Hogwarts becomes host

4. A gift for Miss Granger

"Elaine, why are you here? Sorry, I have something to do today and I can't do it──"

"I know, that's why I came." Elaine looked at Hermione who answered the door with a smile, took out the Hogwarts admission letter from her pocket, and received a surprised expression. "Let's talk after we get inside, okay?"

Surprised and then ecstatic, Hermione didn't even ask who Lupin was behind Elaine, and ran away in a hurry as soon as she opened the door. "Mom, I'm telling you, that letter must be true. Even Elaine received it. There must be magic in this world."

After three years of waiting, finally

Hermione is so cute

Emma Support Club rewarded 10 rockets

Yes, finally.

In the past three years, the popularity has been rising and falling like a roller coaster. Even Lu Ping's talk about ancient times can't save the sluggish number of viewers. Although the time-traveling thing has been publicized and caused an uproar, other people are more willing to watch the comments of enthusiasts than to stay in the live broadcast room. Edit content to skip the mundane routine.

This makes Elaine very miserable. Only people in the live broadcast room have that damn popularity.

Especially when the popularity reached 10, a message appeared: 1000 million popularity accumulated, system repaired.

After seeing this, Elaine immediately used the financial resources of the Shafitt family to negotiate with Dumbledore, and found a way to find out the British elementary school where Hermione attended and successfully enrolled in it. She simply became friends with Miss Granger.

Hermione's appearance attracted a large number of perverts, no, die-hard fans, which stabilized the viewing figures.

And in order to reward Elaine, she would do anything, such as inviting Hermione to go swimming, spending the night at home, or using magic to secretly lift up her skirt, etc.

Ahem, it's better to sell your friends than to sell your cuteness.

Thanks to the sacrifice and dedication of my close friends, the current popularity value has exceeded one million, of which the reward may only be 20, but as long as water friends continue to watch in the live broadcast room, a small amount of popularity value will be recorded, and it will be very easy to accumulate sand into a tower. It’s impressive, otherwise Elaine would have really planned to go to sea.

The system plug-in is right in front of you. How can you not work hard? Especially when I heard Lupine talking about the Shafiq family's annihilation because her cheap father sent Voldemort to persuade the Shafit family's Death Eaters to dismember the body and kill them. After hanging on the gate of the manor, Elaine began to sell Hermione desperately.

No matter how hard it is, who knows if Voldemort will hang her on the door of Hogwarts after his resurrection.

"Can Elaine also use magic to show me?"

"Okay, I'll try."

Just thinking about the popularity point, Elaine noticed that Lupine had just taken out his wand and turned the tea cup into a rabbit, which shocked the doubtful Grangers. Hermione was even more excited and asked to show her hand.

Anchor e: Give me some advice on how to play this illusion.

Want to see Erha

Let's put Lupine into a dress.

It's up to you Pikachu

With her hands wide open, Elaine danced her fingers as if she were playing a piano. The Granger family's faces were full of wonder, but after a few seconds it turned into surprise - her fingers were obviously pressed into the air, but there was a sound. The sound of piano.

Not only that, as the melody sounded, a long white dress slowly appeared in the air in front of Lu Ping. Lu Ping did not change his expression and sat on the other end of the sofa, and the long dress floated over.

Hermione reached out curiously to touch it, but her hand went through the skirt, and the illusion disappeared-the playing was interrupted.

Without a magic wand and a piano, it is too difficult for Elaine to control magic power now, and it is easy to make mistakes when playing the piano out of thin air. Just demonstrate and get the idea across.

"That's a phantom." Lupine explained gently. "It's different from the transformation spell I just performed. Creating illusions through music is a unique family magic of the Shafiq family."

"You said it's a family tradition, so Elaine's family members are all wizards," Mrs. Granger said in surprise.

"No, there are people who don't know magic." Elaine replied instantly. "Everyone who knew magic was killed."

