How I became the Empress of Hell

2.15: ❤️1v1 Elimination Round 1: Allexus vs. 17

After finally getting over a major bout of writer's block for this story, I was feeling especially inspired. So... Enjoy the early release!

After the chapter there is a brief survey on some stuff I'm contemplating for the future chapters. Thanks in advance for your votes and as always, I welcome any feedback.

Enjoy! ❤️


The sexy demon disappeared and I surged forward instantly. With both of my swords drawn I closed the distance between me and my opponent in a split second, but I thought it was strange he was making no attempts to move. I slashed with both blades but I nearly stumbled over when they encountered no resistance. I dug my heel in to stop my momentum and spread my wings. I blasted off the ground and spun in mid-air. As I scanned the area for my opponent, I blinked a few times in disbelief.

Spread throughout the arena were dozens of identical copies of 17, all of them staring up at me with a blank expression.

Illusion magic... OK. That would explain the class name. If I attack the wrong one there’s a chance the real one will have an opening to attack me. If that’s the case I just need to attack them all at once.

I sheathed both of my swords and cast a spell with each hand as I flew towards the middle of the arena. My feet passed through the illusion of my opponent as I touched down and I placed each hand on the ground. My demon warriors and mages appeared in front of me and I immediately started casting two more spells. Several copies of 17 moved to attack me while I was casting and my demons spread out to intercept them. As my assassin appeared she swung her katana in a wide arc at an enemy that was approaching me from behind. My paladin stood behind me to keep me covered from the rear and I wasted no time in casting my remaining two summoning spells.

“Enchanter, buff the warriors with anything and everything you can. Paladin, keep the healers covered and do not engage unless something moves towards them. Mages, offensive magic only, we’re not giving the enemy a chance to put us on defense. Assassin, as there’s really no shadows for you to hide in, stick by the paladin and attack anything that gets close. Healers, conserve MP as much as possible, but don’t let anyone drop below 50% health.”

While I had summoned my demon army, the enemy had been busy making more and more illusion clones. I ordered my group to move out and attack everything in our path. The illusory enemies dissipated as my warriors hacked and slashed, but there seemed to be no end to them. The sound of metal on metal caught my attention, and I was about to move to engage, when all around us the enemies started striking at us with very real attacks. I had anticipated something like this, and I put the next part of my plan into action.

I spread my wings just enough to carry me over my demons as I leapt into the fray. I cast my [Demonfire] spell and then drew both of my swords. The jagged Voidsteel blades erupted into flames and I held them out in front of me. I released each sword from my grasp but quickly cast my [Demonic Chains] spell and wrapped the ends of the chain around the handles of each flaming weapon. I focused my energy on speed and strength as I started to twist and turn my body. As I spun, the chains coming from my hands extended and the swords started slicing through the air in a dangerous arc. I cast my [Demonfire] spell again and flames poured from my hands down the length of the chain. All around me I saw my blades slice through anything that got in my way, and I forced my body to move faster and hit harder. As I spun faster and faster, the flaming chains extended even longer so I was soon cutting huge swathes of enemies down in a 30-foot diameter.

While I was clearing all the enemies out of one area, my demons had spread out and were mowing down everything in another. We closed the gap between us and I pulled the chains in and grabbed each of my swords as they were reeled into my palm. My devastating attack had completely depleted my MP, but it had also eliminated over half of the illusion clones. My demons had moved efficiently and viciously to cut down all but a small handful, and we spread out to surround the rest of the enemies. I ordered my army to form a semi-circle around the cluster of enemies, and I stepped forward.

“Don’t attack them unless any try to escape. I’m going to finish this myself.”

I moved as fast as I could and cut down the closest enemy to me. The others closed in on me, but instead of blocking I focused on taking them all out as quickly as I could.

Slice through the head and stab through the chest of one. Drop shoulder to deflect incoming sword attack while using that momentum to slice through opponent’s leg. Elbow next enemy in the face while sweeping other blade low to finish off the previous one. Extend arm and cut horizontally across the enemy’s face. Let armor absorb the blow from one attack at your back and use sword in right hand to block the blade aimed at your neck. Turn right arm and sever the attacker’s hand, stab side of his head with left sword and kick body backwards while pulling blade back. Five enemies left. Allow attack from front to hit while driving left sword into attacker’s gut. Shove previous enemy back with shoulder and follow up with overhead swing onto next one’s exposed neck. Double horizontal slash to cut one enemy in half, and use momentum to do a reverse horizontal slash on the next. The incoming attack directed at your face left the last opponent open. HP is high enough to allow attack to hit while driving both blades at once into the enemy’s chest.

Pain tore through my face and my vision on my left side blackened as 17’s sword sliced through my face and grazed along the side of my skull. He grunted as the hilt’s of both of my swords bumped against his chest and his dark gray face mask turned red as he coughed up blood. I pulled both of my swords out of his chest and dropped them at my feet. The bodies of the clones spread around the arena disappeared at once as the real enemy’s body hit the ground. Exhaustion was starting to creep in and my body felt sluggish. The attack I took literally head on had inflicted a lot more damage than I had expected, and I staggered over to my demons.

The sexy demon from before appeared next to me and she ran a finger along my chest plate before grabbing my arm and holding it high.

