Hogwarts The Dark Arts Awakened

Chapter 96 Ron: Malfoy, I think we can be friends

The days passed by.

At first, some people gloated about Ron's plight.

Unfortunately, Voldemort was away from Hogwarts for two weeks in a row.

Bellatrix Lestrange did not punish Ron.Basically it means...Ron will not be punished in any way.

But every time the prefects met, Vice-Principal Bellatrix Lestrange came to conduct the prefects' meeting instead of Lord Voldemort. Ron also consciously shut up and did not mention the benefits to Muggle servants again.

Lord Voldemort's Defense Against the Dark Arts class is replaced by the study of ancient runes, which can be taken as an elective in third grade.

A group of young wizards listened with bewildered expressions as the professor continued to talk about what he thought was easy-to-understand knowledge.

Among them, only Ron, Hermione and Harry could barely understand.

To be precise, Ron Harry can understand some of it.

Hermione almost understood everything and even started chatting with the professor.

Because it is indeed a simple and easy-to-understand content, Ron and Harry are also studying hard.

Runes are also an important part of alchemical knowledge.

As time goes by day by day.

There was snow falling in the sky, and Hogwarts, in an unknown part of England, was submerged in a blanket of white snow.

The winter vacation with unified regulations is coming soon.

It is stipulated that the winter vacation will begin in mid-December. This may be Voldemort's feedback for eliminating all holidays.School will not reopen until February next year.

The long winter vacation is something that everyone is looking forward to.

But it made Harry feel a little confused.

Ron thought of Harry's state.

"Your aunt and uncle?..." Ron asked hesitantly.

Harry spread his hands and said, "I don't know where they are." His expression changed and he didn't know whether he should be sad or happy.

After all, he has not grown up yet, and facing the kind of difficulties and torture from his aunt's family is extremely painful for him.If possible, he really doesn't want to go back.But compared to my aunt's parents' house, the environment here and the horrific situation now breaking out here are a little scary.

After hearing his words, Ron and Hermione couldn't help but show sympathetic expressions and patted his shoulders gently.

Ron smiled and said, "Then, come to my house?"

Harry nodded with some surprise.

He also met some of his family members, such as the funny Gemini and the gentle Charlie, because of his partner Ron.

In his opinion, the other party's family must be very interesting and very likeable people.

It was also at this time that Ron heard something.

No... it's very loud, a bit intentional and deliberate.

All three of them heard that angry roar.

Turn around and look over.

It's Malfoy.

He was roaring in pain.

It looks ferocious and angry.

The pure blood he yelled at also became extremely crazy. He roared and grabbed Malfoy's neck, and the two of them struggled on the ground.

Ron's expression became extremely cold.

Harry and Hermione's expressions also became strange.

Ron stood up calmly.

Walking silently.

Harry and Hermione also stood up silently and followed suit.

The three of them came to the two people who were struggling together.

Malfoy was already crying in anger, and there were some scratches on his face.

Seeing three people approaching with gloomy faces, the two Slytherin snakes stopped moving.

Some looked at the two people quietly and fearfully.

"You can't do anything to me, you saw it, everyone saw it, this guy is crazy!" Vilas said to the three of them angrily, while he kept retreating.

"Oh?...I don't care~" Ron said playfully, and then showed an extremely unpleasant expression of pleasure.

Vilas roared angrily, turned around and ran away!

at this moment.

Ron aimed a hard kick at his butt and kicked the unknown little Slytherin away.

Although he has some strength and was a prefect for a period of time before, Ron has almost no impression of him now.

Or it should be said that it was because this guy had been a prefect, so now Ron was specially 'looking after' him.

Slytherin hit the wall and slowly fell down.

After the last war, Ron's own strength became much stronger, probably because he drank too much powerful potion.

However, the effect has been decreasing.

But so far, it is still not a terrifying force that ordinary people can bear.

Ron looked at Malfoy, who was trembling with fear, and said calmly: "Tell me, what's going on?..."

Squat down slowly.

Harry and Hermione still stood indifferently.

With the addition of Ron as the Guardian, it was simply a replica of the traditional Draco.

Coupled with the current red hair and cat eyes, strong strength and status as a prefect.

Malfoy said tremblingly and crying.

It turned out that the pocket money given by the family was robbed.

Ron sighed. This poor kid was treated as the leader and faced tit-for-tat with him everywhere. But now that he was useless, he started to be bullied.

This is the legendary tool man...

Ordinary Slytherins would not speak out even if they encountered such a thing.

They were Slytherins after all and would handle it in their own unique way.

But Malfoy couldn't help his temper.

The intention of bursting out in Ron's presence was very obvious, hoping that he could punch both of them.

This is how to retaliate against the other party.

Very good and savvy.

Ron patted his shoulder sympathetically: "Having been with you for such a long time, I understand your character. Timid and cowardly, but... I believe you. As for this matter, I just believe it. You. Now there is an opportunity in front of you." Ron said, slowly standing up.

His expression softened and became kind.

But as he stood up, a pressure began to spread.

Malfoy looked at the tall figure and stopped sobbing.

I want to see what opportunity this guy is talking about.

"I think we can be friends, Malfoy? Would you like to be my friend? I can let you run the whole Slytherin. From now on, Slytherin, I am first and you are second. How about it? In my case When I'm away, you can manage this Slytherin for me." Ron said condescendingly.

The Chief Prefect has the powers given to the House Prefects.

After all, the prefects all live in the prefects' lounge, and generally the four colleges are allowed to develop on their own.

Decentralization in this case is a very simple and clear matter.

But to be honest, no one expected Ron's decision.

"Why?! That cowardly idiot!"

The Slytherin group in the crowd looked very excited and some started talking.

Ron ignored their restlessness and looked directly at Draco.

His expression was slightly kind and a little arrogant.

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