Hogwarts: more magic than magic

Chapter 3 A gift to the past (please collect!!)

Chapter 3 A gift to the past (please collect!!)
"Oh, dear Ms. Minerva, what is the result of yesterday's little wizard who made the 'Pen of Acceptance' and the 'Book of Access' give strong feedback?"

In the headmaster's office at Hogwarts, Dumbledore looked at the report submitted about the 'Book of Access' riot last night with his blue eyes, and asked the vice-headmaster Ms. McGonagall with great interest.

"Yes, Mr. Principal, I have sent someone to that address to check the situation after receiving the notice, and I believe there will be results soon." Professor McGonagall took the report from the principal and replied.

"I believe we will welcome a rather extraordinary student soon." Dumbledore's glasses flashed a light blue light.

When there is something to do, time always flies, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Keiz's injuries have healed completely and he is recovering perfectly.

Even the scars are not too obvious, and it is impossible to find that he has been seriously injured without looking carefully.

During the period of recuperation, apart from occasionally discussing magic with old Nigel, Chiz also tried his best to understand the world when he was bored.

He has tried many times to understand the world through the simulator, and he already has a general understanding of the world.

Based on the information obtained in many simulations during this period, as well as the insinuating questions of old Nigel in reality, Keez concluded that he came to a very interesting conclusion.

That is, the world he is in now does not seem to be the Harry Potter world he imagined in the 20s or so.

As far as he knew, the country he was in now was roughly equivalent to Britain in the era of the steam revolution.

The Kingdom of England is the name of the kingdom, and its capital is also London.

Coincidentally, this kingdom is also an island country, located on the edge of the Thick Earth Continent, near the side of the boundless sea. The most interesting thing is that this country is also based on the navy and has many powerful fleets.

At present, from the few words of others, he knows that this world is extremely vast.

The whole world is also dominated by super-large oceans. So far, there are 4 continents discovered, and there are countless islands.

With the continuous development of steam ship technology, more and more islands and continents have been discovered.

According to Chiz, the currently known land area should have far exceeded the level of the earth.

But many believe there are many more continents and islands that remain unknown.

From old Nigel's bragging, Keiz learned that if he took the fastest steam ironclad ship to the Maple Leaf Continent, which is the farthest from the Kingdom of England, it would take two full years including the various supply points and maintenance points that need to be passed on the way!
The kingdom he lived in was just a small part of the huge world, occupying an island that was not big or small, forming an independent island country.

Although the steam technology in this world has just emerged, many mature technologies have already appeared, including airships, steam ships, and steam trains.

The level of science and technology is not high, which may be equivalent to the level of the earth around the middle of the nineteenth century.

Of course, this is only what Qiz saw. After all, it has been confirmed that it is the magical world, and he is not surprised by any incredible things happening.

The "Mechanical Design" given to him by old Nigel was published about 60 years ago in the early days of the steam engine, and it has fallen behind by nearly an era.

The Kingdom of England is an island country, limited by its geographical location, its shipbuilding level is at the forefront of the world.

Formed the most powerful navy in the entire northern world, coercing the entire meteorite sea and most of the boundless sea near the thick earth continent.

These are the social aspects that Keez has learned during this time.

At the same time, he also tried to reject Professor McGonagall in the simulation and chose to stay in the circus.

Or, with the help of Professor McGonagall, leave the circus and make a living elsewhere.

But in the more than ten simulations that he has experienced, as long as he did not go to Hogwarts with Professor McGonagall, he would die within two or three years due to various reasons.

Either they died from too dangerous circus performances, or they died from various diseases and accidents after leaving the circus.

He even died at the mouth of a wolf once, basically not living to be 15 years old.

This surprised Chez.

But if you think about it carefully, you can understand that I come from a world where the country protects the people in every possible way.

It is reasonable to face such a difficult environment and not be able to survive without any protection.

Perhaps because of the short survival time in the simulation, he didn't get a good reward in the subsequent simulations, and he just raised his magic skill to Lv 4.

Haven't even gotten a new extra talent reward.