The air condensed instantly, and one could see the Grangers' thoughts from their widened eyes.

"Elaine, that makes sense."

"Don't interrupt me, Remus, I asked Dumbledore specifically for this purpose." Elaine continued without giving Lupine a chance to refute. "They have the right to make informed decisions before they make a choice, especially when it comes to Death Eaters and pure-blood superiority."

'They need to know this is not related'

"I feel the need."

"Sorry, you said pure-blood supremacy." Mr. Granger frowned, "This word makes me very uncomfortable. There is also discrimination among wizards."

"Yes, in the magical world, some people often distinguish levels based on whether family members have magical talents. They believe that wizards are better than Muggles - ordinary people who can't cast spells. Their descendants should not be mixed with Muggle blood."

Lupine sighed and explained.

"They are very disgusted with wizards born from Muggle families. They believe that liking to deal with non-magical people is a sign of weakness and pitifulness in magic. They also believe that Muggles and Muggle-born people will taint those who interact with them."

"In other words, pure-blood supremacists hate us... Muggles."

"Yes, but those people are only a minority. The attitude of wizards towards ordinary people is basically not bad. Occasionally, um, they may use magic to play pranks on you - for example, making keys that will shrink continuously and move. doll."

"Actually, if a family has a wizard, it means that one of their ancestors must be capable of magic." Elaine added nonchalantly. "It's just that heredity is not obvious, but those idiots don't care. They just want to find reasons to vent their decline on others."

"But there are still people like this, right? You can guarantee that my daughter will not be harmed in any way."

"...Unfortunately, I can't guarantee that."

"So if Hermione goes to class at Hogwarts, she will encounter discrimination and exclusion." Mrs. Granger said worriedly, "This will affect her."

"No," Lu Ping replied, "There are teachers in the school. The real impact should be on the future after graduation. However, most jobs still depend on ability. As long as you get the O..L. and N.E.T. certificates Enough──.”

"Mom, it's no problem." Hermione raised her chin proudly, "I have always been number one now, and I will always be number one in the future."

"Well, Hermione will definitely get the first place." Elaine nodded in agreement, "That's why it's dangerous. Competition in Muggle schools is just about fighting and excluding each other. Wizards can use magic, even if they don't use spells. It’s those magical animals and magical plants that can also kill people─”

"Elaine, you are exaggerating." Lu Ping stopped Elaine from talking and tried to save her, but a loud breaking sound interrupted his speech.

Look behind, look behind

Professor McGonagall xdddd

Why don't you go through the main door?

"That's right, it's too exaggerated."

In the kitchen at the back, a tiger cat got in through the window and swept the dishes to the floor.

Before the Grangers could react, the cat jumped to the ground and turned into a witch in the blink of an eye. The broken dishes restored themselves behind her and jumped back onto the table.

"Hogwarts attaches great importance to the safety of students." Professor McGonagall glared at Elaine. "We will indeed come into contact with dangerous creatures during the course, but we have qualified professors to guide us. It is much safer than Muggle chemistry classes. At least at the moment of the explosion, the magic of the castle will automatically protect the students."

She seemed to have arrived a long time ago, at least she heard the part where Elaine said magic was dangerous. It was obvious that she didn't agree.

"Haha." Elaine really wanted to scold her for this. Look at what the barrage is saying now.

Professor Quirrell said: I attach great importance to student safety

Outstanding Professor: Lockhart

Qualified Teacher: Hagrid

Professor Trelawney said my prediction was accurate.

"Miss Shafiq, I don't quite understand why you are exaggerating to Miss Granger." Professor McGonagall said coldly, "Yes, learning magic is dangerous, but there are also various car accidents and accidents in the Muggle world. In comparison, magic is much safer, at least it has the power to resist danger when it occurs."

"It's because of concern for friends." Elaine spread her hands. She could tell that Voldemort would be resurrected four years later, and Hermione would be one of the main forces in the fight and would be hunted down.

