into the armchair where Elaine was sitting. As a result, the armchair shook for a while and then extended outwards, turning into a sofa.

"What do you think is good about Malfoy? Even if I tell my father what I saw, he still insists that there is no harm in dating Malfoy. He is as slow, stupid and stupid as a troll."

It's okay, the one I married is your sister

We all know why the anchor wanted to beat Malfoy, but why did Daphne do the same?

Malfoy is just a naughty kid now, everyone hates him, right?

"I don't understand whether they are rich or cunning. Maybe they are ranked according to how favored they are by the Dark Lord." Elaine asked after glancing at the live broadcast room. "Has he done anything to you?"

"I'm not like you. As long as you follow him, Malfoy is a model of a gentleman." Daphne tapped her chest, where the calming stone was. "But I feel very uncomfortable inside. Why can someone hurt others for no reason just because of their noble blood?"

"Education issues, a crooked stick ill have a crooked shade. A crooked stick will have a crooked shadow, English proverb." Elaine quietly moved her body, and the sofa slowly extended outwards, "And Malfoy and Black and Lestland The Qi family are related, and you know what they are like."

"I don't know. I only heard that Lestrange and Black are the two families that support the Dark Lord the most."

"Then you go check this crazy woman Bellatrix and you will find out. He is Malfoy's aunt." Seeing that the distance was almost close, Elaine stood up, "It's almost time, I'll go ahead——"

"Wait a minute, do you think changing the subject will help?" Daphne grabbed Elaine's wrist, "Where's the shouting letter?"



In the end, she wrote a snarling letter as a favor to her rebellious friend. However, the wording of the letter was very neutral and tended to argue about blood, which made Daphne very dissatisfied that what she wanted was a request for a confidant or a letter of appointment. class stuff.

Elaine said don’t even think about it.

As for how the head of the Greengrass family would feel after receiving the letter, neither of them cared. Unless there was a good reason to forcefully take the student home, Dumbledore would definitely intervene. Besides, Daphne still had her mother's support.

Time has passed slowly, and half a month has passed in college life. Most of the courses have lost their freshness, even if the audience is still familiar with the moving stairs in Hogwarts Castle, the portraits walking around, and the disguises. Doors that look like walls, or walls disguised as doors, are very interesting, but the number of people watching is still getting smaller and smaller.

Naturally, the income from popularity points is also very strict. Fortunately, flying lessons are coming soon.

Every new student has the same expectations as the audience. Although it is disappointing to have to go to class with Slytherin, flying is probably one of the rare entertainments for these little wizards when they were young. They began to brag about their childhood riding broomsticks. , said again and again that the flaws were so big that water friends were too lazy to complain.

However, not everyone has flying experience, at least Hermione does not, and this is not something that can be learned by reading a book. This makes her anxious. This anxiety seems to be contagious, leading to Elaine's recent My mood also became very irritable.

So, one morning, Malfoy was bragging about how well he could fly on a broomstick, and loudly sympathized with the little wizards who lived with Muggles. It was so pitiful that they had no flying broomsticks to play with in their childhood, and maybe even broomsticks. When he couldn't scream, Elaine threw the breakfast apple pie directly into his face.

Since there was no professor with enough weight to stop it at the time, this triggered a food fight between Slytherin and Gryffindor. In the end, both houses were deducted 100 points. Elaine, who took the lead, was scolded by Professor McGonagall and scolded by Hermione. In addition to nagging and writing a two-foot-long confession report, you also have to receive labor services: cleaning the corridors on the first floor of the castle without magic.

Finally, after the Weasley twins dismissed Filch, Elaine called out Nott, and the house was cleaned instantly, which was simple and labor-saving, and no magic was used.

Although she was not actually punished, Elaine seemed to be more irritated.

In the common room, the sharp sound of the piano was echoing, which was different from usual.

Everyone is so quiet and there are so few barrages.

Stop playing the piano with your head down. The anchor will reply, otherwise he will get away from you.

Did the anchor take the wrong medicine?

Having experience playing in restaurants, Elaine knows how to control the atmosphere of a venue.

When she usually practices in the lounge, she mainly plays gentle, brisk or leisurely melodies. Even if she wants to play gorgeous or difficult complex music on a whim, she will not choose it when there are many people, or only once.

Most difficult pieces are accompanied by intense or powerful rhythms, which can easily cause the audience to feel awe or fear, and even dare not speak out for fear of disturbing the performers. This is the dominance of music, but over time it will make the audience feel awe-inspiring. The Llanffindor student was very uncomfortable and did not want to stay in the common room.

But playing this kind of music is very tiring. Even if you are practicing, there are usually hundreds of thousands or even millions of people watching during the live broadcast. It is embarrassing to play it wrong. Why do you want to torture yourself when there are simple and soothing songs?

Moreover, this is not a practice room for Elaine alone, but a public rest area, so other students must be taken into consideration.

Elaine naturally knows the ropes. In the past, she would always control the situation, but tonight she didn't know what was going on. It was as if she wanted to vent her grievances on the piano after wearing a skirt for half a month.

When I chose ani at the beginning, the students could still laugh at each other and ask each other to listen quietly, but the entrance after that was a bit strange. Elaine's wrist flipped up and down, and the strong force contained in each piano sound was enough to make the noisy Gran Findor shut up, even the Weasley twins, who loved to prank the most.

The next araga made everyone swallow their saliva. Even the dullest person could feel how bad Elaine was. The music of this song is not very good and cannot satisfy everyone, but the creator’s intention is also Not in terms of melody, even if you don't understand music, you will be shocked by the extraordinary skill of combining high-speed arpeggios with octave reverberation.

By the time Elaine started playing the piano etude "Den Fire" from Oster Project, not to mention the shivering Gryffindor students, the normally dense subtitles had been reduced by half. Fortunately, the middle of the song was very soothing, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and there began to be muffled conversations in the lounge.

The next song was the third movement of the Moonlight Sonata.

No one dared to speak anymore.

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