Hogwarts Mysterious Man Resurrected

Chapter 81: Everyone is taking action

"Tom, you are becoming more useless now."

Lothar threw a magic spell casually, and then ducked aside to avoid a stream of green liquid. Lothar chuckled, his tone full of sarcasm.

Although he knew that Lothar was irritating him, Tom felt that he still couldn't bear this tone.

If you take a step back and see the vast sky, that doesn’t exist.

He was a vengeful man in life, and now he is a vengeful basilisk.

The tail flicked violently, leaving a long mark where Lothar had just stood, and the entire floor was torn apart.

"How can you be better than me? You hide here and there all day long, like a rat in the sewer."

Tom said hoarsely, sounding as if he was trying to suppress his anger.

He is probably the only one who can turn the cold snake language into a fiery flavor.

In response, Lothar smiled lightly.

"It sounds very vivid, but I have never crawled into the sewer like you."

"I think this sewer rat is talking about yourself, Tom."

"Bright as day"

The dazzling white light made Tom subconsciously close his eyes. It was at this moment that Lothar's second wand struck.

Different from the previous times, a small crater appeared where this magic spell hit him.

This caused Tom pain, pain he hadn't felt in a long time.

He curled up together and looked at Lothar with his head raised.

Lothar was still closing her eyes, holding the wand in her right hand, motionless.

But Tom knew that as long as he moved, Lothar would hear the sound and dodge.

They have been in this situation for some time.

Neither of them tried their best, but were testing each other.

They all have their own plans in their hearts.

"The current situation is not good for me."

Lothar thought to himself that what he was holding was not his wand after all.

He could even feel a slight resistance from the wand. Maybe Voldemort couldn't see it, but Lothar could feel that the wand was becoming more and more resistant to him.

This reminded him of what Ollivander often said, "It's not the wizard who chooses the wand, it's the wand that chooses the wizard."

However, the matter is not over yet.

Tonight, Lothar wanted to play a big one.

He wanted to try if he could completely eliminate Tom Riddle on this beautiful night.

"Are you all ready?"

"Yes, Professor, we are ready."

"Very well, let's meet the basilisk in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets again."

"This time we're going to kill the snake and give Slytherin wizards hell."

Lockhart walked in front, followed by ten wizards.

They come from three houses: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff.

As for Slytherin, their so-called pure-blood view is simply a joke to these equals who have accepted the concept of the Brotherhood.

Moreover, the wizards in Slytherin House are stubborn and not so easy to absorb into the Brotherhood.

Therefore, Lothar and Lockhart temporarily gave up this idea.

Wait until you have time to pry the half-blood wizards in Slytherin House.

First make those so-called pure bloods independent and unite most of the mixed bloods, and then attack the pure blood wizards at that time.

Anyone who is willing to join the Brotherhood and give up his pure-blood theory can be recruited.

As for those who are stubborn and cling to their pure-blood theory, Lockhart will cleanse their memories to make them forget about it.

Although there are no Slytherins, the more outstanding ones among the three houses, such as Percy and others in Gryffindor, and Penello and others in Ravenclaw, have already joined the fraternity.

Willing to fight for the ideals of the Brotherhood.

After all, young people are not passionate, and Lothar now gives them a way to release their passion.

Moreover, the philosophy of the Brotherhood is in line with their ideas.

Lockhart looked at the walls on both sides, filled with excitement.

This time, it was his real experience.

He didn't lie, and he didn't use a forgetting spell to make those wizards forget their memories.

His hand holding the wand was sweating a little, and the tension in his heart made him speed up his pace unconsciously.

In the distance, he had heard the sound of fighting coming from ahead.

It was one floor below, in the corridor outside the chamber's entrance.

"Put on your mask," he said softly.

"Okay, Professor"

This mask is a magical item created by Lockhart and Lothar during this period of time.

To be precise, he was watching while Lothar was making these masks.

The mask can effectively block the basilisk's sight, preventing them from being killed by the magic in the basilisk's sight, and will not block their own sight after wearing the mask.

That is, when they put on their masks.

Even if you look face to face with a basilisk, it will not die, let alone become petrified.

Because the magic of the mask is used to isolate the basilisk's eyes from looking at them, not from their eyes looking at the basilisk, this also guarantees that they will not die or be petrified when they look at the basilisk.

Moreover, Lothar also added something to make the mask more magical.

But the magic on the mask is time-limited. After all, Lothar created it in a hurry based on the knowledge he learned in the Room of Requirement these days.

But there is enough time in the next period of time.

To be honest, the stuff in the Room of Requirement is really all-encompassing.

Even the knowledge of alchemy, it has some.

Lothar benefited greatly from these items, which were then combined with some of the magical items in the Room of Requirement.

Percy and others took out a mask from the wizard's robe and put it on their face.

As they put on the masks, their appearance changes dramatically.

First of all, the style of the wizard's robe has changed. They are hidden in the wizard's robe and cannot be seen except under the cheeks.

It's like a black mist, which looks pretty good.

At least Lockhart and the ten students liked it.

They came to a place and stopped.

Because Lockhart stopped.

"Are you ready?" he said. "This time it won't be like before, and some of you may never see your family again."

"Professor, we are ready"

The ten wizards said in unison. Although their voices were low, their nervousness could still be heard.

They had already grasped their wands tightly and looked at Lockhart with piercing eyes.

Although I couldn't see his appearance, I guess Professor Lockhart would definitely have that sunny smile on his face.

After all, he is a great adventurer.

The ten wizards thought together, but they didn't know that Lockhart was just as nervous as them now.

Taking a deep breath, Lockhart opened his legs and walked forward, followed by ten wizards in full gear.

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