Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 191: Prep For War; Speculative Truth (P3)

In that very moment, hearing my reply to the challenging words of his Mayor, Alric, Fragas steps forward, wide eyed and antsy.

"You've never said your true intentions for our village either, Necromage."

I frown hearing him call me Necromage, I'd much rather be called 'Milord' like Juri does.

"What do you intend on doing with Demme, what is the use of an army to a Mayor, to a ruler of a mere city?" He demands, no doubt the worse of the scenario's spreads through his head as he speaks.

Anselm and I share a look, I shrug and let out a sigh, getting comfy with Shaco behind me.

"You two represent all there is to the Demme military, I-"

"What military?" Fragas interrupts, "We don't have such a thing, only a group of Warriors braving the dangerous forests for food to return to the village, just a group of people willing to sacrifice their live to protect what they love."

"Are you done?" I ask, irritated.

He recovers, taking a step back from me and nods, murmuring some apology under his breath.

"I will answer you, Fragas. But the answer is plain and simple," I glance at Alric who has been quiet since he first demanded an answer to what I intend to do with the two unconscious fools, "It's so obvious, I believe Alric here has figured it all out."

Alric, true to my word exhales and looks away. Fragas is lost, looking between he and I.

I chuckle and wave at him, "Don't worry. I'll let you in. Fragas, all I really want with Demme at the moment, is exactly what you are."

"What I am?"

"A Warrior." Anselm answers for him, "You are a Warrior and what use does a Warrior have outside the field of battle."

He looks between us like we're crazy for asking such and screams, "What use? Whatever use he sees fit to have!" He huffs, pulling his brown hair back, "From one battle field to the next? You want to conscript us!"

Unblinkingly, I answer, "Yes, that is exactly what I want. I want you and every single person that has joined up the Warriors to join my army."

He shakes his head like he's having trouble reasoning with me, I'm sure he his.

"No, no uh…what are you, who are you fighting?"

I put on a sheepish smile, "The entire Kingdom?"

"You must be joking." It's Alric that cries outrage. "You have nothing and even if you were to get every Warrior in Demme you would fall to the might of the Kingdom."

He stops, shaking his head as if hearing himself and I for the second time, "What am I even saying? How does one with no army and no Kingdom declare war on an entire Kingdom? How do you find yourself in such a situation!"

This quite honestly has me bursting out with laughter. I clutch my sides as I do, while Anselm tries his best not to be embarrassed.

"It's a long story, but it's really mostly self-defence." He explains, "The Kingdom doesn't like us nor our friends, so we're making a new one by our own rules."

Alric looks stupefied, "Self-defence?"

"I practice forbidden magic and he's a ghost." I say as calmly as I can between snickers, "I don't think any Kingdom with a past of being over run by undead will like having me around."

Fragas nods as though understanding at last, "So you're going to force us to fight against our own Kingdom then."

I lose all mirth and humour at this, "Force you? No, God no. But I do need an army, at least for now while I grow in power, grow enough to create the only army a Necromancer needs, an undead one."

Feeling much better at last I get off my butt and Shaco shrinks, slithering up my arm and resting on my shoulders as he usually does.

"So, to achieve that, to have that forestall army that I need, I won't be forcing you to join, but I certainly will blackmail you."

"Hahaha!" It's Alric's turn to laugh it seems, he claps and looks up at me with much disdain and oddly a sense of respect I can perceive, "So you will get rid of the Benefactor on the promise that the Warriors join up in your army, and you will enforce that rule by the very fact that you got rid of the Benefactor."

He turns to Fragas and explains, "Anyone who can get rid of that being shouldn't be trifled with, if the Warriors are taking this deal…I'd advise against any future ideas on treachery."

My face splits into a grin at his lovely words, "Yes, exactly that my dear Alric, you're turning out to be less of an annoyance than I thought."

He scoffs, "You mean despite the fact that you just got stabbed and lost a lot of blood in front of me and I'm not stupid enough to try and kill you?"

I hadn't actually thought of that, for some reason I feel very, very safe here in a dimly lit room full of molding walls and a pile of rum very few people have the stomach for drinking.

So I nod.

"I know a better Mage when I see one, besides, my magic will likely fail to work on you as it has failed to work on several monsters, Enchanting the minds of creatures is hard enough, the minds of people…well, that's a difficult task even for a B-rank like me."

I chuckle as I slowly begin to realize what he's doing, "Are you advertising yourself to me, Alric."

The stout old man frowns, likely unhappy at being seen through so easily. But he admits to it, "Yes, I am. I figure if we're going to be under new management, I might as well have some worth."

Fragas cries outrage however, "You've completely given in? You want them to rule?"

Alric sharply turns to the hysterical man, and delivers a scolding, "Yes! If what they say is true and they truly have control over Aste, Frozia and Spol, then I believe they have the resources to save us!"

"You think I like serving the Benefactor? I'd much rather be called a mutinous ingrate and hanged by the Kingdom than go any farther with that beast. So take the deal and secure a future for us!"

These words seem to strike a chord with the buff, muscle rippling man because he freezes at the challenge Alric has given him.

"It doesn't matter if you disagree, Fragas, you can easily be replaced. There are many more people within the Warriors that are desperate to give their families the safety they need."

I step up to him and tap his shoulder as I begin to move past him, "I only really need you to speak on my behalf to them, to make them understand more. But if you don't…well…make your choice, Fragas."

With that, I step away and start moving out the way I came. Things will go my way; they don't have any other choice.

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