Hogwarts The Dark Arts Awakened

Chapter 111 Middle School Dinner

Days go by.

Ron made a rare return to the two-man team from the beginning.

Ron Harry walked in the quiet Hogwarts.

Although other colleges have also heard about the collapse of Ron Tyrant's character, after all, hearing is false and seeing is believing.

And no matter how Ron treats his own people, he is still equally strict with other colleges.

What is a bit concerning is that Ron and Vayne have been leaving early and coming back late.

First year prefects and fifth year prefects.

Everyone is guessing.

The people in Slytherin inquired and learned that, well, they went to practice singing...


Some people are very surprised.

Why do some people like singing so much? !practise?When will the performance be performed?

Vayne not only roped in Ron, but also her sister group.

Ron felt something was wrong, and he wanted to recruit someone, but unfortunately no one was suitable.

In the end, Ron had no choice but to start to become ruthless and teach himself.

Compared to Ron and the others' anomalies, the learning atmosphere at the end of the semester was very light.

There were many people like Ron and Harry who had been discussing their holidays a week in advance.

Someone looked curiously outside the room where Vayne and Ron were practicing their songs.

When Vayne saw the person, she gave a crazy smile, and then she pulled in these guys who had nothing to do.

A group of coolies, who told you not to study hard?Peeping?What good can you do by peeping? !If you want to see it that way, come in and work for me as a coolie.

Then a grand rehearsal began.

As time goes by day by day.

The end-of-semester dinner...has begun.


In the golden and red first-year Gryffindor prefects' lounge.

Everything is in order, and tools are cleaning the room one by one.

Harry walked in from the door.

He saw Ron, neatly dressed and wearing a strange dress, in front of the mirror.

I walked to the mirror and looked at it.

"So handsome." He sighed.

Ron took a deep breath, his expression a little unnatural: "Is he really handsome?"

He is still a little unsure.

I feel like the dress doesn't fit me well, even though my hair has been trimmed by Vayne.

Harry nodded: "What kind of costume is this?"

He was a little curious, and the curiosity was not about why Ron was wearing a dress, because today was the school dinner.

After finishing this meal, I will go home.

Some nobles like to hold dance parties at this dinner party.

Ron said calmly: "This costume is called Swinging Rango Black. Alas... it's really luxurious..." As he spoke, he swayed slightly.

Watching the hem of the dress swaying on her body.

I don’t know why, but Vayne likes to watch the Harry Potter mobile game set in her memory.

The result now is...

Hand-cut one to one.

Compared to Vayne who has the time and leisure to do these things, Ron feels that she is a bit too... free?

But it’s hard to say anything.

After all, Ron himself can only be said to be an outsider, so why should he care about other people's preferences?

Look at the exquisite clothes on your body.

Handsome indeed. Handsome.

Ron felt a bit out of place.

"Forget it, let's go, the fire dragon suit is even weirder..." Ron muttered.

Harry nodded and walked out together.

Walking out of the quiet prefects' lounge and looking at the festive and lively corridor, Ron also showed a rare smile.

I greeted familiar people along the way.

Even some of the Slytherin students felt a little flattered.

The moment Ron stepped into the auditorium, his expression twitched uncontrollably.

I saw Vayne dressing up her group of people in all kinds of ways, and applying various foundation materials in her hands to the faces of people without makeup.

The magic paintbrush is flying by itself, and the powder puff is jumping up and slapping people's faces.

Ron felt a little uneasy.

Wei En saw him at once and rushed over: "So slow?! Are you so handsome?" She teased in broken Chinese.

Ron's mouth twitched: "No...it just doesn't feel right."

"It's okay, I'll put some makeup on you, and you'll feel like it matches you." Vayne said excitedly, and then pulled Ron to sit in front of a seat, and then there was a pile of foundation and skin care lotion.

Ron's expression was stiff and he could only let her do what he did.

Hermione, who hadn't played with Ron and the others for a whole week, watched from a distance, hesitating.

Close your eyes and apply eyeliner and eye cream before opening them again.

Almost everyone said wow.

Ron was a little embarrassed and strange: "What's wrong?"

Vayne showed a proud smile and turned the mirror to him.

Ron looked at himself in the mirror and was stunned for a moment.

Skin like gelatin, bright eyes and white teeth, red lips and white teeth... Why does it feel weird?

emmm, no matter how you say it, it doesn’t sound like a word to describe a heroic man.

"Is it too white?..." Ron said something weird.

Wei En smiled: "What kind of tough guy style do you want?! Just a little fresh meat is enough, I like it."

The corners of Ron's mouth twitched.

In any case, seeing the surprised expressions on all the girls' faces told Ron that at least this wasn't a bad thing.


"It's about to start." Vayne said.

Pulling Ron along, he sat down at the Slytherin table.

"Hey... I'm sorry, I want to go back to Gryffindor." Ron Weasley explained quickly as if he was pricked by a needle.

Vayne's expression turned cold: "I order you to sit here!" The voice was very loud and resounded throughout the entire auditorium.

She turned around coldly and looked around: "Does anyone... have any opinions?"

"Wow, Vayne is so handsome." Daisy looked like she was about to faint with excitement.

Anna also screamed excitedly: "Your Majesty the Queen..."

Vayne immediately laughed like a queen...

Ron's expression was very confused.

"Sorry, I really wanted to be with my Gryffindor classmates..."

He said as he walked towards Gryffindor.

Vayne's expression turned cold.

He slammed the table suddenly, making a loud banging sound, and his voice became aggressive.

"Why? Do you look down on me?! Our male and female protagonists who are about to perform together are sitting together. Isn't it so that we can go on stage together when we are about to perform next?"

she questioned angrily.

Ron's expression also turned cold.

"I also said that I'm sorry, but I want to be with my Gryffindor classmates. As for performing on stage, I will naturally do it. You shouldn't ask me to follow you in Slytherin. Long table!”

A furious expression appeared faintly on his face.

The momentum of the two gradually increased.

In some aspects, the two people have the same characteristics. They will act very crazy during their battles. Therefore, when they are angry, their breath also has a vague feeling of madness.

It's just a pity that Ron Weasley is now in the long table of Slytherin, so when there is a conflict between the two sides, there is no need to think too much about who the entire long table will help in the first place.

The entire academy began to stand up, and an invisible momentum oppressed Ron Weasley.

At the same time, Gryffindor's Charlie Weasley stood up.

Bringing all the Gryffindors to their feet.

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