“We have a winner! Let’s hear it for the Demon Lord Allexus!”

Cheers erupted around me from the stands but it was all I could do to keep myself from collapsing. 

“It was an absolute pleasure to watch you, Demon Lord Allexus… I’d love for you to come find me after you win this tournament. I promise it will be a night you’ll never forget!”

The idea of fucking this blonde bimbo fangirl senseless really appealed to me, and my demonic body seemed thrilled with the thought. I was about to respond when the demoness leaned in close and licked my earlobe. My entire body reacted instantly and I was nearly overcome with arousal.

I growled in irritation as the arena faded and I found myself standing back in my waiting room. Thanks to that demon woman’s machinations my entire body was thrumming with sexual excitement.

“Cruelty, how many more matches are still underway?”

“So far only two matches have been completed. So there are still six ongoing.”

I eased back onto the sofa and waved my hand in front of my body. My clothing evaporated and I spread my legs wide. The shaft between my legs was diamond-hard and I wrapped my hand around it and groaned softly. As I slid my palm up and down a few times, it was strange to think of natural this felt. Due to my preference of playing male characters, I had experienced having a hard cock between my legs a few times; but this was so different. The N-Vision’s ability to safely “hijack” the input from the wearer’s neural cortex is what allowed them to experience the gameplay as if they were in the game in person. Everything that the player’s virtual body experiences is translated as input directly to their brain the same as if it were happening to their physical body; with thousands upon thousands of safeties in place to prevent any actual harm to them.

When I “played” with my character’s genitals in other games, the system would translate the data of something touching my cock and input it in a way that my body could relate and react to. While I experienced a full range of pleasurable sensations, my brain couldn’t actually relate the feeling of touching a body part that I didn’t have to anything, so it always felt strange; akin to phantom sensation from amputated limbs. This body was completely different; every inch of my character’s cock felt like it was actually part of me and I never once felt that “strangeness” from it. As I brought myself closer and closer to orgasm, I wondered exactly what my brain was experiencing while I was doing this to make it feel so real and pleasurable.

Whatever it was, it caused me to last only a few seconds more before a stream of cum shot into the air and landed on my character’s oversized tits. As I descended from my post-orgasm peak, I wiped the sticky liquid off my chest and stared at it for a moment before bringing my fingers to my lips and licking them clean. When I had tasted semen in the past it was completely different than what I was tasting now. If I had to compare it to something, it was like an extremely rich salted caramel. The lingering aftertaste was heady and honestly left me with a craving for more. My enchanted body had no refractory period, so while I debated on getting myself off again, I knew that it was probably getting close to the end of the round. I reequipped my gear and sighed deeply.

“Cruelty, can you show me the current round standings of the matches that have completed?”

“Absolutely. At the moment there’s only one match remaining. So I’ll post everything.”

    vs.   ----- Emelia Wins      
  vs.    ----- Braylon Wins
  vs.   ----- Ikelos Wins
    vs.  ----- Tarrah Wins
    vs.   ----- Allexus Wins
      vs.  ----- Match in Progress
    vs.  ----- Reaper Wins
  vs.  ------- Judas Wins

As I recalled the fight against the heavily armored fighter with a lance, I realized why the fight against Tesrif was still going. Both characters were far more focused on defense instead of offense, so it would be like two turtles fighting to see who’s shell was tougher. Tesrif had speed and demonic strength on her side, but the heavy lancer had range and the added protection of a shield. If I had to guess which of the two had the edge over the other, my money was on Tesrif. Despite the game’s ability to give a human player skills that they never would have had otherwise, innate combat sense and muscle memory came from actual experience, and Tesrif had spent years as a warrior honing those exact skills to a fine point.

“Cruelty, can you put the match on the screen? I want to watch my new general in battle.”

The display shifted and showed an overhead view of the arena. Tesrif was savagely attacking the lancer who was barely keeping up with the relentless barrage of blows from the blue-haired warrior’s claymore. Every once in a while the lancer would see an opening and thrust hard with her spear, but Tesrif’s armor was more than adequate enough protection to absorb the attack. Just when I thought the battle was showing no signs of ending anytime soon, it came to a swift close in an instant.

As the lancer thrust the jagged end of her spear at Tesrif’s face, the demon general released her grasp on her large sword and quickly grabbed the shaft of the lance before it could hit her. She yanked the weapon out of its owner’s hand and used that momentum to pull her opponent off balance and grab the edge of her shield. As Tesrif used her superior strength to tear the shield from the lancer’s grasp, she spun the lance in her other hand and drove the razor sharp tip of the spear into Gwendolyn’s throat. 

Gwendolyn gurgled as blood foamed out of her mouth and she fell back against the ground. Tesrif pulled on the end of the lance and blood spurted from the gaping wound in Gwendolyn’s neck. The display faded to black as the round concluded and I grinned widely at Tesrif’s victory. 

“Normally I’d display the results of the 1st round, Lady Allexus; but as you’ve just viewed them I can skip if you’d like.”

I nodded and stood up in preparation for the next round.

Congratulations on making it to the top 8! You have received 5 single use Level Up! items and 1000 Gold Pieces. The next round will commence shortly.



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