Just kidding, she has said these words within the past three years.

Then, being treated as a joke by Lupine, Dumbledore had an even more ambiguous attitude and replied that of course Voldemort would come back, but this kind of thing was for him as an old man to worry about, and the children could just concentrate on their studies.

Bah, I entered school at the same time as Harry Potter, how could I possibly concentrate on studying?

"Your way of caring is very unique." Professor McGonagall said, "Miss Granger, you can follow your friends' advice and refuse to enroll. You will miss the opportunity to learn magic, but you will also miss the opportunity to witness the new world."

Hermione glanced at Elaine in confusion, who shrugged and said.

"The road to pursuing the truth is always full of thorns. You can choose to face it or take another path. I just tell you that this road is very difficult."

"But you're going to Hogwarts, right?"

"I don't have a choice, okay? My family has been wizards for generations, how could I not learn." Elaine smiled bitterly, "I'm not advising you not to enter the magic world, but I hope you will be prepared. This world is very dangerous."

"I think that's what Miss Granger has to worry about." Professor McGonagall said very dissatisfied, "Miss Shafiq, you are taking too much care."


Hermione hesitated for a while, and after discussing it with her parents, finally came to a conclusion.

"I want to learn magic. I know it's difficult, but I believe I can do it."

"Okay, then I will take you into the magical world to purchase items for admission. Please bring Muggle currency. The Wizarding Bank has exchange services."

Professor McGonagall spoke to Hermione softly and smiled at her, then turned around and immediately showed a cold face to Elaine. "Miss Shafiq, are you okay?"

Translation: Nothing happens, get out of here

Even before school started, Mag was worried about her.

Professor McGonagall’s change in tone xddd

Professor, I also want to learn magic

"Ah, I happen to be going to buy school supplies. If you don't mind, let's come together." Elaine took out a small gold key, "You don't need to bring money, here is a key to Miss Hermione Granger's Gringotts vault. It is said that there are fifty thousand galleons in it, which is guaranteed to be enough."

Professor McGonagall took a breath and said, "Fifty thousand, you are crazy. With such a big number, Gringotts transfer will take at least a week to verify. When did you do this?"

"Last year. I watched her do it." Lupine said, "The gold is less than one percent of the Shafiq family's wealth."

"Of course it's not a free gift." Elaine stopped Mr. Granger who was about to refuse. "In fact, Wizard Bank's exchange program not only has a limit, but also a handling fee. If you exchange it privately, there won't be this problem--so, fifty thousand galleons for fifty thousand pounds."

"1 to 1 Now the ratio of galleons to pounds is 1 to 5"

"We don't have that many pounds, let alone so much money." Mrs. Granger sighed, "Elaine, I am very grateful for your kindness, but this is too expensive."

"No, no, it's not over yet. I only need 10,000 pounds in cash, and the rest is entrustment fees." Elaine said, "I hope you two can help me buy a house in the United States or Australia. Shafiq's family The person is too conspicuous, and I have no one else to trust, so I can only rely on you two."

“Why buy property overseas?”

The Grangers looked confused, but Professor McGonagall suddenly understood.

"You plan to transfer your property abroad through the Muggle route. That's it. This is indeed a good idea."

"Why transfer property?"

"The Shafiq family was severely attacked eleven years ago. All the wizards in the family died. Only Elaine was left with magical blood. For the ancient wizard family, those who do not know magic have no right to speak." Lupine said to The Grangers, who still didn't understand the reason, explained. "Therefore, some wizard families started to think about it."

There is a way out, just waiting for Lao Fu to come online

Damn it, I want to time travel too

This is such a beautiful misunderstanding

Is the anchor really not considering marrying Draco? xddd

Looking at the moved Hermione and Professor McGonagall whose attitude had obviously changed, Elaine smiled bitterly.

She just felt that Hermione's dedication to popularity was worth these galleons.

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