Hogwarts Mysterious Man Resurrected

Chapter 116: Get to know Malfoy

Tonight is destined to be an uneventful night.

Especially during Lothar's entrance ceremony, when the Sorting Hat shouted "Slytherin".

At that time, Harry and Ron wanted to express their excitement by slamming the table.

"Look, that man is indeed a bad person because he is a Slytherin"

This is what Harry and Ron wanted to express.

After all, in Gryffindor, basically all students think.

Slytherin students are all pedantic and ambitious bad guys.

This is their idea of ​​Gryffindor correctness.

Just like in Slytherin, saying that Gryffindor wizards are a bunch of fools is Slytherin's correct concept.

The two colleges dislike each other.

If given the chance, the two academies would definitely fight and knock their brains out.

All in all, just spray it

Harry and Ron wanted to organize a trolling rally with the Gryffindor Student Union on the spot.

But unfortunately, under Hermione's threatening eyes, the two of them finally gave up their tempting ideas.

After all, neither of them wanted to be beaten again.

It's definitely not because they can't beat Hermione, but because they don't want to get to know Hermione since she's a girl.

Yes, that's it

Harry and Ron thought at the same time as they looked at Hermione who had already extended her fist.

Unlike Gryffindor, who had a gloomy atmosphere, the wizards of Slytherin House were extremely happy.

Tonight's special students joined their Slytherin camp.

Moreover, it is very likely that it will be a pure blood

After all, this is a wizard brought in by Dumbledore himself, so there must be something unusual about him.

Even for Snape, the coldness on his face had softened a lot, and he no longer looked that paralyzed face.

He clapped, regardless of whether Lothar was the wizard Dumbledore had installed in Slytherin House.

None of this matters

Anyway, as long as Dumbledore doesn't lie to him, that's fine.

That's an old fox.

It's just that in Slytherin House, Draco was the only one who didn't look very good.

The people around them all had a hint of joy on their faces.

The expression on Draco's face was as disgusting as if he had eaten a fly.

He looked at Lothar with an unkind look on his face, preparing to wait for the new student to join Slytherin before he could find an opportunity to avenge the curse. .

As for what happened before when he was knocked down by Lothar.

Draco believed that he was defeated without any resistance.

If there is a real duel.

Draco had the confidence to kill Lothar within three moves.

Yes, he is so confident.

Lothar looked at the cheering Slytherin students with a smile on her face.

My heart is blooming with joy

"Tom, after you worked so hard to be resurrected, you found that your base, Slytherin House, has become my Slytherin House."

"You must be very happy, after all, you will regard me as yours."

Thinking of this, the smile on Lothar's face became even brighter.

Under the guidance of Professor McGonagall, he came to the Slytherin table and looked for a place to sit down.

Professor McGonagall is indeed a very good professor.

Even though he had already joined Slytherin House, she was still willing to point him in the right direction.

Dumbledore on the stage glanced at Lothar thoughtfully, and then looked away.

He put his wand to his throat again and cast a small spell on himself.

"Silence, I know that tonight is destined to be a happy night, and I hope you can have a good time."

"But first, we would like to congratulate Slytherin House on yet another new member."

"Moreover, Mr. Kelid did not enroll as a freshman. Instead, he joined the Hogwarts family as a second-year student."

“Give us a warm welcome”

After saying this, Dumbledore was the first to applaud.

This brought along the wizards from the other three colleges.

Even Harry and Ron clapped their hands feebly under Dumbledore's gaze.

Hermione seemed to be in a good mood.

Although she also hates some of Slytherin's ideas, it has to be said that she is one of the very few rationalists in Gryffindor.

In other words, I believe that not all the students in Slytherin are a "bad" group, there are also some good ones.

Therefore, she didn't have much reaction to Lothar entering Slytherin House.

After all, she was not the same person she was in fifth grade.

There was a burst of applause, and Lothar stood up first, bowing slightly towards the students around him.

This move had a sense of elegance, which made many Slytherin wizards feel more satisfied when they looked at him.

Lothar smiled softly and sat back.

Snape glanced at him and touched his chin with one hand, looking thoughtful.

Lothar greeted the surrounding Slytherin students and quickly moved to Draco's side.

He had a smile on his face and seemed friendly.

But to Draco, the smile on Lothar's face was not too friendly.

He forced a smile and looked at Lothar, showing his composure.

Although it's just pretending

For some reason, Draco felt a little afraid of the person in front of him.

It's like fear emanating from the bottom of my heart.

But his pride did not allow him to bow to the man in front of him like this.

Even if you are trying to pretend, you have to keep pretending.

Therefore, Draco's face was always stiff.

Lothar naturally saw Draco's unnaturalness.

So, he wanted to say something to Draco to relieve Draco's tension.

Yes, that's what Lothar thinks.

He patted his shoulder with one hand and put the other on the table.

"I think we could get acquainted, Mr. Malfoy."

"I am Lothar Kelid"

"I really hope to become good friends with Mr. Malfoy."

Lothar chuckled, showing her white teeth.

The surrounding witches were stunned.

The fake smile on Draco's face hadn't fallen off since Lothar came here.

But at this moment, he felt like he couldn't maintain the fake smile on his face.

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