Hogwarts Mysterious Man Resurrected

Chapter 66: Use or...

"I understand, and I will follow your arrangements."

"You have to know that our current enemy is not only Voldemort, but also possibly Dumbledore. No step can be made wrong."

"I understand," Lockhart said respectfully. "Next, I will take the next Defense Against the Dark Arts class seriously."

The smile on his face disappeared completely, and he looked very serious.

This made Lothar, who had been observing Lockhart, nod slightly.

Facing Lothar's strange look, Lockhart rubbed his hands in embarrassment. He didn't think much about it at the time.

As soon as he heard that Dumbledore was going to ask him to come to Hogwarts to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

He came excitedly

At that time, Lockhart, overwhelmed with joy, wanted to add to his reputation.

Then being the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts is a good choice.

This would give him greater bragging rights against other wizards.

It will also greatly satisfy Lockhart's vanity.

At that time, he didn't know there were so many dangers in Hogwarts.

Another resurrected Dark Lord, another basilisk that can kill with just one look.

If he had known that Hogwarts was so vicious, he would have packed up his luggage and left the magic school long ago, never to come back again.

Moreover, Lockhart also discovered that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class was not that easy to teach.

Although he used this position to get the students at Hogwarts to buy his books.

However, he really doesn't know how to deal with dark creatures.

I don’t know how to defend against black magic either.

It would definitely be easy for him to teach these little wizards to learn the Forgetting Curse.

But does he dare?

Lockhart really didn't dare, fearing that Dumbledore would discover his true identity.

By that time, he may have to spend the rest of his life in Azkaban.

Before surrendering, all Lockhart wanted to do was delay.

He can leave until next year, and by then he will be far away from Hogwarts and never come back.

No matter what the rumors are, rely on your own influence when the time comes.

Who would believe what a group of little wizards say?

But now, look at Lothar in front of you.

Lockhart felt that he had better review the Defense Against the Dark Arts course during his studies.

After all, there is a monster that appears to be a basilisk but is actually the Dark Lord wandering inside Hogwarts.

Think about your own life and your future position in the organization.

Lockhart decided to follow suit.

It never hurts to learn more


He couldn't resist, he said it as if he had the right to refuse.


Lockhart glanced at Lothar when he heard the ideals of the Brotherhood.

Something deep inside him was touched.

He thought of the terrible experiences he had had.

Lothar looked at Lockhart with strange eyes.

"Is it so useful?"

He thought to himself.

He was now secretly casting spells on Lockhart.

This is an induction type of magic that requires the use of a wand and the use of language, so Lothar put his hands in his robes. Before that, he told Lockhart a lot of organizational ideas that he had thought of temporarily.

Anyway, it's okay as long as he doesn't share Tom's theory of pure blood, and I'm not as extreme as that sexy bitch.

Facing Lockhart, a master of oblivion spells.

Lothar was naturally extremely cautious.

God knows how much this guy knows about spiritual magic.

This time, Lothar tested Lockhart.

He didn't believe in Lockhart's integrity, and would rather work harder to give him a psychological hint.

He also didn't want his backhand to be sold by Lockhart when his organizational strength was truly established.

So far, judging from the results, it’s pretty good.

Withdrawing the wand, Lothar still knew that going too far was not enough.

Lockhart still bowed slightly and looked unchanged.

But Lothar knew that he had planted a seed in Lockhart's heart.

A seed that would not betray him, and only at this moment did Lothar begin to believe in Lockhart.

If it weren't for Lockhart's huge international influence.

Lothar would not take such painstaking efforts, but now he has no strength at all.

He has nothing but time.

At this critical moment, we only need to deal with the basilisk that Tom is living in, and then fool Dumbledore.

When the time comes, he will use Lockhart's influence to promote his ideas.

Lothar believed that he would soon have a place in the world where he could stand.

"After you leave Hogwarts, you need to go somewhere to develop our powers."

"Are you going to recruit those dark creatures scattered around the world?"

Lockhart asked curiously, but he knew the identity of the person in front of him.

Although he did not admit it and insisted that he was a new wizard.

But in Lockhart's heart, Lothar was the Voldemort he once was.

It's just another side of Voldemort.

This is also the reason why he dare not resist.

The name Voldemort has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. No one dares to speak this name, even if he has been dead for more than ten years, no one dares to speak this name.

What's more, he is resurrected now

No one wanted to face him except maybe Dumbledore.

"No, no, no, I want you to go to another place."

Thinking of that country, Lothar's eyes flashed with pity.

It's a pity that I came to this world too late after all.

"where is it"

A curiosity arose deep in Lockhart's heart. If he didn't look for those dark creatures, could he go to Germany to look for dark wizards?

You know, those wizards will not serve their ideals casually.

What's more, you know your own situation.

He still cherishes his life

Lothar chuckled lightly and looked at Lockhart, seeing through but not telling the truth.

"Don't worry, let's go to Gringotts before you go to that place."

"I'll give you some things and take a trip to France before you set off."

Looking at Lothar's mysterious smile, Lockhart's heart became subtle, and he no longer had any hope for the safety of the place he was going to.

But he still responded respectfully.

"I see."

"During this time, I will become proficient in what you taught me."

Lockhart had a vague suspicion in his mind.

And the next second, Lothar's words confirmed his guess.

"That's true. Before leaving Hogwarts, you really need to master some powerful spells and wizard dueling abilities."

"Otherwise, you will be alone in a foreign country and no one will come to protect you."

The corners of Lothar's mouth raised slightly, with a smile, but she felt at ease in her heart.

As she walked past Lockhart, Lothar leaned gently into his ear and whispered.

"Your trip to the Soviet Union is related to our future. There must be no mistakes."

"Although the disintegration of the Muggle country is a foregone conclusion, those Soviet wizards have not yet completed their reorganization."

"I want you to get ahead of them and fight for as much as you can. After you join us, you can promote our ideas more and then bring some of them back to the UK for development. I will be of great use."

Lockhart's body bowed even more.

"Yes, Mr. Kelley"

"All for the Brotherhood"

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