Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 30

The consequences of Harry's ability to speak snake language are more terrifying than imagined.

Almost everyone started to avoid them.

Except for the Weasley twins who still didn't care, even Wood, during Quidditch training, always deliberately avoided Harry's eyes.

In just a few days, Harry became extremely depressed.

After Longbottom accidentally knocked Harry down, he jumped up from Harry's side in a great reaction, and fell to the ground accidentally, Rowena finally couldn't help but speak.

"What are you doing?!" Rowena said loudly. "Harry just learned a little bit of Parseltongue from Phineas out of curiosity! You react like this, as if he is possessed by a mysterious person!"

Harry froze for a moment, and just about to explain that it wasn't, Hermione covered his mouth with quick eyesight and quick hands.

Rowena nodded to Longbottom, then looked at the others, and said loudly: "Forget it, what kind of terrible thing is this? I can also speak a little snake language! My Ron can also speak a few words! Right? Ronnie, tell them a few words."

Ron just scratched the back of his head shyly, his face flushed, not knowing how to answer Rowena's words.But Rowena looked completely proud. She raised her head, held her chest high, and said: "My baby Ronnie is also a super language expert! He can learn any language quickly! Not only Parseltongue, but also Dragon language, by the way, Ronnie~~ What else do you have?"

Ron has a wonderful talent in the languages ​​of some magical animals. After Rowena discovered this, she enthusiastically taught Ron some special languages, including snake language and eagle language. Taught, and at that time, Ron was still an ignorant child, and didn't realize what was strange about it.

Rowena didn't care whether Ron succeeded in answering her words, she just said arrogantly: "Don't you think it's cool? It's the language of snakes and dragons, how handsome it is to learn. "

Under Rowena's scorching words, the other students couldn't help but feel a feeling in their hearts, as if this is the case, speaking snake language, that's really cool, it sounds cool.

Then a student whispered: "So, what did Harry say to that snake?"

Rowena gave him a big roll of the eyes and said, "What else can it be, just keep it from hurting Ron, right? Harry."

Harry nodded blankly, and Ron summoned up his courage and said, "Yes, what Harry said is that you are not allowed to hurt my friend. I was afraid because the snake was too scary, but Harry's I mean I know it!"

Neville squatted beside Rowena, and asked hesitantly: "Then, Blake also taught himself Parseltongue, right?"

Rowena continued to roll her eyes, feeling that this group of students was hopeless.

"He's Black! Have you heard of the marriage between the Black family and the Gaunt family? Their family tree was eager to show off to the world! If there is any Slytherin blood in the family, they will definitely be the first Time to tell everyone! A born snake whisperer, only with Slytherin blood, okay?"

Rowena seemed too angry to defend herself: "Forget about the others, Neville, you are also of pure blood. Did your family marry the Black family? Others don't know, but you don't? "

Neville stood up, with a silly smile on his face, he didn't care about Rowena's complaining tone at all, and said, "That's great, then neither Harry nor Senior Phineas has anything to do with the mysterious man. "

Rowena looked at the other people with the same expression, and felt tired. Don't you Gryffindors never have something to think about in your mind?

When the others started their self-study in a lively manner, Harry pulled Rowena in a low voice and asked, "Vanessa, what you said is wrong, in fact, my Parseltongue..."

"Shut up," Rowena said impatiently. "To the outside world, to anyone, at any time, you have to say that you learned a few words of snake language from us because of curiosity, understand?"

"But..." Harry's green eyes were full of grievances.

"That's it! There is nothing else!" Rowena said domineeringly.

Hermione sighed beside her and comforted Harry: "Harry, you have to listen to Vanessa on this matter, it's for your own good."

Rowena's explanation also gave Salazar some inspiration. After hiding from Dumbledore for several days, he finally had the courage to explain to his guardian.

Dumbledore stared at Salazar without any hesitation in his gray-blue pupils.

Salazar also spoke his excuses calmly.

"This is a basilisk, Thrall. I understand your curiosity at this age, but a basilisk is a very dangerous creature. I don't agree with you raising such a dangerous creature." Dumbledore rubbed his temples, he He always felt that Salazar was an exceptionally mature child. Compared with other children of the same age, he seemed to be a quieter and more stable child. He never thought that Salazar would raise a basilisk.

Salazar curled his lips and looked directly at Dumbledore with eyes similar to those of Dumbledore.

"But I can't abandon it? It didn't do anything wrong, and it didn't hurt anyone else, even that Malfoy, because he bullied Ron first." Salazar put on a pitiful expression. "It bullied Malfoy for me. Father, you can't let me abandon it. I don't want it. It won't survive, it will die."

Dumbledore shook his head hard.

"Father, please, it's really poor," Salazar continued.

"Boy, I can't agree more, it's too dangerous, it's not safe for other students."

Salazar lowered his head, looking unhappy.

"Even if I promise it won't hurt other people?"

"No," said Dumbledore. "But I can get rid of a friend of mine who might be willing to take care of your Helbo. He's an expert on magical animals. Although the basilisk is a dangerous creature, he's also a very powerful wizard. I think, Helbo. It's safe with him."

This may be Dumbledore's biggest concession, but for Salazar, it is still unacceptable.

"I do not want!"

Seeing such a rare and self-willed child, Dumbledore finally felt a little bit of a headache as a parent facing his own bear child.

"You have to be obedient, if you like it, you can still visit it, can't you?" Dumbledore gave in again.

"I just don't want it!"

This brat can't say anything, he wants to hit someone!Dumbledore rubbed his temple, feeling extremely irritable.

When the two were at such a stalemate, Professor McGonagall came over and told Dumbledore that Mr. Malfoy had come to him.

Salazar rolled his eyes and said, "Then, I won't bother you, principal, I'll go back first!"

Dumbledore took a deep breath and looked at Professor McGonagall: "Is it because of Malfoy's injury?"

"It looks like this." Professor McGonagall looked worried. "What should we do? Albus, Black attacked Malfoy because of Ron Weasley, and he used Sachs's pet. Those children also wanted to help his friends."

Professor McGonagall didn't like Malfoy's role in this, although she didn't agree with Godric's behaviour.

"Mr. Malfoy came here now because he didn't know how to deal with it," Dumbledore said. "After all, Phineas Black is still his wife's nephew, the only boy in the Black family. It is very embarrassing for Mrs. Malfoy."

In the end, because Draco was not actually hurt, Godric and Salazar were only deducted points. Godric's situation was a little more serious. Charles is twenty cents.

The matter seems to have come to an end like this, and everyone thought that nothing happened, and life returned to normal.

Until this day, when Harry and the others passed the corridor after class, they found the students surrounding a wall.

"what happened?"

Almost all of the students had expressions of fear.

Draco Malfoy was standing next to Helga. When he saw Harry and the others, it was rare for him not to provoke him, but to be very quiet.

Neville squeezed out from the crowd and said to Harry and the others, "Something has happened!"

Ron pressed, "So, what happened?"

Hermione pulled Harry into the crowd and saw the writing on the wall.

"The chamber of secrets has been opened, those who are enemies of the founder's heir, be vigilant."

"What does that mean?" Harry's eyes widened, he looked at Hermione, and Hermione also looked shocked, and he looked at the others, as if everyone was terrified.

Then, over the crowd, he saw Godric.

Next to Godric was a smiling Rowena, and he himself had a helpless expression on his face. He lowered his head and said something to Rowena, and then Rowena spread her hands, her expression was still extremely relaxed .

Have they not discovered what happened here?Harry was puzzled.

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