Hogwarts Mysterious Man Resurrected

Chapter 297: Another option

Despite the effectiveness of this mask, the range of scenery that Lothar could see was relatively large.

But the farthest he could see were rocks, trees and the like more than ten meters away.

No matter how far away it was, it was useless no matter how hard he tried to see it.

The gray fog covered everything, and everything was gray, whether it was the sky or the surrounding environment.

If he took off the mask, Lothar estimated that he could only see clearly the scenery within four or five meters around him.

It doesn't matter now, let's find the person first.

There was a faint sound of fighting in front of them.

Lothar knew that they were right in front of him.

Slowly groping over, he carefully avoided the light of the magic spell that was spattering wantonly.

No matter how beautiful they are, the sputtering light contains powerful magic and destructive power.

Of course, with Lothar's current level, he is not afraid of these things.

But he didn't want to expose himself easily yet.

The right time has not come yet.

The name of the Auror from the Ministry of Magic is Lester, and he is the captain of this Auror team.

In this operation, the Ministry of Magic is secretly cleaning up these dark wizards who have come to the German magical world and are looking for opportunities to cause tragedy.

But I don’t know who leaked the secret.

Their Auror team encountered an ambush from the opposite side.

In just the first moment, two of them died.

Others got separated from them, and now, there were only three of them left.

Although there were not many wizards chasing them from the opposite side, their strength should not be underestimated.

And, that's not much is just a relative term.

Just now, Lester understood.

If they continue like this, then it will be them, the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, who will die.

The enemy is clinging to them. Since they can't be defeated, just use up their magic power.

Then it will be clear who wins and who loses.

How could Leicester not detect the sinister intentions of these dark wizards?

After all, he is also a wizard who graduated from Durmstrang College and has been polished for several years.

In that famous European academy, Leicester also learned a lot.

In the academy, the law of the jungle is their way of survival.

The change of mind brought about by the learning of some low-end black magic has brought some of Durmstrang's ideas to the extreme.

Just like now, Leicester still has not given up hope.

He planned to use his own life to replace several dark wizards on the other side if it didn't work out.

No matter what, we must give the other two people a chance to escape.

"Avada Suo Life Curse!"

This was the first time a killing curse appeared, and the dark green light made everyone present look serious.

Fortunately, no one was directly hit by Avada's Kedavra.

But there is no doubt that these dark wizards began to wander around Lester and no longer dared to approach him easily.

Dark wizards are humans too, not monsters.

They are also afraid of death, and more afraid of death than ordinary wizards.

Otherwise, they would not choose the path of dark wizards, which is considered evil by most wizards.

Isn’t it because of this road that its spell is stronger and its life-extending things are more abundant?

Even if it is evil, even if this road is full of blood, there are still many people who are willing to accept it

Not everyone is as lucky as those students in the British wizarding world.

Not everyone can be taught by a magic school like Hogwarts.

Even the students taught by Hogwarts have produced many dark wizards.

As far as this era is concerned...the most famous one is Tom Riddle, the British Dark Lord, Voldemort and other titles.

Beneath him was Bellatrix Lestrange, the craziest woman under Voldemort.

Then there are the members of various pure-blood families who have taken refuge in Voldemort.

If they say they don't know black magic, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

In fact, the one who is most hidden is probably Professor Snape of Hogwarts.

When he was young, he was obsessed with black magic and studied black magic.

In today's world, in the entire magical world, there are probably only a few people who can surpass this man in the attainments of black magic.

Besides, Snape's strongest point was not the dark magic he mastered and studied.

It's his master-level knowledge of potions and production techniques.

This is the most precious thing about Snape.

After all, Hogwarts does not advocate learning dark magic, and books about dark magic were sealed in the restricted area of ​​the library by Dumbledore.

Dumbledore, who had gone through some things, knew it deeply.

Once these young Hogwarts students learn these evil black magic, they are likely to become another person.

Their thoughts are no longer tolerant, their character is no longer sunny, and everything will develop in the worst direction.

Just like Tom Riddle.


Over the years, Dumbledore thought about it more than once.

If he had made a different choice, would Tom Riddle have become a different person?

He is no longer the Dark Lord who brought darkness and fear to the wizarding world of Britain.

But the one who brings new hope to the British wizarding world...the Minister of Magic!

Or... the next headmaster of Hogwarts?

This had to make him think more. Tom's talent was very strong and very terrifying.

If he hadn't been exposed to those dark magics and Slytherin's ideas when he was young, then he wouldn't have become like that later.

If...if Tom had entered not an extreme house like Slytherin, but a house full of passion and courage like Gryffindor.

Maybe, everything will be different!

Perhaps, coupled with his teachings and the influence of some of his thoughts.

Then Tom might really become the greatest new headmaster of Hogwarts after Dumbledore.

Will continue to implement some of Dumbledore's ideas.

But...it's a pity after all.

In that era when Grindelwald was raging, Dumbledore hated all wizards who were extreme and a little bad.

This is why Dumbledore would repeatedly emphasize the meaning of the word "love" to Harry Potter later on.

He had already missed the mark once when it came to dealing with Tom.

Facing this boy who was almost similar to Tom when he was young.

Dumbledore took another approach.

It is no longer suppression and vigilance, but trust and care.

In fact, things turned out the way he wanted.

Harry Potter did not become the next Voldemort after all!

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