Hogwarts The Dark Arts Awakened

Chapter 113 College Impression Song

Voldemort's speech in place of the host felt a little surprising.

But no one dared to make any noise in Voldemort's presence.

Vayne showed excitement when she heard that Voldemort had taken over as host.

Other performers nervously took out their instruments.

The playing started immediately.

Vayne stood up gracefully and saluted the people around her.

It seemed that no house other than Slytherin deserved her salute.

Then they walked slowly step by step as all the members came on stage.

The coolies immediately used magic power to form a strange magical light.

Countless owls' magical halos appeared and flew vividly.

Under the performance of the Vayne Sisters, the magical Hedwig Variations sounded.

Immediately after the end of a section, the extremely compact music began.

Vayne raised her head proudly, her expression becoming crazy and arrogant.

Singing loudly.

"Put up the silver-green curtain of victory~

Being outstanding and proud is not a disguise~

Another plot is brewing in the dungeon~

Great deeds ~ Brilliant because of ambition ~

Born in the center of the line of sight~

Create rules without breaking the rules~

There is no need to be polite when we have the same goal~

The giant python in the mud when dormant~"

With a fierce wave of her hand, the coolies raised their magic wands, and a huge and evil python appeared vividly, twisting its body, coiling into a ball, and hissing.

The singing is crazy and filled with endless arrogance.

The ultimate treble makes this already burning lyrics rise again.

Voldemort nodded with satisfaction.

I have to say, the mood of this song is really great.

He likes it very much!Creating rules without following the rules is also his approach.

But it's not over yet.

Ron stood up slowly.

College impression song, it must be more than just Slytherin.

Ron's competitive spirit also rose.

Trumpets and trumpets were flying behind him.

The terrifying magic power spurted out, controlling the instrument and starting to play.

The ultimate singing began to be heard.

Grand music suddenly played.

There were few people, and it was a symphony, so the intro sounded a little less impressive.

But Ron was not afraid at all.

Everyone looked at the perfectly made-up boy who stood up.

Seeing him standing up alone and using his magic power to control the instruments behind him to play, they couldn't help but feel a bit of contempt and disappointment.

No one thought that a Gryffindor like Ron could achieve any good results by working alone.

But Ron felt his blood boiling.

The opening is also extremely high-pitched.

The expression is heroic and fearless.

"Buried in the golden-red robe!

The gryphon's hot dream surges! !

If you ask me to cross the barren end!

The fire burns away the wild branches!

It's courage!Pierce the gray night sky! ! !

It's Gu Yong who calls him by his first name!

Wait until the lights go out and follow for the rest of your life! !

The throb of truth in my chest! ! ! "

The voice was extremely high-pitched, and the magic power was boiling.

Every word is sung with all one's strength.

Ron waved his wand, and almost all the Gryffindors, understanding what he wanted to do, waved their wands at the same time.

A huge male lion appeared, becoming larger and larger as a large amount of magic power was poured into it.

The treble brings so much emotion that one can truly feel his madness and endless rage.

The lion raised its head and seemed to be roaring as hard as it could at the sky.

The instrument that started playing due to the activation technique began to lose its shape, but the sound of the instrument became sharper, and it seemed that it really became popular, and it made my blood boil.

The last crazy sound made Ron look ferocious and crazy.

Take a deep breath, like a lion roaring.

The music slowly becomes lighter.

The moment Ron spoke, the whole place fell silent.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the boy who roared crazily and sang the lyrics like a wounded beast growling in a threatening swan song.

The child's tender voice has not faded away, bringing a hint of tenderness, but the violent magic has transformed the voice, making his voice rich and high-pitched.

Like a lion roaring in the wilderness.

That kind of intimidation shocked the whole audience in an instant.

The Gryffindor crowd couldn't help but roar.

Added a coda to this music.


It's really great.

Ron alone roared with the momentum of thousands of people

He really fits the lonely and brave character in the lyrics.

One person faces a team of Slytherins.

Listening to Ron's extremely high-spirited singing, Vayne's expression was very arrogant, as if she was looking down at Ron.

In fact, when this song comes to their mouths, it doesn't have much to do with it except the lyrics and the song.

The Slytherin song that was originally calm and arrogant turned into madness and extreme arrogance in Vayne's mouth.The Gryffindor lyrics that were originally gentle and courageous turned into extreme loneliness, endless madness and a beast-like growl in Ron's mouth.

Slytherin immediately picked up Ron, and the music continued to play.

Compared with the previous expression of her college style, Vayne returned to her normal voice this time.

Ravenclaw lyrics sang from her mouth.

This time it seems that they want to surpass real technology, and the singing voice is melodious and graceful.

The coolies waved their wands.

One after another, the eagles raised their heads high and looked at the crowd around them, spreading their wings and soaring into the sky.

The clouds and mist formed by the magical power are fluttering, and the eagle really seems to be flying among the clouds and mist.

And after Slytherin's music died down, they suddenly started playing softly again.

Ron Weasley also raised his head and waved his wand.

A giant badger appeared, looked around the auditorium, and then took off running.

Then Ron Weasley's singing voice also sounded melodiously. It was still high-pitched, but it seemed tactful, just like a normal singing.

Compared with the tension at the beginning, this kind of singing now can be regarded as a competition in terms of technology and beautiful sound.

Looking at the very cute little prefect, all the girls in Hogwarts were screaming like crazy.

Especially Badgerin, who has always seemed extremely inferior.

Immediately, the goodwill was overwhelming, and all the little badgers became Ron's crazy supporters.

But in fact, the one with the best relationship with Badger Academy... is probably only Lion Academy.If you want to ask why...after all, they are all suppressed colleges.The relationship between brothers in distress.

After all, Ravenclaw and Slytherin are almost the same faction.

Pride and greed...

It can even be said that Ravenclaw's arrogance is worse than Slytherin's greed.

People are just pure...looking down on you.

Even Slytherin will offer an olive branch to some outstanding Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaw... emmm... If someone doesn't express contempt, that is the greatest respect for you.

Gryffindor, on the other hand, yells when there is an injustice, especially between friends. If you can't beat them, you can't say it. Anyway, it's wrong for you to do this.

Of course, as time goes by, the tolerant Gryffindor will learn to be quiet, but if you become their friend, they will be willing to fight for you.

Ron, who was willing to sing for Hufflepuff, was naturally accepted by Hufflepuff.

Of course, more…

It is a sinister guess to guess people's hearts. Ron, who became a Death Eater in the first grade, can be said to be a visible star of tomorrow in the wizarding world, with a bright future.

Compared to Slytherin and Ravenclaw who always look down on them, Ron from Gryffindor...

It's their hope...

And Ravenclaw also cheered excitedly for Vayne.

It seemed that in an instant, the entire Hogwarts was divided into two factions.

Slytherins and Gryffindors.

Voldemort gently touched his chin, which seemed to be very interesting.

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