Hogwarts Mysterious Man Resurrected

Chapter 39: The bet failed


The wand in Harry's hand emits a light from time to time, fighting wits with the stone lion in front of him.

To be more precise, Harry was using his wisdom to find a way to deal with the lion.

Of course, he didn't just stand there and cast a spell on the lion.

That is no different from courting death.

Harry would dodge the lion's attacks from time to time, and then find opportunities to fight back.

And distanced themselves, running and fighting at the same time.

But by now, he was a little tired.

Today's battle was very rewarding for him.

Compared to Hermione, Harry's talents are probably all focused on fighting.

In a short period of time, he had completely mastered the magic spells he had learned.

And he can fight back and forth with this stone lion.

It was not as embarrassing as he imagined. At this time, Harry focused all his attention on this battle.

Although he didn't know why Lothar hadn't taken action until now, Harry saw this as an excellent opportunity.

He only needs to defeat the stone lion in front of him to find a chance to rescue his friends.

At this time, Harry had a mysterious confidence. He felt that he could definitely defeat Voldemort, just like he did last school year.

If Lothar knew Harry's inner thoughts, he would probably sneer at it.

Others don't know how Harry defeated Voldemort, how can he, a time traveler, not know?

As long as the curse on Harry is not lifted for one day, Voldemort cannot touch Harry.

Once encountered, it will be wiped out like last school year.

But Talosa had no such restrictions.

First of all, he is fused with a part of Voldemort's soul, and is even connected to Voldemort's soul in a self-defeating manner, but he is not Voldemort after all.

Lothar's current situation is at best like becoming Voldemort's twin brother.

The two of them were partly the same but completely different, just like twins.

So this leads to the fact that Lothar will be affected by Harry's curse.

But he won't be restrained by Harry like Voldemort.

Even if Harry had some influence on him, Lothar didn't really care.

Just wait until he finds the basilisk, and it's accurate and complete.

He could kill the Basilisk, completely devour Voldemort's soul, and make up for the shortcomings of his own soul.

By then, the curse on Harry will naturally have no effect on him.

Harry's situation is not optimistic now.

No matter how proficient he is now in using the spells he has learned.

After all, he is still a person, and being a human makes him tired.

Lothar's lions don't feel tired. After all, they are made of stone, so how can they look like humans.

"It's very interesting." Lothar looked at Harry with a hint of excitement that he didn't even know he had.

"His talent is very good. If you give him enough time, he might actually be able to defeat the lion I created using the transformation technique."

"Too bad Miss Granger, you are going to lose."

Lothar retracted his excited eyes, looked at Hermione with a touch of regret, and said calmly.

"That's not necessarily the case, Mr. Riddle." Hermione pretended to be calm, but the panic in her eyes betrayed her.

Lothar chuckled lightly and did not refute Hermione's words. He didn't care about it.

Facts will prove everything


Harry felt that his body had reached its limit.

The soreness coming from his body all told him that he should find a place to rest and catch his breath.

But the current situation is that he can't rest yet.

The stone lion in front of him no longer relied on his body to resist his spell, but instead relied on his speed to engage in guerrilla warfare with him.

Looking at the playful look in the lion's eyes, Harry knew that it wanted to wait until he was unable to fight back before catching him.

He must think of a way, otherwise his energy will be exhausted soon.

He raised his wand high and shouted at the stone lion: "Bright as day."

A dazzling white light appeared instantly, blocking everyone's sight.

When the white light disappeared, Harry had disappeared.

The stone lion looked at Harry's original position in confusion. With its head full of stones, it really couldn't figure out how such a big man could disappear.

Before it could figure it out, a strong red light had already hit it.

The target was its head. Harry couldn't believe that this stone lion transformed by transfiguration could survive without its head.

There was a "boom", and with Harry's best efforts, the stone lion hit by the curse began to shatter from its head, and then its body exploded to pieces.

Finally turned into a pile of rubble.

The final victory belonged to Harry, which Lothar did not expect.

Although it was a stone lion that he transformed at will using his transformation technique, not everyone could defeat it.

Hermione was able to defeat the giant eagle transformed by fire because of her own mercy, but this was truly a surprise to Harry.

"Excellent, you win, Hermione."

Hermione was also relieved, she had been worried about Harry.

I'm afraid something might happen to him, especially in this situation.

Once Lothar wanted to go against Harry, there was no one they could stop.

Hermione was really worried that Lothar would kill Harry.

But the current situation made her relieved, at least Harry won.

If what Lothar said was true and he was willing to abide by the bet and let them leave.

This is already the best situation for now.

She had already planned to die in the secret room.

Now it seems that it is no longer necessary.

That is, it depends on Lothar's attitude now.

See if he is willing to keep his previous bet with her.

This is what worries Hermione the most.

Harry held the wand and looked at Lothar breathlessly.

At this time, he was like a heroic fighter, who had gone through countless hardships, defeated countless opponents, and stood in front of his enemies.

"Voldemort," he said, with deep hatred in his voice.

Lothar chuckled, not caring about Harry's attitude at all.

"I made a bet with Miss Granger just now."

"If you defeat that stone lion, I will let you go."

"Now, you can go."

While speaking, Lothar waved his right hand.

The vines binding Ron and the rope binding Hermione were untied at the same time.

After Hermione and Ron untied their restraints, they immediately came to Harry's side.

Lothar already wanted to leave, and it was time for this matter to end.

But Harry still stared at Lothar, with a hint of complexity in his eyes.

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