Homestar Saga

Chapter 110: Tactical Necessity

At the Warmaster's words, the Oluken Security Officers moved closer, tendrils straying to their stunwhips. Yvian saw eyestalks shake and legs betray tremors of fear. The Oluken were scared. She didn't blame them. Eight more Vrrl stood in a loose circle behind the Warmaster. She'd seen how quickly they could move. Yvian suspected the Warmaster and his people could slaughter the Elders and every guard in the area if they wanted to. They could reduce the Taa'oor and the human delegation into quivering chunks just as easily. Even she and the Captain couldn't stop them, unarmed as they were.

The only thing keeping Yvian from being terrified was the presence of Kilroy and Zarkon. If the Vrrl tried anything, the Peacekeeper units could turn them into a puddle. She spared a glance at Kilroy and took a breath, trying to slow her heartbeat.

The Vrrl ignored the shaking Security. His three eyes followed the High Commander as the man drifted towards one of the Oluken Elders. A pleased rumble escaped him. He turned back to regard Captain Mims. "But he is a hunt for another day." Skrell Scatchach looked at the human, slowly blinking his eyes. He did the same towards each pixen, then the Peacekeeper. "From now until tomorrow, you will not be my prey." His shoulders relaxed, and he plucked a fish from one of the floating platters. "I have come to express my gratitude to you, human."

Mims met the monster's gaze, one eyebrow lifting. "Gratitude?"

"I am as surprised as you are." The Vrrl gave a low, rumbling chuckle. His eyes flicked to the High Commander and back again. "Do you know how long the Empire has been trying to capture Nexus technology? The Federation does not leave such things in the hands of civilians, and their military has been very careful. Even the Confederation Nodes self destruct before we can take them."

The Warmaster's lips peeled back, revealing sharp teeth and glistening fangs. Yvian realized it was his version of a smile. "Now, not only do we have a Node, you've given us a jumpdrive, stealth tech, and working samples of human weaponry."

"I didn't give you anything," said the human. "I gave it to the Oluken."

"And they sold it to us," the Vrrl agreed. "As you knew they would."

"It was a tactical necessity."

"So you told the High Commander." Scathach's unblinking stare switched over to Yvian. "But I am being discourteous." He held out a huge clawed hand. "I saw you on the little mechanic's station, but we have not been introduced. I am Skrell Scathach, First Hsst of the Priderender, Third Warmaster of the Vrrl Starfang Empire. It is interesting to meet you."

The Warmaster's claws retracted. Yvian allowed his fingers to engulf her own. His hand felt strong enough to bend tungsten, but he squeezed lightly before letting go. "Yvian," she gave her name.

Skrell Scathach gave a nod, then held his hand out to Lissa. "And you must be Lissa Kiver, the leader of the Pixen Technocracy."

"It's nice to meet you," Lissa said with a diplomatic smile. Technically, she shared the leadership with Yvian, Mims, and Kilroy, but there was no denying she was the face of the fledgling nation.

The Warmaster regarded Kilroy next. His brow furrowed. "I do not intend offense, but I cannot smell the difference between you and the other machine. Are you Kilroy or Ambassador Zarkon?"

"This unit and the other machine are standard and interchangeable," the Peacekeeper informed him, accepting the handshake. "There is no difference to smell. This unit is designated as Kilroy."

"Fascinating," said the Vrrl. "And are your kind truly treated as equal to the pixens? No better or worse?"

"Affirmative," said Kilroy. "We are treated as citizens. We are given neither restrictions nor extra privileges."

"How strange," said the Warmaster. "I may come speak with you later. It has been centuries since any Vrrl has spoken with a Synthetic Intelligence. There are many questions to ask."

"This unit will be available," Kilroy assured him. "As will Ambassador Zarkon."

"Very well." The Vrrl ate another fish. "On to business." He clasped his hands behind his back again. "The Vore have taken Histel."

"Histel?" Lissa frowned. "Is that a planet?"

