Hogwarts Mysterious Man Resurrected

Chapter 101: Afraid of Lockhart

Dumbledore looked at the boy on the bed quietly.

There was a hint of memory in his blue eyes.

He is now wearing a bright red robe, and even the wizard's hat is red.

After Madam Pomfrey knew it was him, she left the school doctor's office, leaving him alone.

In these long and short years, Dumbledore met and remembered too many people.

But there were only a few that left a deep impression on him and left a deep memory in his mind.

"Time is really a wonderful thing."

He looked at Lothar on the bed, his eyes blurred, with an unspeakable meaning.

"If another old friend sees you, that person will be very happy."

Dumbledore said softly. At this time, he did not look like an old man, but rather like a young and strong man before he was old.

He came here to add a layer of Illusion Curse to Lothar and check on his condition.

Lothar cannot be seen by others yet, at least not by the three Harrys.

after all

He still knew what happened that day.

And Lothar's current situation is very wrong.

His eyes were tightly squinted, and his hands would clenched from time to time.

It will also be accompanied by slight fluctuations in magic power.

In this regard, Dumbledore could only guess that it was the final moment of the confrontation between Tom Riddle and Lothar.

He is not very clear about the specific situation.

He never knew much about the soul.

Maybe, that person will know something.

But I guess it's similar to him.

After all, neither of them specializes in studying souls.

Dumbledore sighed.

And Tom Riddle, the best student in Hogwarts when he was still a professor.

He is exactly a wizard who is proficient in soul knowledge.

Although a dark wizard

However, he is also a dark wizard who understands this aspect.

Didn’t you see that he, who apparently died more than ten years ago, was resurrected again?

Dumbledore actually had a guess about the way Tom Riddle was resurrected.

It's just that he's not sure yet

After looking at Lothar again, Dumbledore was ready to leave.

Some things and some words can be said slowly after Lothar wakes up.

Now, he is not in a hurry.

Dumbledore walked to the door and looked somewhere as if he had some realization.

After he left, a man came out from the other side.

Looking at this figure, it was Lockhart.

Lockhart wiped the sweat from his head and came to Lothar's bedside, remembering Lothar's previous instructions to him.

After hesitating for a moment, he took out a black diary and placed it under Lothar's pillow.

"I have done what you asked me to do."

"I hope you wake up soon and take me out of Hogwarts as soon as possible."

Lockhart sighed and said, thinking of Dumbledore's half-smiling look today.

He felt that Dumbledore kept him here just to scare him every day.

Maybe it would have been easier for Dumbledore to kill him at that time.

Unlike now, day by day, people live in fear.

Of course, that's what Lockhart said.

How many more years does he want to live?

The main reason is that the Brotherhood has just been established, and he still needs to sacrifice his life and blood for the great cause of the Brotherhood.

He still needs to contribute his own strength, so he can't die so early.

Lockhart thought to himself.

It's definitely not because he is greedy for life and fear of death, but mainly because the Brotherhood can't live without him.

That's right, that's it.

After muttering to himself, Lockhart also stood up and left.

What he didn't notice was that Lothar's fingers, which had been motionless, moved slightly.

"Really, do you want to make a Horcrux?"

This question arose in Tom's heart again.

The closer he got to the day he was ready to take action, the more anxious he felt deep in his heart.

The more I have this doubt.

He couldn't help but hesitate, whether his choice was the right one.

Dumbledore was still monitoring him closely, as if waiting for him to make some mistakes so that he could deduct some points from Slytherin House.

He could only do this. Before he violated the school rules that would result in being kicked out of the school, Dumbledore could only watch him closely.

Sometimes Tom feels weird.

He didn't know where Professor Dumbledore's hostility towards him came from.

It was as if he didn't know where the doubts in his heart came from.

This unknown made him feel irritable

He looked at the tip of the dark magic secret in his hand, and rarely put it aside without putting it in his wizard robe.

After thinking for a while, he stood up and left the dormitory.

Hogwarts looked a little quiet in the dead of night.

The tip of the wand in Tom's hand lit up, illuminating the road ahead.

He carefully avoided places where he might be discovered.

Go towards where you want to go.

The last time I went to that place was a long time ago.

Although the place is hidden, no one can find it. Even if they find it, they can't open the door to get in.

But deep down Tom always resisted that place.

He would rather be in the Room of Requirement on the eighth floor than spend a second longer in that place.

Arriving at the girls' bathroom on this floor, Tom spoke slowly.

The voice was hoarse and hissed, like a snake's voice.

"Open the door."

As his strange voice fell, the sink opened to both sides, revealing a downward passage.

Tom was not surprised by any of this, and he walked down familiarly.

After he left, the sink returned to its original state, as if no one had ever been there.

After arriving at the bottom of the passage, the first thing that caught our eyes was darkness.

Tom extinguished the light on his wand and closed his eyes.

He cast a spell on his throat with his wand, then spoke as before, making a hissing sound like a snake.

"Where are you coming from?"

After three times in a row, Tom withdrew his wand.

The hoarse voice rang in his ears.

Even without looking, Tom knew it was coming.

Some readers have been out of books recently.

Then I am recommending a book here, which is still a seedling. The author’s writing is quite interesting and he updates it three times a day.

It's much better than my slow hands. If you are interested in supernatural beings, you can check it out.

The content of the story seems to involve a lot of supernatural laughter and crying

The title of the book is: The mysterious world of cyberpunk

I won’t go into the introduction. If you’re interested, you can check it out. If you’re interested, pursue it. If you’re not, just throw it away.

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