How to Thrive in the ’60s

Chapter 762: Big Character Poster

Entering September, the sky in the capital suddenly cools down, and the blue sky above seems to be much higher, with a lofty and bright atmosphere.

Early in the morning, Yunshang put the pot refilled with tea leaves on Bai Yancheng's desk, stretched her waist into the kitchen, finished her breakfast, picked up her schoolbag that she had packed earlier, and pedaled towards the school on her bicycle ride to. ,

It was working time at this time, and there were crowds rushing to work on the street. Yunshang held the car bell all the way, and walked through the crowd amidst the tinkling of the bells, and soon saw the old gate of the school.

Liu Min got off the bus, carrying a big bag in one hand, and a stack of books in the other, and was about to enter the school gate, when she saw Yun Shang slid over on a bicycle from a distance, her yellow skirt and big skirt were swinging in the wind Flying up and down, it stands out from the gray-blue surroundings.

Seeing Liu Min waiting for her at the school gate, Yun Chang smiled, jumped off the bicycle, put Liu Min's burden on the back of the bicycle, and asked with a smile, "When did you come back from your hometown?"

"I came back yesterday. I saw that your spirit is better than before the holiday. Did you encounter any happy event?"

Not seeing each other for a summer vacation, Liu Min found that Yun Shang's mental outlook had changed drastically. She no longer looked sickly, and the cold and alienated feeling between her brows was gone. The girl is very lively and looks very energetic.

"Is there?" Yun Chang touched her face subconsciously, and didn't say anything about her engagement in two months. She took out a few fruit candies from her bag and handed them to Liu Min with a smile, "I'm an aunt now. !"

It was a happy event for the family to have a baby, and this candy was regarded as wedding candy, Liu Min was not polite to Yun Shang, she peeled off a piece and put it in her mouth, and put the rest in her pocket, ready to take it home for the children to eat.

Today is the first day of school, and the school is full of students who rushed to report with their luggage. The campus, which had been quiet for the whole summer vacation, suddenly became lively.

Yun Shang and Liu Min were talking all the way, and they were going to put their luggage in the dormitory first. When they passed by the library, they saw a bunch of people pointing around the bulletin board and talking about something.

As a member of the student union, Liu Min knew that there was another big-character poster posted on the bulletin board, so she didn't care to say hello to Yun Shang, and immediately squeezed over with her luggage, trying to tear off the big-character poster.

After all, it is the first day of registration for freshmen. Members of the student union are obliged to cooperate with the school in receiving new students, and they are also obliged to maintain the order of the school and prevent any incidents that will damage the image of the school.

However, when Liu Min squeezed in and saw the red poster, he froze for an instant, his face was pale, and a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Seeing this, Yun Chang immediately realized that something had happened, and hurried over to grab Liu Min's arm while looking at the conspicuous big-character poster.

The big-character posters were written with a brush in large handwriting, and were directed at the student be precise, at Liu Min.

Accused Liu Min of entering the student union through improper means, and using his position as a member of the student union to find a job for his man in the capital...

Although the college entrance examination in this world has been advanced a few years, the movement has not yet ended, and posting big-character posters is still the main way for many people to express their dissatisfaction, or to report and expose.

Yun Shang didn't know when this big-character poster was posted, but she knew better than anyone else that the content on the big-character poster was simply nonsense.

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