"It was," Scathach growled. "Home to nine billion Vrrl, along with the majority of our breeding camps." The Vrrl didn't always kill and eat the pixenoids they caught. Many were brought back to Vrrl space, put into camps, and forced to breed. The Vrrl liked their meat sapient, and they liked it fresh. Yvian shuddered. Being bred and slaughtered like a grib was one of her personal nightmares.

The Warmaster continued. "We saw them coming. We were prepared, and it didn't matter. The Vore tore through us as easily as I would tear through a hignal." A cold fury grew in the Vrrl's visage. "We were forced to sever the sector from the Gate network."

"I'm sorry to hear that," said Mims. "That's not good news."

"It could have been much worse." The Vrrl held one his hands in front of him, sheathing and unsheathing his claws. "If not for the information you sold us, we would have been caught unprepared. The Vore could have escaped Histel Sector. The entire Empire could have been lost." He shook himself, tucking the hand behind himself again. "Emperor Chakla has declared the Vore a Scourge, and the Empire must see them destroyed."

"Ok," Mims nodded slowly. "That's good, but what does that have to do with us?"

"We know you have a weapon that can destroy the Vore." The Warmaster reached into his vest. He pulled out a small orb. The orb activated, showing a hologram of Skygem racing towards a Vore sphere.

Mims frowned at the hologram. The Warmaster grunted. "Did you not know that the Oluken who saved Yvian were spies?" Scathach chuckled. "Don't let their prattling about the Lifestream fool you, human. They are as underhanded as the humans, and nearly as cunning as the Vrrl." He put the hologram away. "I have spoken with the other Warmasters. With the Denmasters. With the Loremasters and the Mafdet. All have agreed. The Vrrl Starfang Empire does not have the power to destroy this Scourge on our own. For that reason, the Emperor has authorized an alliance." He held out all four of his hands. "Join us, and the Vrrl Starfang Empire will help you do what the humans and the Xill cannot. We will destroy the Vore, and wipe every trace of this Scourge from the Galaxy."

Yvian looked at the Warmaster's outstretched hands. This was above her paygrade. She cast a glance at Mims, who nodded towards Lissa. Lissa thought for a moment, then shook her head. "No."

"No?" Yvian had expected Skrell Scathach to react with anger. Instead she saw mild surprise.

"No," Lissa repeated. "You eat pixens. Why would we ally ourselves with people that see us as food?"

"I smell," said the Vrrl. He lowered his hands. "Unfortunate. I have seen your defenses. You will not be able to stop the humans from taking your world and your weapon the moment they learn its location. With us, at least, you would have a chance."

"We'll deal with the Federation when the time comes," said Mims.

"The time is sooner than you think," the Warmaster told him. "Did you think it was a coincidence your XTRO sent a strike team? The High Commander didn't stop them for your benefit, no matter what he says." He gestured towards the Oluken Elders. "He simply didn't want to anger the Oluken."

"The Federation's been hunting me a long time." Mims shrugged. "I can handle myself."

"It's not you they are hunting, human." The Warmaster regarded him with disappointment. "Do you really think they'd risk war with the Oluken for petty revenge?"

"Oh, Crunch." Lissa's eyes went wide. "They're after..."

"A tactical necessity." The Captain shook his head. "They want to use Lucendian tech. They want Yvian."

Crunch. A shiver traveled down Yvian's legs. She glanced over at the human delegation. Some of the men and women in suits had been glancing her way quite a bit. She'd assumed they were just checking her out, but now...

Yvian shook her head. "Doesn't matter." She pointed at Scathach. "You still eat people."

"Yes." Scathach was not repentant. He ate another fish. "Though I suppose we can stop eating pixens for the duration of our alliance."

"Not good enough," Lissa declared. "I want our status changed on your Predator Index."

The Warmaster's eyebrows rose. "You want to be Apex? Like us?"

"No." Lissa put her hands on her hips. "I want us listed as inedible. I don't want any of your kind to eat mine ever again."

"Hmm..." The Warmaster considered. "A high price, but not impossible." The Vrrl licked his hand and ran it through his mane. "In return, I will need something from the human."

