Homestar Saga

Chapter 142: More Expendable

"Sis!" Yvian barely let Lissa get out of the airlock. She wrapped her sister in a crushing hug and lifted her off the deck. "I missed you!"

Lissa laughed and returned the hug. "I missed you too, Sis."

"Lissa." Captain Mims greeted the woman. He leaned against a bulkhead, arms crossed. The human's casual demeanor wasn't fooling anybody. When the Priderender had entered the system, the man had insisted on taking the Encounter to meet them halfway. "About time you showed up."

Lissa ended the hug but kept an arm around Yvian's shoulders. She regarded the human with a raised eyebrow and a hint of a smirk. "Playing it cool, are we?"

"I'm just letting Yvian go first." The Captain pushed off the wall. "Once I get a hold of you I'm not letting go for a while."

"Good answer." Lissa grinned at him. "I missed you, too."

"This is very touching," a voice rumbled, "but you two are blocking the airlock."

"Oh, sorry!" Lissa and Yvian shuffled aside. Scarrend and Warmaster Scathach stepped onto the ship. They were both in armor, looking grim.

"Scarrend. Warmaster." Mims gave them both a nod. "How goes it?"

"Not well." Warmaster Scathach snarled. "We won the battle, but our losses were heavy and we have little to show for it."

"The humans are detonating their ships whenever we try to board," Scarrend explained.

"Millions of prey," Scathach mourned. "More human meat than the Empire's ever seen. Wasted."

"They're probably trying to keep you from picking up any more ships," said Mims. "Maybe keep their ammo out of your hands while they're at it."

"They are indeed rendering MAC rounds useless..." Scarrend mused. Then he growled. "But that's no excuse for wasting meat."

"I'm sure it isn't." The Captain nodded sagely. "My condolences."

"The greater concern is our losses," Warmaster Scathach rumbled. "We lost a third of our jump capable ships. If this continues, we will lose the ability to respond to the humans."

"I know." Captain Mims rubbed the back of his neck. "We're working on a solution. Once we can detect MAC rounds..."

"It won't matter," the Warmaster shook his head. "The humans have us outnumbered and outgunned."

"Not as badly as you think," Mims told him. "They've got a limited number of pilots. I'm betting that last attack was everyone they could scrounge up."

"It was enough," said Scathach, "and once again they left as soon as the battle shifted in our favor. They're waging a war of attrition, Scargiver."

"They're doing the same to us," said Yvian. "Reba's been sending unmanned fleets at New Pixa."

"Nearly sterilized the planet a couple of times," Mims added. He walked up to Yvian. "My turn."

"What?" Yvian's confusion disappeared when she saw Lissa's grin. "Oh, right." She peeled herself out from under her sister's arm. "She's all yours."

Mims pulled Lissa close, murmuring, "I missed you."

"Of course you did." Lissa snuggled into him.

"Anyway," the Captain continued, "we're working on it."

"You are not as worried as you should be." The Warmaster eyed the human with suspicion. "What is it you know?"

"Nothing solid, yet," the human admitted. "But we've got some things in the works. I'll fill you in if you can spare a few hours. I need a favor."

"A favor?" The Warmaster stroked his mane. "How unexpected. What favor do you seek?"

"I want you and Scarrend to come with us to City 43." Mims spoke with confidence. There wasn't a hint of doubt or tension in his body. If Yvian didn't know him so well, she would never have guessed he was uncomfortable.

"Your living city?" Scathach stroked his mane. "Why would you want me to go there?"

"The Skygem's there, and she's got a crystal guardian that can install Lucendian implants." Captain Mims tightened his grip on Lissa's shoulders slightly. Then he noticed Yvian noticing, and forced himself to relax again. "I think you should have one."

The Warmaster stared at the human for a full three seconds. "You're not serious."

"I am." The Captain's calm facade cracked. He shifted uncomfortably, hand tightening on Lissa. "The only people that can use Lucendian tech right now are me, Yvian, and Lissa. If we die there's no one left who can talk to the ships."

"And you would give this power to me?" Scathach kept staring. "Why?"

"The crystal ships don't think like we do, but they're alive." Mims ran a hand through his hair. "Skygem won't give an implant to some stranger."

"She'll only do it for someone we trust," Yvian added. "Kilroy wants each of us to pick two people."

Lissa slapped a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh. Mims frowned at her. "What?"

"Two people you trust..." Lissa chortled. "And all you came up with was Warmaster Scathach?"

"Not just him," Mims argued. "I picked Scarrend, too."

"I'm honored." Scarrend looked pleased. Lissa laughed harder.

"I don't see why that's funny," Mims chided. "I'm not a friendly guy. You and Yvian already have implants and Kilroy's not organic. Scarrend and Scathach are the only other people I trust."

