Hogwarts: The Founder Reborn

Chapter 369 No Responsibility Extra Story - Theodore 2

"So what if Black becomes a Warrior?

Not that another savior upstaged him.

I heard they have a good relationship.

Really nice feeling. "

As long as Theodore thought that the Savior had snatched the title of the only warrior of Godric Hogwarts, he felt comfortable.

He thought darkly, maybe they would fall out because of this.

But it didn't.

Although Theodore also thought of this situation, he still felt very disappointed.

However, the Hogwarts warriors had nothing to do with Slytherin anyway, and since both warriors were people he didn't like, he planned to ignore the Triwizard Tournament.

If there were no accidents in the end of this game, Theodore's life would probably always be so bleak.

Blake almost died.

But he survived.

The little Dumbledore who had never been taken into consideration by Theodore suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Because he killed his father.

"Little Dumbledore's magic was out of control, so this tragedy happened." When Professor Snape called him into the classroom, his expression revealed numbness. Theodore was not the only student who lost his parents. , Snape had already met several students.

He waited for Theodore to be like the previous students, distressed, yelling, venting, and questioning.

But nothing.

Theodore just bowed his head and left the classroom.

He didn't even ask Professor Snape if his father had any remains or relics left behind.

Theodore walked to the top floor of the Astronomy Tower in a daze, and stood at the window blowing the wind in a daze.

The old guy is gone.

It feels amazing.

Theodore lost his mother since childhood, but no one knows how his mother died.

Not any accident.

Old Nott was a Death Eater, he belonged to the kind of Death Eater who followed the trend but had high expectations for Voldemort, he was not a smart person, and the Nott family was a bit defeated under his hands.

But old Nott would never find problems with himself, he would only say that those dirty Muggle-born wizards suppressed him with inferior means.

He resented what he called Mudbloods, he resented half-blood wizards who would degenerate, he resented enlightened pure-blood wizards like the Weasleys.

He hoped that Voldemort would change everything, and he felt that as long as the environment changed, he could revive the Nott family.

How ridiculous.

Voldemort's failure drove Old Nott nearly insane, and he became more depressed and turned into a drunken bastard.

But he was still a strong man.

Theodore never talked about his mother, he resented that weak woman.

Resent her for choosing to leave that oppressive and desperate family because of her cowardice.

Sometimes, he would think again, why didn't she bring herself with her?

After Mrs. Nott passed away, Old Nott seemed to realize his mistake.

He was kinder to Theodore.

At most, it was nagging Theodore to strive, to work hard, to step on others, and to become an outstanding wizard.

Therefore, when he suddenly heard that the other person was gone, Theodore felt much lighter.

"Sachs Dumbledore..."

Theodore whispered the name.

"You killed my father."

"He killed my father!"

Therefore, he should resent that person.

Theodore rubbed his eyes, then felt the tears running from their sockets.

He didn't realize the looming curvature of his mouth.

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