"Me?" the Captain scowled. "What could you possibly want from me?"

"Mims," Skrell Scathach blinked slowly at the human. "You are the blood of our greatest foes, but you have done more for the Empire than most Warmasters ever will."

"That's not..." the Captain started.

"Now I will give you the opportunity to do more," Scathach spoke right over him. He gestured, and another Vrrl stepped forward. This one was nearly as large as the Warmaster, but a few centimeters shorter and maybe twenty kilograms leaner. His fur was light green, with darker green spots at irregular intervals. His mane was brown. His eyes were yellow. He marched to a stop just behind and a little to the side of the Warmaster.

"This is Scarrend, Ninth Hsst of the Priderender. A fine officer and a Mafdet of the Fifth Ordinance." The Warmaster clapped a meaty paw down on the green Vrrl's shoulder. He will be the newest member of your crew."

Captain Mims blinked. "What?"

Scarrend blinked. "What?"

"He will serve on your crew," Scathach elaborated. "And you will teach him your ways."

The Captain's face darkened. "Are you out of your-" Suddenly Kilroy was next to him, squeezing his shoulder. Mims paused, glaring at the Peacekeeper.

"For what reason do you wish your officer to join the Random Encounter?" the Peacekeeper asked.

"An apt question." Skrell Scathach crossed one pair of arms across his chest. "First, he will serve as a point of contact between your group and the Vrrl Starfang Empire, much as you do for your fellow machines." Scarrend opened his mouth to speak, but a look from the Warmaster silenced him. "Second, I know the Pixen Technocracy is lacking in Mafdet." He noticed Yvian's confused expression and elaborated. "Scientists and inventors. Your species doesn't have them."

"The Pixen Technocracy has Peacekeeper units," Kilroy pointed out.

"Yes, but you all have the same mind, don't you?" Scarrend spoke. His tone was more hostile than his words. "Learning and invention are a collaborative effort, and you only have a single perspective."

"The third reason is the most important." The Warmaster cut back in. "Scarrend is going to learn how humans fight."

"Warmaster," Scarrend objected. "We have been hunting humans for two centuries. We already know how they fight."

"We know how to fight humans as Vrrl," the Warmaster corrected. "You will learn to fight as the humans do."

"What? That's..." Scarrend stopped himself, then started over. "Why would a Vrrl wish to fight as a human? We are the apex."

"Are we?" Skrell Scathach asked mildly.

"Of course we are," the green Vrrl scoffed. "We are faster, stronger, smarter. The humans only have two arms, for meat's sake."

"And yet they've beaten us," The Warmaster pointed out.

"Their technology is more advanced then ours," Scarrend admitted. "But strip that away..."

"And they still beat us." Scathach shook his head. "Have you forgotten what happened on this very station? Or the experiment that followed. Human martial artists killed three Vrrl for every one of theirs."

"A single experiment proves nothing," Scarrend insisted. "Once we collect more data..."

"We have collected more data," Skrell's growl cut him off. "We've invited humans to three more tournaments after the first. The results were consistent."

Scarrend gasped, along with the other seven Vrrl behind him. "You mean..."

"Yes." For a moment the Warmaster looked very, very tired. "These martial artisans are more dangerous than we are." He took a breath and squared his shoulders. "That is why you must go with this human. If the arts that make them so powerful can be taught, you must learn them. You must bring them to the rest of us. If you cannot, then the Vrrl will lose our place at the Apex."

"I..." The green Vrrl swallowed. He looked down at the water they all stood in. "I understand, Warmaster." He faced Scathach, raising his leather shirt to show his belly. "I will grow the Mafdet, and bring cunning to the Hunt."

"Your prey is knowledge." The Warmaster took one of Scarrend's hands and rubbed his head against it. "Hunt it well."

"I haven't agreed to any of this," Mims objected.

"You will," Skrell Scathach rumbled, voice as cold and unyielding as tungsten in the void. "It is a tactical necessity."

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