Hogwarts Mysterious Man Resurrected

Chapter 23: Mutation


Lothar looked in a certain direction with regret.

Although it was full of walls, Lothar knew that direction was exactly where the Gryffindor trio was.

Very early on, when Lothar knew that he could not control Hermione, he changed to hint and guidance.

With the bonus of that mark, all his hints and guidance were very successful.

Among them, the one about Lockhart being a liar was very successful, and it was also his first attempt.

Without his constant hints and guidance, judging from Hermione's character in the original book, she would not have believed him, but would have tried her best to defend Lockhart.

After all, Hermione is also a huge Lockhart fan.

Of course, that was before, now

Lothar glanced vaguely at where Lockhart was hiding and smiled softly.

Unfortunately, he didn't expect that Harry, who was always reckless and impulsive, would be so calm this time.

There was no choice to listen to Hermione's advice and wait for the professor to arrive.

Instead, he chose to continue searching for Ginny's whereabouts.

If they choose to wait, Lothar's resurrection will become inevitable.

This time, it can be regarded as Lothar's test of the world.

But obviously, he failed.

"Is the correction of the world so powerful?"

The plot of the Chamber of Secrets was ruined by Lothar. He didn't even release the basilisk, but took the opportunity to resurrect it.

Even so, there was no escape.

Just like the original plot, Harry will eventually come to the Chamber of Secrets.

Only this time it was the Gryffindor trio.

Not him alone.

If Harry was alone, Lothar could still trick him and delay it for a while.

But with the three of them coming together, Lothar couldn't do anything.

He was so depressed before he was resurrected.

If he has been resurrected, let alone three, there will be thirty more wizards.

Even if he can't be beaten, he can still escape.

Unlike now, I can't escape even if I run.

Fight, what capital does he use to fight?

Are you risking your own soul?

That person is probably a fool. How can he be resurrected without a soul?

Now, without further ado.

Lothar knew it was time for him to activate that magic.

"Stay here, no matter what happens, don't move."

Lothar commanded the basilisk hoarsely in snake language.

Then, controlling Ginny, she placed her hand on the basilisk's head.

There was a surge of magic power, and complex patterns appeared on the ground, including Ginny and the basilisk.

Lothar transformed into his own body, and this time his body began to transform from an illusion into a real body.

"The Resurrection Begins"

Lothar said softly in her heart.

As the magic circle activated, Ginny fell to the ground and fainted.

Lothar picked up her wand and waited for the resurrection to succeed.

Then face all the things that might happen.

The white light of magic is getting bigger and bigger, accompanied by black magic lines from time to time.

Lothar frowned, quite surprised by the black magic lines. In Voldemort's memory, such magic lines would not appear in this resurrection spell.

Did something unexpected happen?

Lothar was a little confused, and many memory scenes gradually appeared in front of his eyes.

Most of them are memories of Voldemort's youth.

There is also a young Tom asking Slughorn, the professor at Hogwarts at the time, about the contents of the Horcrux.

Kill one person to make a Horcrux.

While Lothar was looking at these pictures, her body was taking shape rapidly.

The memory slowly goes back, starting from when Tom Riddle killed someone and made the first Horcrux.

That is when he started this diary and kept going forward.

After leaving Hogwarts, he secretly gathered people and wanted to become the Minister of Magic, promote his theory of pure blood, and kill the Mudbloods in the wizarding world.

In the fifth grade, he found the Chamber of Secrets. He thought he had accepted Salazar Slytherin's beliefs and wanted to secretly eliminate wizards who should not study in Hogwarts. Later, he framed himself for what he had done. Hagrid.

As a young man, he asked Professor Slughorn about Horcruxes to confirm his thoughts and seek immortality.

One day, I accidentally saw the book "Secrets of Advanced Black Magic" in the restricted section of the library, and learned the secret of immortality.

That was the beginning when Tom's ambition began to grow and grow, and it was also the beginning when he transformed from a student with some conscience to the Voldemort who later only had the desire to kill.

Looking at these memories, Lothar had to say that Tom Riddle's life was a tragedy.

He has never felt love. In his world, there is only desire, cold-bloodedness, and violence.

Growing up in an orphanage, he felt lonely since he was a child.

Maybe the moment his mother died, he no longer had love.

There is no one who loves him anymore, and he never knows that there is such a person who loves him.

He has been disguising himself and living in a false world.

This is one of the main reasons why Tom became extreme.

After he obtained the secret book of cutting-edge black magic, this extreme was manifested to the extreme.

He abandoned his conscience and began to transform into a demon.

"Too bad I'm not you, Tom."

Lothar said to himself, as the light of magic became brighter and brighter.

The basilisk began to roar, but due to Lothar's previous order, it only twisted its body uneasily and did not show any behavior like turning around and walking away.

Lothar could clearly feel that his body was becoming more and more solid, and his feet could even feel the coldness of the ground.

A refreshing and joyful feeling filled his heart. At the same time, there was also a feeling that the sky was high enough for birds to fly, and the sea was wide enough for fish to jump.

At this moment, Lothar just wanted to kill a few people with this wand to thank him for successfully breaking away from that damn shackles.

He wanted to release the grievances he had felt these days.

Looking at Ginny at his feet, an evil smile gradually appeared on his lips.

"Witness my greatness, Weasley."

"You will surrender to me, the great wizard of the new century."

"Dumbledore is old and Voldemort is still alive. It's not a big deal. Who else can stop me?"

Lothar talked to himself in a daze, and he could feel the surging magic power in his newborn body.

That was enough to destroy the world. Lothar took out his wand and waited for the last moment to arrive.

He will tell the world with blood.

He comes, comes to this world.

At this moment, Lothar was in a trance for a moment.

He closed his eyes subconsciously and opened them again.

A somewhat bald old wizard wearing dark green robes looked at him expressionlessly.

This bald old wizard looks exactly like the huge statue outside.

You can also see some medieval aristocratic behavior in him, with that standard aristocratic flavor.

"Salazar Slytherin."

As if instinctively, the name naturally appeared in Lothar's mind.

At this moment, he remembered the rather strange scene he had just seen, and his face twitched.

"What's wrong with me?" he said subconsciously.

"You were affected"

Slytherin said indifferently, with a hint of exhaustion in his tone.

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