Chapter 6: A quiet guest
Afeter leaving Rost place i went as fast as i could to my old hunter cave, it was getting realy late and the risk of something hapen to me were quiet hight, even with a focus i knew i was not ready yet to face the scrapers head on, afeter all i did not have a single skill yet and all my XP come from hunting small animals.
However my trust in my own skills was groing stronger by the day, i was faster, more resilient and more brave that ever before and i was ready to take a single strider or a watcher if i got a little lucky and find one away from the herd, so tomorrow that was my goal, to kill my very first machine while exploring my surroundings.
Reaching my first real estate in this world the small cave welcome me with all the warm it could give me, witch was none, it was freaking cold at night inside a cave so i readly make a small fire to eat my fish and smoke the turkey meat i had hunted before, i still had two more rabits that i manage to hunt thanks to the help of my shining and loyal focus, truly the best companion a man can ask for in this kind and welcoming world, so while the fish was cooking i was skinning their pelts to later use, after i skinned them i put them to smoke to since i was staying in the cave for a few more days i still had to find someone to trade suplies.
The meat taste is quiet bad, there is no salt nearby or even some spice herbs but it would do for now, beggars cant be choosers afeter all.
Sudently i heard footsteps outside and got my bow ready to fire, the Nora have a strong sence of honor and murder and thief were actualy very rate but better safe that sorry.
What greated me was something or someone i was not expecting at all, my mother looked at me from the outside and then the bow still raised and ready to shot with something like pride, but only for a second or two, her face turn into a disapoint one realy fast, maybe it was just an ilusion its prety dark and Im very tired, she dident say anything she could not for the law of the tribe forbid her, yet she move inside my cave without permission like she owns the place and started to cook the fish in a better way that i ever could after that she made something of hard thigs to better smoke the meat without saying a word.
I just watch and said nothing either, i mean her son was dead and i was wallking in his place the situation was weird to say the least.
I never meet my parents in the old world growing up in a orphanage this was all new to me, all i had to guide me was the original memories of a few years.
Then when i stand up to get my dinner she went all crazy Greta on me.
- All Mother please forgive the Nora that have no petience for the gifs you bring to the world and act foolish in front of their betters, bless them with intelligence and dignity of true Nora braves, give them your fire so they never grow cold and alone in the darkest of nights and forgive them for their sins.
Oh ok ok you want to play that game? i can do it to.
- All Mother please give me a sense a humor that will not make me a criminal on the eyes of the tribe, and please look after my parents, give them your warm so they can carry on strong and true, may you bless the Nora braves that care for their sons and tribe like you cary for us, give them hope and protect them form harm.
I could hear her grinding her theet at the first sentence i spoke but them relaxed when earing the rest and actualy gave a small smile.
I have his memories and i may not love them like he did but i understand that in this tribal and brutal world they were very good to him, i had no reason to be an ass, if i could ease her sufering just a bit i would do it, and i still owe her for the rabit i think she left in the cave.
After eating my fish and saying nothing more to each other for about a hour she stud up ready to leave.
- ... Sorry.
I said in low voice that she heard perfectly, she was a good hunter of the tribe a true Nora brave in service of warchief Sona.
She stop at the entrance and give me the sadest smile i ever seen, and them she left.
- What a weird day, again.
Tired from the day i had i soon went to sleep to tired to think anymore about a mother that was not my mother and a bad joke that i never said and an AI that was worshiped like the God of creation.