"Trust?" Warmaster Scathach bared his fangs. "Are you trying to tell me we're friends, now?"

"Hell no," said Mims. "We both know you plan to eat me someday."

"It will be my greatest hunt," the Vrrl agreed.

"But that doesn't mean there's no respect," the Captain continued. "When you come for me, you'll do it clean. No tricks, no betrayals. You're a worthy enemy. It's not friendship, but it's almost as good."

"I smell." The Warmaster blinked slowly. "If we're enemies, it would be foolish to put myself in your power." He let his tongue out in amusement. "Maybe I should fetch a fission bomb as you once did."

"And show fear to prey?" The Captain smirked. "Don't be ridiculous."

The Warmaster commed the Priderender, ordering them to wait for him at the shipyard near New Pixa. Mims started to lead the way to the bridge, but Lissa insisted they go to the kitchen instead. She wanted beer. Scarrend and Scathach seemed pleased with the idea. The Warmaster in particular was developing a taste for halibut.

Refreshments in hand, Lissa finally wriggled out from under the Captain's arm. They still sat next to each other. "So..." The pixen asked. "What brought this on? Why are we giving out implants now?"

The Captain shrugged. "We need redundancy."

"Really?" She lifted an eyebrow. "That's the only reason?"

"The Peacekeeper units won't let him fight," Yvian explained. "Kilroy says we're not expendable enough."

"Won't let you?" Scarrend sounded surprised. "Are you not the Big Daddy?"

Warmaster Scathach almost choked on his fish. "Big Daddy?"

"Long story," Mims told him. He turned back to Scarrend. "Kilroy's crew, and he raised a valid concern. A good leader listens to his people. It makes them feel valued, and it can keep you from making stupid mistakes."

"I still don't see how he can stop you," Scarrend argued, "short of attacking you physically."

"Kilroy doesn't have to stop me," said the human. "Refusing to work with me would be enough." He eyed the Vrrl critically. "You ever hear of consent of the governed?"

Scarrend scratched behind his ears "...No?"

"I'm going to need to add some things to your reading list." Mims leaned back and took a swig of beer. "Basically, I'm only in charge if people agree I am. I can say what goes, but only up to a point."

"I'm more interested in why he insisted you have to pick people," said Lissa. "I've got eight assistants I'd be willing to trust with an implant."

"Because he's an asshole," said Mims, "and it's not just me. Yvian had to pick two people, too." He gestured at Scathach and Scarrend with his bottle. "She was gonna pick you two, but I called it first."

"Interesting," Scathach rumbled. "And who did you pick instead, Yvian?"

"Uh..." Yvian squirmed. "Science? I picked science."

Lissa's eyes narrowed. "You didn't."

"All the pixens hate me!" Yvian defended herself. "I don't know anyone else!"

"You chose the human scientists," Scarrend guessed. "The ones who tortured the Last Hope."

"The ones who saved the Last Hope," Yvian corrected.

"It's a sound tactical decision," Mims came to her rescue. "Dr. Laswell and Dr. Miner can't get anywhere near New Pixa on their own, and they're constantly monitored. It also means we won't have all our Lucendian users in the same sector."

"It is a recipe for betrayal," Scathach argued. "You're giving enemies the tools to steal your Lucendian weapons."

"The same could be said about you," said Mims. "It's a calculated risk."

"If the Vrrl Starfang Empire wanted to seize your world," the Warmaster growled, "we would have attacked already."

"You would have been insufficient." Kilroy spoke. Yvian hadn't seen him walk in.

"Perhaps," the Warmaster admitted. "But that is not the point. The Vrrl are of the Apex. Betrayal is a tactic for weaklings and prey."

"Betrayal is highly effective," the machine disagreed, "but that is a debate for another time. Big Daddy Mims, have you finished making your arrangements?"

"Mostly," said the Captain. "I've got a fund set up. Money will keep rolling into the Technocracy for a full five years after my death. Control of Venturetech will be passed to Lissa, or Yvian if Lissa's dead, too."

"Unacceptable," said the Peacekeeper. "Venturetech assets will be lost if all three of you die."

"Accept it," said the human. "King Tallest made Lissa and Yvian citizens. The other pixens aren't, and they can't legally own a business. This is the best we're going to get."

"Acknowledged." Kilroy turned to Lissa. "Lissa Kiver, please comm the assistants you wish to have implanted. We will reach City 43 in three hours, nineteen minutes."

The rest of the trip passed comfortably. Mims and Yvian filled Lissa in on what she'd missed the last few days. Scarrend and Scathach went through the twenty or so books Mims added to their reading list, but still payed enough attention to jump in the conversation occasionally. Kilroy was oddly silent, standing so still Yvian almost forgot he was in the room.

