Hogwarts: Bourne Returns from Warhammer

Chapter 272 The most dangerous place in Hogwarts

Perhaps the prayer to the great emperor played a key role. At this point, Bourne has finally confirmed the basic formula of the "growth potion".

Finally, he wrote the key potion ingredients on the last line of the parchment, and then dropped a drop of the fire dragon's blood into the crucible.

This is an important step to qualify for the "Potion Championship" more than a hundred years ago. It was not enough for the contestants to crack the formula of the "growth potion". The organizing committee at that time also required the contestants to make some personalized optimizations to the formula.

How should I put it, this requirement may have been a bit difficult for the contestants at the time, but it is not a trouble for Bourne today.

Because at that time, Dumbledore was not yet born, so he naturally would not have discovered and summarized the "Twelve Usages of Fire Dragon's Blood" in collaboration with Nick Flamel.

Among the "twelve uses" is one: in potions, fire dragon blood can enhance the effect of potions and make them more effective.

As for powerful and dangerous magical animals like fire dragons, the magic contained in their blood is relatively violent. Therefore, to use the blood of fire dragons to enhance the effect of potions, you generally have to remove the crucible from the flame first. After letting it cool for a while, follow the principle of "a small amount and often", add fire dragon blood to it little by little, and finally determine the appropriate formula.

Even Professor Snape or Bourne's Grandpa Horace, there are very few extremely talented potion masters like them, although they can usually use their "magical intuition" to accurately sense what they should put in when making potions. , no matter how much potion materials you invest, but you will also be extra careful when using the fire dragon's blood.

Therefore, Bourne first added a drop of fire dragon blood to the "Growth Potion" with a burette.

With the addition of the fire dragon's blood, the surface of the potion began to rotate in the opposite direction, and a strong smell of grass rose. Magical intuition told Bourne that he might have succeeded.

However, at this moment, an accident occurred and the crucible shook violently. Perhaps because the crucible was a bit small, the magic potion that was spinning faster and faster suddenly sputtered out, and by chance it happened to land on it. On the carrot seeds on the side.

Those carrot seeds were originally tools he was going to use to test the effects of the finished potion.


Bourne tried to do something, but it was too late. Under the influence of the growth potion, the carrot seeds began to grow at an astonishing speed.

Just when Bourne took out his wand and transformed into a melt gun, ready to deal with the out-of-control carrot, it suddenly knocked over the cauldron on the table.

All the "growth potion" inside was spilled out, without wasting a drop. It was all poured onto the carrot that had begun to grow rapidly.


In the Great Hall of Hogwarts, all the little wizards held their breath, preparing to listen to Principal Dumbledore's very attractive announcement of results.

"This year's Academy Cup is awarded to..."


It's thundering?

The little wizards looked up at the magic ceiling that reflected the outside sky, but at this time, except for a few stars, there was no sign of lightning or thunder in the sky.

And the "rumbling" sound continued, and even the ground shook. Some little wizards were so scared that they screamed. They thought there was an earthquake, and the professors had to tell them to calm down.


Dumbledore pointed the wand at his neck and used the amplifying spell to explain to everyone: "Hogwarts has been protected by extremely powerful magic. Even an earthquake cannot destroy this castle."

And the moment he finished saying this, the ceiling of the basement finally could not withstand the force, and a huge carrot burst out of the ground and rushed straight into the Hogwarts Great Hall.

It overturned several long tables and knocked dishes containing delicious food everywhere. The little wizards screamed and fled in all directions, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

Harry's first instinct was to protect his friends, and he quickly pushed Hermione and Ron aside to avoid being hit by falling debris. Ron already had his wand in his hand, but he wasn't sure whether he should use magic on a carrot.

Hermione exclaimed: "What's going on? How could the carrots attack us?"

Harry replied with a wry smile: "A carrot attacking us is no stranger than anything else at Hogwarts."

Fortunately, someone who could explain all this appeared in time. Bourne crawled out of the hole made by the carrot, covered in dirt. He looked at the chaotic auditorium, and awkwardly looked at the professors who were as stunned as the little wizards: "Well, it seems that my experiment was successful... …It’s a bit much.”

A ray of light flashed on Principal Dumbledore's half-moon glasses. He immediately used the "shrinking spell" to make the carrot smaller, but failed.


The old wizard looked at the elder wand in his hand, then at the giant carrot, and then waved his wand again.

The long tables belonging to the four colleges immediately floated and surrounded the carrot.

Then, this huge carrot, which could even feed the troll tribe in the Forbidden Forest for several weeks, disappeared from the auditorium.

Although the four long tables look ordinary, they are actually magical items made by Hufflepuff, one of the four founders. They serve to transport dishes between the Great Hall and the Hogwarts kitchen. The function is actually two-way.

Dumbledore had just used his authority as the principal, plus these four magic tables, to send the huge carrot to the huge storage room in the big kitchen that was under the Invisible Stretching Charm. There were enough Large space to store it.

Then, the principal looked at Bourne and said with a smile: "Bourne, your potion research seems to be going well, but next time please make sure that your experiment does not affect the entire school."

On the Gryffindor side, George, who was Bourne's friend, couldn't help but joked loudly: "Bourne, next time you do an experiment, can you tell us first? So we can be mentally prepared."

Fred joked on the side: "At least now we know that Bourne's Potions class score must be higher than Carrot's height."

Although Hermione was startled, she quickly regained her composure and began to help other students clean up the mess.

Amidst the chaos and laughter, Principal Dumbledore regained everyone's attention. He loudly announced again: "Now, let's get back to the topic, this year's Academy Cup -"

But before he could finish speaking, a carrot leaf suddenly popped out of his hat, and the whole auditorium burst into laughter again.

Principal Dumbledore couldn't help but smile. He shook his head and continued to announce the ownership of this year's College Cup. As a result, Gryffindor naturally defended the title. Although Slytherin's initial score was still more than a hundred points higher than Gryffindor, this was completely unable to withstand Principal Dumbledore's temporary bonus points.

As for the reason, Principal Dumbledore didn't say anything at all. He just looked at Bourne and then said that a true warrior had appeared in Gryffindor.

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