HP: The Crazy One

Chapter 19 – Magical Books and Interpretations

Pushing the books into the Nest and closing the door, I look at the books sprawled across my desk with anticipation. From the many options, there are, I make a plan to start off with 'A History of Magic', then move on to 'Magical Theory' before moving to 'The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1.'

Looking at the time, I see it's starting to get late and wonder where my parents are but promptly forget. It's not like I haven't been left alone before, they are usually back by 8 PM, which is when I'm expecting to finish the books.

Preparing Dororthy, I start to read 'A History of Magic' while taking notes of the important things. The more I read, the more fascinated with magic I become. Giants that can talk? Goblins that run our banks? How did goblins come about, and what's this about house elves? An entire species that rely on another being's magic? All questions I write down to ask my parents. Moving on to the next book about magical theory, I read it while taking notes.

Mentioning something about a Fundamental First Law, I notice that experimenting with the essence of magic itself is something that needs to be explored with great due diligence. Reading the rest of the book, I write down some more questions for my parents like, What is the limitations of magic, Can magic be converted to electricity and vice versa, How do we have magic and much more questions.

Moving onto the third book, I open to see a bunch of spells recorded with their incantations, causes and counterspells. Presented to me were a few spells, but the one that caught my interest was the locking spell. 

Reading further into it, memorising the motions and pronunciation, I prepare to cast the spell at the Nest's door.

With my wand in my right hand, I wave my wand according to the book and chant the incantation.


Feeling a wave of magic leave my wand, I walk over to the door and try to open it. Seeing the door firmly staying in place, I smile with glee.

'Finally, my parents won't randomly walk in without knocking anymore.'

Searching for the counterspell, I memorise the movements and casted it.


Feeling a similar wave of magic leave my wand, I attempt to open the door with success.

Writing down the attempts in Dororthy, I look for another spell to try out casting.

"Zane! We are here!"

Looking at the time, I see my parents are home at 8 PM on the dot. Walking from the Nest to the study, I quickly as the questions I had written down in Dororthy before they see the mess in the kitchen I didn't clean up.

"Zane... It's better you ask your Hogwarts teachers this. For now, don't worry about studying magic. You have the rest of your life to do so." My dad explains.

Before my dad could say any further, there was a scream from the kitchen.

"What happened here?!?!"

Wincing, I try to sneak off before my dad could catch me and deliver me to my mother. Before I could break out into a run, a firm hand lands on my shoulder.

Sighing, I reluctantly walk into the kitchen to explain what I know to my mother.

"Well, when I got home there was a delivery that came in the mail, was some metal tags, I put it on the kitchen counter, turned into this."

"A Bohon portkey? But we didn't pay for-" Seeing my father stop mid-sentence, I look towards him to see a grim look on his face.

"Whats a Bohon Portkey?" I ask.

"Its a type of delivery service from Bohon Logistics. It's pretty expensive and usually used for high-value items or items that have a short half-life and can't be sent using normal means, instead, this portkey literally teleports the items to their destination. And we shouldn't have received one, because we didn't pay the extra fee." My mother explains.

"Zane, was there a letter attached to the delivery?" My father asks with his still grim look.

"No, was just these metal tags with the store names on them engraved, I couldn't find them after the items arrived."

"A disposable one..." 

Not understanding what's going on, I look to my mother for clarification, only to see her shake her head.

"You shouldn't worry about this Zane, it's almost your bedtime anyways."

Seeing her trying to distract my attention, I decide not to chase my parents for answers and instead give her a reminder.

"I haven't had dinner yet."

Hearing this, my mother freezes and gives herself a forehead slap.

"We got this for you while we were out, thank you for reminding me." Saying this, she hands me a brown bag stained with oil. Opening it, I am assaulted with spices and almost sneeze into the bag. Looking into it, I see a strange pastry that isn't on any bakeries menu.

"It's from the wizarding world, give it a try." My mother coming in clutch.

Grabbing the strange pastry, I take a bite out of it and fall in love. So many strange flavours literally dancing on my tastebuds, I make a mental note to get more for myself whenever I can.

"What's it called?" I said between mouthfuls.

"Shlorshlank Bread."

"I really like it."

Finishing up the rest of the bread, I say goodnight to my parents before walking into my room, flopping on my bed and passing out.

It's been a long day.


Authors Corner:

Bohon Logistics' name was decided by one of my readers after they pointed out how expensive portkey deliveries are. 

I wanted to say something else here but I forgot.

Um, experiments, how cool. Magic also, cool. 

Ive been reading into the original plot of harry potter and jesus christ, its a mess and needlessly tragic.

Oh yea, I have no idea why I called it Shlorshlank Bread. I just typed it out and went yep good enough.

Might do another chapter today.

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