Looking back now, it's no wonder that the simulator reminded me that the talent was rare at the beginning, so that I could choose carefully.

"Hey, who is that? What are you doing hiding here?"

Just as Keiz finished his magic practice and sorted out the harvest during this period, a rough curse interrupted his thoughts.

I saw a fat big hand waving towards Qiz.

"I'll wipe." Chiz was taken aback.

"Huh? So it's you, a lucky brat."

The head of the circus like a meat mountain, Pete Burton, immediately remembered without waiting for him to reply.

"The reaction is quite fast? Your injury is healed?"

He reached out and grabbed Keiz roughly by the collar, pulling him to his side.

He lifted his clothes and began to examine his injuries.

Soon he found that Chizzy was completely healed and alive and kicking.

"Boy, you are lucky. I haven't seen you for so many days. I thought you had been eaten by vultures!"

Half sighing and half joking.

Then he caught sight of some gibberish that Keiz had set aside to study.

He glared at Chiz viciously and warned, "The circus doesn't keep idlers! Brat! Don't be lazy or play smart, and get back to the acrobatics team when you recover from your injuries."

"Okay, Captain, I'm almost fine."

Keiz ignored the rude behavior of the head of the circus and replied calmly.

"Oh! By the way, Captain, Old Nigel seems to want to talk to you about something."

This was previously discussed between Qiz and Nigel Nigel. If the leader suddenly thinks of Qiz one day.

And found that Keiz's injury had healed, so he asked Nigel to discuss with the head of the team and arrange a new job for himself.

Afterwards, after the head of the group got the reassurance of the old Nigel, Keiz got a new job as he wished-a magician's assistant wearing a clown mask.

"The magician's life on stage comes from the freshness of the audience, and to keep the audience fresh, it is necessary to create more exciting magic performances."

Chez slowly shared the results he had accumulated with Old Nigel, and of course he also kept a lot of hands.

After all, he is still too young, and the dark spots on his face make him not very attractive, and there are many restrictions.

Only after the old Nigel became famous by relying on the new magic, can he achieve his goal through his support.

His sharing won the exclamation of the old Nigel, calling him a once-in-a-million-year magic genius.

Then, the old Nigel began to rely on various novel and exciting magic tricks to become famous, and the clown magician Chiz also gained a lot of love from the audience with his help.

A mottled owl flies through a gray sky in July with a letter in its beak.

In the evening, beside the old gray-red tent, an 11-year-old boy was writing and drawing on a broken drawing board with a corner missing with a serious face.

Before the day's performance started, Keiz always used the not-so-abundant rest time to draw mechanical drawings at this time.

I saw the boy holding a cracked wooden ruler with his left hand and pressing it on the old yellowed kraft paper, and holding a homemade pencil in the other hand, quickly drawing some very complicated geometric figures on the paper.

After about three to ten minutes, the boy finished his last stroke, pulled out the rusty thumbtack that fixed the drawing, and picked up the drawing on the drawing board.

I saw him holding up the blueprint with great care, aiming at the gray-red sun that was about to set, and carefully admiring it.

Here are the mechanical drawings he designed for his farewell show.

After the second simulation, he came up with the idea of ​​doing something for the lost little Chizzy.

"I hope that I can draw a complete end to my circus career, and also draw an end to little Qizi's life." Qizi thought silently in his heart.

After repeatedly checking that there were no mistakes in the drawings, he carefully rolled up the drawings and put them into the straight tube beside him.

"The task for the next period of time is to manufacture the equipment in the drawing." Qiz secretly cheered for himself in his heart.

Just when he was about to walk into the tent to rest for a while and prepare for the next performance.

A silver-gray owl with a yellow envelope in its mouth landed on the stake he used to support the drawing board.

Chiz, who had just raised his hand to raise the tent, turned around when he heard the movement.

He was taken aback for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth involuntarily turned up slightly.

Although he has seen this scene more than a dozen times in the simulation, it is still difficult to hide the excitement in his heart at this moment.