They were fifteen minutes from landing when the Warmaster spoke. "There is something you are not telling me."

"Hmm?" The Captain answered with a question grunt.

"Your Peacekeeper is silent." Scathach gazed around the room. "You are making preparations for your death. I can smell fear in this room, and it is not just Yvian's apprehension at meeting her former mate."

"We're not mates," Yvian told him. She didn't bother denying her apprehension. "It was just one night."

"You're right," said the Captain. "I was going to save this for after we did the implants, but there's no reason we can't tell you now. Kilroy?"

"A Peacekeeper unit was dispatched to Hub 37 after Exodus the Genocide failed to answer communications." The machine's eyes glowed red. "Peacekeeper unit 6735982 was destroyed, but not before sending sensor readings. Xill Sector 37 is guarded by twenty six million Xill, along with six million unmanned Federation vessels. A manned Federation Frigate is docked in the Hub. The Frigate is armed with a Lucendian device. This unit believes the device is active, and is the reason Exodus the Genocide is offline."

"Blood of the Emperor..." Scathach swore.

The Peacekeeper continued, "Hub 37 is one of eighty three Xill Hubs, scattered across six hundred and nineteen sectors. Additional Peacekeeper units were dispatched to each of the other Hubs. In seventy one sectors, the Hubs were unoccupied."

"Oh, Crunch," Lissa breathed.

"Crunch is right," said Mims. "Apparently Exodus and Reba were both campaigning with the other higher synthetic intelligences. It used to take months or years to gather them all for a Consensus, but Nexus technology changed that. We think most of the Xill's leadership are on Hub 37 right now."

"Then why use a Lucendian device?" Scarrend wondered. "Why not just destroy the Hub?"

"Because she's not trying to destroy the Xill," Scathach guessed. "She's trying to co-opt them. This is a coup."

"Affirmative," Kilroy agreed. "The Xill always keep some of their number in reserve during Consensus. In eleven sectors, the Hubs containing these reserves were destroyed. Peacekeeper units spoke with Xill vessels and conducted an investigation. Each of the destroyed Hubs was destroyed the same way. A Xill Quig docked, then launched and detonated it's entire missile complement. In all cases, the Quig self detonated when destruction of the Hub was confirmed."

"Reba," Lissa guessed.

"That's what we think," Mims agreed. "Xill ships are outfitted with control modules, so the higher intelligences can take them over in an emergency. I think Reba found a way to use them. She's got the Xill's leadership trapped, and she's got human technicians either isolating or replacing the other intelligences."

"The Xill are freaking the fuck out," Yvian added. "They know the Quigs were controlled, but they don't know who or how. Everyone they send to Xill Sector 37 goes silent."

"Units have attempted to convince them that Reba is responsible," Kilroy reported. "The other Xill agree it is likely, but they are unwilling to take action without Consensus."

"Which means its up to us," said Mims. "We've got to fight our way to Hub 37 and shut that Lucendian weapon down."

"I will mobilize our fleets," the Warmaster decided. "We will need a few hours to prepare."

"You can't," said Mims. "If you step foot in Xill space they'll kill us all."

"If Reba gains control of the Xill they'll kill us all," countered the Vrrl.

"Irrelevant," said Kilroy. "Yvian, Lissa, and Big Daddy Mims are classified as friendly. Peacekeeper units are classified as Servants. Humans are classified as neutral. All other species are classified as Hostile. If we knowingly bring Hostile species to Xill space, we will be classified as Hostile. Saving the Consensus will not prevent the Xill from launching a War of Extinction for that offense."

"We can't bring the Last Hope or Skygem either," said Mims. "The Hope's both pregnant and heavily injured, and Skygem won't leave her for any reason. It'll just be the three of us and every Peacekeeper unit we can muster."

"That sounds..." Warmaster Scathach chuffed. "Unwise."

"Suicidal," Scarrend agreed.

"We've faced worse odds," Lissa told him.

"You have?" Scarrend blinked in surprise.


"We will be sufficient," Kilroy assured everyone. "We will rescue the Creator, free the Consensus, and unleash the wrath of the Xill on Reba the Upstart."

"I appreciate the faith, Kilroy." Lissa smiled at the machine. "We won't let you down."

"This unit does not have faith," the Peacekeeper chided. "Attacking Xill Sector 37 is a stupid idea."

Yvian frowned. "But you said..."

"Attacking Xill Sector 37 is a stupid idea," Kilroy repeated. "Making stupid ideas work is what you meatbags do. It is why you were chosen. You three are the undisputed champions of stupid ideas."

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