Hogwarts becomes host

7. Incomplete music

Everyone in Ollivander's store, except Elaine, looked at Elaine with curious and appreciative eyes.

"It's not like I'm a monkey in the zoo. If you keep looking at me, I won't grow a tail." Elaine complained with dissatisfaction as her whole body became hairy after being stared at.

You have to get used to it, anchors will make more predictions in the future

My big anchor will show off the audience starting from today

"I'm just curious, yes, I think everyone is very curious." Ollivander said, "Miss Shafik, can you tell me what material your wand is made of? This magical talent can save me a lot." time, although it also takes away some of the fun.”

"I don't know. I'm not a wand seller, so how could I possibly know."

"But you just told me about my wand."

"Ah, I just spoke."


Although everyone is very curious, Ollivander will not force his guests; the Grangers have seen enough strange things today, not least this one; although Lupine and Professor McGonagall are very entangled, they are not easy to press. Elaine──Hermione is just troublesome.

This little girl has a bad habit of getting to the bottom of things, and she seems to think that as long as they look into each other's eyes, the other person will give in when they see her persistence, so she stares at Elaine's face, no matter how Elaine turns around and tilts her head. , she always follows up immediately.

To be honest, it's scary and overwhelming.

If it were a man staring at her like this, Elaine would definitely poke his eyes directly, vigorously and quickly, and then poke him twice if he didn't blind. But the millions of viewers in Hermione's live broadcast room are her solid backing, let alone attacking, as long as Elaine If Ren tried to keep her distance, the barrage would explode in protest.

"Hey, Mr. Ollivander, can you help me choose a wand?" Elaine reminded the wand shop owner, ignoring her gaze. "I have to buy other things later. It's troublesome."

"Okay, Miss Shafiq, who's your wand hand?"

"I can use both hands, but I'm still right-handed."

"Oh, use the hand you use most, so that you can have the best magic transmission effect." Ollivander said. "Let's try the nerves of pine and dragon, eight inches long."

Elaine waved her wand and nothing happened.

"Blackthorn and unicorn hair, ten and a quarter inches long."

"No, that one is made of holly wood and unicorn hair, nine inches long."

"Well, alder and phoenix tail feathers, nine and one-half inches, pretty strong."

When she tried the fourth wand, she finally had a special feeling - like touching static electricity, Elaine could feel the wand vibrating in her hand, and a mysterious flow created a connection between the wand and her body. Once you hold it in your hand, your control over magic goes up several levels.

There was no special situation visible to the naked eye, but everyone heard the sound of music. The vigorous sound of the piano and the rhythmic drums echoed each other, creating an ethereal and beautiful melody.

Elaine tapped the wand, and white flower buds appeared in the air, bloomed, rotated, and withered.

The reality is stronger than the previous illusion, and the movements are more flexible.

No one spoke. After a while, Professor McGonagall asked.

“What’s the name of this nice piece of music?”

"floer dance." Elaine sighed, "I actually forgot."

"Forgot something"

Elaine didn't answer.

Three years have passed, and the memory of the other world has become much more blurry. Now Elaine remembers her real name, Du Chen, the piano scores and many pieces of music, but some things can no longer be remembered. Just like this piece of music, Elaine remembers the melody but not the melody. I forgot the title of the song, and there is a dialogue at the beginning, a dialogue that has a metaphorical meaning.

But now only the music is playing──it cannot be reproduced because I have forgotten it.

The barrage could tell her the title of the song, but it couldn't reproduce the previous dialogue. She couldn't remember the sound of the dialogue, so just knowing the content was useless.

Floer dance in this world will always be incomplete, just because when Duchenne downloaded it in the past, he used a cutting tool to eliminate the vocals from the track.

"Alder is best suited for casting silent spells, which has earned it a reputation as being only suitable for wizards of the highest level. It is said that wizards with wands made of alder and phoenix feathers will do great things in the world." Ollie Fander said slowly. "Congratulations on being recognized with such a magic wand, Miss Shafiq."


In the afternoon, a large number of people began to appear in Diagon Alley, especially many parents with their children, who could easily be seen as Hogwarts students.

After leaving the wand shop, they started to select school supplies from the nearest store. So the group first bought standard medicinal materials, as well as scales, crucibles, and telescopes. Considering Miss Granger's strength, parchment paper and quills were consumed. Elaine directly bought five times the amount of supplies, which made the store clerk and Professor McGonagall stare.

All the purchased items were sent away by Nott using Apparition. The two families had agreed in the morning that Mr. Granger would drive Elaine and Hermione to King's Cross Station on September 1st. Before that, the luggage would be left. At Shafik's house──because Hermione had already planned to move to Elaine's house next, she was preparing for rehearsals under Lupine's guidance.

Elaine said she had never seen those barrages of envy, jealousy, hatred, three years of marriage, and cohabitation crimes.

When passing the pet shop, Lu Ping recommended: "Aren't you going to buy a pet? Owls can deliver letters and goods, which are very useful. Cats and cattails are also very cute, suitable for girls──"

Suitable for girls

In this case, the anchor will definitely buy it

Listen to the anchor, it suits you

"Absolutely." Elaine replied resolutely. If you go to Nima's girl, I am a boy.

"Well, I'll wait until next year. I want to focus on my studies in the first grade." Hermione hesitated, but in the end, the cute Puff Velvet didn't stop her ambition to become a top student.

At this time, a girl happened to come out with her mother holding a velvet. Elaine clicked her tongue and immediately ducked behind Hermione, but it was too late. The girl had already walked over with her eyes shining. .

"What a coincidence, Elaine, you are here to buy school supplies too. Why don't you reply to me? We can make an appointment to come together."

"Don't call me by my name, we're not that familiar."

"This is really sad. You have new friends and you have forgotten the friendship between Shafiq and the Greengrass family." The girl looked at Hermione, "Hello, my name is Daphne Greengrass, and you are Elaine. What’s the name of your friend?”

"Hermione Granger."

"Hello, Hermione." Daphne looked at the adults. Her mother greeted Professor McGonagall, who was also introducing Mr. and Mrs. Granger. "I see, you are of Muggle descent. I heard that Elaine went to a Muggle school and you met her there."

"Yes, I──"

"This has nothing to do with you." As soon as Hermione spoke, Elaine interrupted and pulled her behind her. "I still remember your father's snarling letter, which disgraced purebloods, right? Since he's so disgusted, he definitely doesn't want his daughter to know about Muggle schools."

"He is him, and I am me." Daphne replied with a smile, "He is too old-fashioned. Some Muggle things are not bad. I am still keeping the gift you gave me."

"I never gave you a gift." Elaine said angrily, "It was thrown crookedly and was intended to hit Malfoy's face."

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