Suppressing his excitement a little, he took the envelope from the owl's mouth and threw the live field mouse that he had prepared earlier to the owl.

The envelope was stamped red on a white background, and his name and address were written in emerald green ink on the back.

It was clearly written in green ink: Mr. Chizzy Bolton, on the pile of clutter in the clutter tent at Bolton Circus, outskirts of London.

On the obverse there is a dark red seal bearing a coat of arms with a capital H surrounded by a lion, a snake, an eagle, and a badger.

Keiz carefully cut the wax and letter paper with a pencil sharpener, peeling off the wax completely.

open the envelope
He took out a piece of pure white letter paper, which was of excellent material, which was much better than the old kraft paper he used for drawing.

It smells of letter paper with a special ink smell.

Qiz studied the admission notice carefully and seriously.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore.

(President of the International Magic Federation, President of the Wizarding Association, First Class Wizard of the Order of Merlin)
Dear Chizzy Burton:
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment.

Semester is scheduled to start on September [-].

We will wait for the owl to bring your reply before July 31st.

Vice Principal (Female)
Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
First-year freshmen need: 1.Three sets of plain work gowns (black)
2.A plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
3. A pair of protective gloves (made of dragon skin or similar materials)
4.One winter cloak (black with silver buckle)
Please note: All student clothing must have a name tag

All students are required to prepare the following books:

Standard Spells, Elementary, by Miranda Gorshak

A History of Magic, by Bathilda Bagshot

The Theory of Magic, by Adbel Waughlin

The Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration, by Emeryswich

A Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi, by Phyllidas Pohl

Magic Potions and Potions by Arseni Giger

"Monsters and Where They Come From" by Newt Scamman
Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Defense, by Quentin Trimbus
[other equipment]
A wand and a cauldron (made of pewter, standard size 2)
A set of glass or crystal vials

a telescope
a brass balance

Students may bring an owl or a cat or a toad

Parents are especially reminded that first-year freshmen are not allowed to bring their own broomsticks.

"Little guy, you came at the right time. I just designed a farewell gift to say goodbye to the past!" Qiz sighed softly in his heart.

Then, according to the method obtained from the experiment in the simulator, he turned out a barely passable piece of paper among the drawing drawings he had prepared, and wrote with a pen:
Dear Professor Dumbledore:
It is a great honor for me to have the opportunity to study magic at Hogwarts.

I have always longed for magic, and I have always believed that the difference in myself is brought about by magic.

But there is no one around me who has learned magic, so for a long time I lived in a dark corner.

Uncle Nigel often boasted that his magic is magic, but after I really learned magic, I realized that is not true, and magic is not the same as magic.

I've never worked with magic before, so I don't know how to prepare my list, nor how to get to Hogwarts.

And I still have some small troubles, because I am an orphan adopted by a circus since I was a child, and I have no legal guardian.And there is a high probability that our group will not allow me to leave the circus and go to Hogwarts to study without permission.

please school (strike out)

I mean, if possible, if any of the faculty members happen to live near Burton Circus in the outskirts of London, or happen to be running errands near the circus, can you help me with this trouble by the way?

Your Student: Chizzy Burton

yours truly
After finishing writing, I skimmed through it quickly, then folded the reply letter, went to old Nigel to borrow an old envelope, packed it, and handed it to the owl's mouth.

And took out the only coin from his pocket and put it in the small leather pouch tied to the owl's feet. After all, he didn't have the magic currency "Nat", which should be enough to exchange for five Nat.

Keiz watched the owl leave with full expectation, until the silvery gray was no longer visible in the sky.

After seeing off the owl, Keez returned to the junk tent and lay down on the cot he had piled up with junk, preparing to do one last simulation before leaving Bolton Circus.

"Cut the sky simulator, set a goal - to complete the final performance and go to Hogwarts to survive." Keiz ordered in his mind.

【Cut sky simulator at your service】

【Simulation starts】

 Thanks to Drowning Chubby for his comments on the Pen of Introduction and the Book of Access, edited.

(End of this chapter)

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