Hogwarts, where the stars shine

Chapter 11, Branch

As night fell, a group of small boats rowed forward across the calm lake.

The castle located on the hillside by the lake is majestic, with three towering towers reaching into the sky.

Under the leadership of gamekeeper Hagrid, the first-year students trudged all the way over mountains and ridges, and finally arrived at a damp lawn in front of the castle.

They were now only a few steps away from the castle.

In front of the huge oak door of the castle, stood a tall black-haired witch wearing a dark robe.

Her expression was serious, her eyes behind the square-rimmed glasses were piercing, and there was an awe-inspiring aura around her.

"First-year students, Professor McGonagall." Gamekeeper Hagrid ran up the steps in three steps and two steps at a time. As he ran, the freshmen on the lawn felt the ground shaking.

"Thank you, Hagrid. Leave it to me to pick you up when you get here," Professor McGonagall said.

With that said, she turned around and opened the oak door, leading the freshmen into the warm and bright foyer. The blazing torches around the stone wall dispelled the chill on the freshmen.

The freshmen followed Professor McGonagall as they walked along the stone floor. Accompanied by the hum of voices coming from next door, the freshmen poured into the empty room at the other end of the hall.This room is small and can barely accommodate this year's new students. From time to time, someone's feet will be stepped on.

When Professor McGonagall stood still and turned to look at the new students, everyone calmed down and stopped pushing and complaining about each other.

Seeing that the freshmen stopped making noise, Professor McGonagall began to speak.Her speech was short and she briefly talked about the sorting ceremony that would be held later and the significance of the sorting. However, she did not tell the new students how the sorting ceremony would be conducted.

So after Professor McGonagall left the room, a heated discussion broke out among the students waiting there.

Some people say the same as Sean Hart, that freshmen have to fight wild beasts and are sorted into houses based on their performance during the fight; some say that the sorting ceremony is actually a test, and freshmen have to answer questions and are sorted into houses based on their scores; others say that the sorting ceremony is Test the magic power. If the magic power is not up to standard, you can go home tonight without even having a dinner...

In short, among the new students, being sorted into a hospital has become a dangerous and scary thing that will cause great physical (psychological) harm to them.

Mesa listened quietly to the discussion around him, and now he was also beating a little drum in his heart.Mesa really couldn't figure it out. Isn't it just a sorting ceremony? Why should it be made so mysterious?

Whether it's fighting beasts or answering questions, it's very difficult even for children from wizarding families, and it's even more unfair to new students like Mesa who come from the Muggle world.

Even if the wizarding family does not teach their children how to perform magic, the ten years of exposure and exposure cannot be compared to a summer of preview.

Not long after, Professor McGonagall came back, and the freshmen's discussion about the sorting ceremony came to an abrupt end.

Everyone followed Professor McGonagall anxiously, their legs feeling like they were filled with lead.

The pale freshmen walked out of their rooms, through the foyer, and through double doors into the grand auditorium.

The moment they entered the auditorium, the freshmen's uneasiness disappeared immediately. At this moment, everyone turned into a ceiling quality inspector - the velvety black ceiling was glittering with stars, giving people the illusion of being in the wilderness.

In the magnificent auditorium, students from other grades sat at long tables in their own colleges. Thousands of candles floating in the air above the tables illuminated the auditorium.

The ghosts were among the students, shining with a hazy silver light.

There is another long table on the upper stage of the auditorium, which is the teacher's seat.

Professor McGonagall took the first years over there and asked them to line up in a row facing all the senior students, with the teachers behind them.

Uneasiness once again flooded into the hearts of the freshmen, and every new student knew that the unknown sorting ceremony was about to begin.

However, this time the uneasiness did not last long, and the anxiety gradually subsided when Professor McGonagall took out a pointed wizard hat.As the patched hat sang, gasps of relief surrounded Mesa.

It turns out that the sorting ceremony is not that dangerous or complicated. The freshmen only need to wear that dirty hat.All the answers, tests, and battles with wild beasts are all nonsense!

The Sorting Hat's song ended, the audience burst into applause, and the sorting ceremony officially began.

Professor McGonagall took out a roll of parchment from nowhere and announced loudly: "Whoever's name I call now will put on his hat, sit on the stool, and wait for the sorting."

"Adelaide Ackerman!"

A pale, thin boy stumbled out of the queue and became the first freshman to wear the sorting hat.

"Hufflepuff!" Hat shouted.

The people at the table to the right applauded Adelaide and welcomed him to their table.A fat ghost who looked like a monk also waved happily to Adelaide.

"Betty Antoinette!"


This time the second table on the left clapped and applauded.When Betty joined them, several Ravenclaws stood up to shake her hand.

Then, another new student put on the sorting hat, and a boy named Gareth Barry was sorted into Gryffindor. The table on the farthest left immediately burst into deafening cheers.

"Mesa Black!"

Amidst the noise of Gryffindor, Professor McGonagall called out Mesa's name.

Mesa then walked out of the queue.When passing Lilia Shafiq, the little girl did not forget to remind him that he must not be sorted into Slytherin House.

Mesa stepped forward and put the dirty Sorting Hat on his head. He really didn't like this wizard hat.

"Huh?" A small voice sounded in Mesa's ear, "Kid, I feel a strong dislike from you. You really want to throw me into the 'washing machine', so... what is a washing machine?"

With his eyes closed, Mesa rolled his eyes that no one could see. He thought to himself: The washing machine is a machine that can clean you, but it should be washed many times.

"Oh, that's it." The Sorting Hat whispered, "You are judging a hat by its cover. I am a magic hat."

Mesa is a street kid with rags, but that doesn't mean he likes dirty things.Even if the conditions are harsh, Mesa will do his best to look clean. This is both respect for himself and respect for others.

"Yes, yes, an interesting idea." The Sorting Hat said to himself, "You are very brave and seem to be a good fit for Gryffindor, where you will meet equally brave and fearless companions and accomplish great things. "

Having said this, the Sorting Hat paused before continuing: "At the same time, you are very suitable for Slytherin. You are dissatisfied with the status quo and long to fly high into the sky. There, you will get to know more shrewd careerists, They may be able to help you reach glory..."

"Where do you want to go?"

It sounds like the Sorting Hat puts the power of choice into Mesa's hands, but the final decision still lies in the hands of the Hat, even though it doesn't have hands.

Gryffindor or Slytherin, that is the question.

From Mesa's own perspective, it doesn't matter which college he goes to.After all, the curriculum arrangements of the four colleges are the same, and the magical knowledge learned is the same. There is no such thing as a top class at Hogwarts.

As for going to Slytherin and being bullied and the living environment becoming harsh, Mesa didn't really care about that.

Compared to street life, how bad could Slytherin be?How dare a group of kids who haven't left school hang themselves in the common room?

Since both houses can go anywhere, it's better to just let fate guide you and let the Sorting Hat choose a start for you.

Even though this start may be a little rough and tumble, just face the difficulties head on.

As the Sorting Hat considered where to place Mesa, a humming murmur, like the hissing of a small flame, filled the Great Hall.Mesa is the No. 4 student waiting to be sorted, but he has spent more time than the previous three people combined.

Curiosity about Mesa's whereabouts and resentment about the delay in dinner made the students pay more attention to the dirty Sorting Hat, waiting for it to announce the result.

"Is it okay to go anywhere? Should I say that you are easy-going, or that you are not afraid of difficulties?" The Sorting Hat muttered in a low voice, and then shouted loudly, "Then - Slytherin!"

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