Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 194: Prep For War; Demme's Prayer (P2)

I stand at the foot of the Mansion's entrance, at the very edge of the bursting crowd and on a large, raised platform hastily, but finely put together for me.

Looking over the people, they all have a single thing in common. They're tired.

Dead tired. About to fall into a coma tired, and that's the very reason I'm standing here tonight as the sun begins to set.

So little has actually happened on my fourth day away from Aste but the day breezed past me just as fast as any other. Well, perhaps not any other. Last night was particularly long and torturous.

The people grumble, cough, cry and spit even with my presence clear as day to them, Alric doesn't seem disturbed by this and I suppose after seeing the same horror of sickness every day for a year plus, one might become desentisized to the mess of it all.

However, that doesn't apply to we who are fresh from the outside world. Juri is quick to poke and prod at the crowd, ordering his men to do so to get their silence. They don't have to poke at everyone for the message to be sent out clear as day.

I give the man a curt nod, grateful for his efforts. 

With the crowd silenced except for the few coughs and cries of children no one can really do a thing about, I believe them to be ready to hear my words, the first words and perhaps the last I'll speak to them as their newest Mayor. 

Yes, Alric has all but shaken on it and Fragas has sent out whispers of the proposed plan, or rather, the only option. This is may look like a mere formality to Alric, speaking to the people.

But in fact, it is the most essential thing I need to do to keep up my end of the bargain with he and Fragas.

Clearing my throat and inhaling deeply, I set the enchanted object to use and have my voice gloriously magnified over the massive crowd of people, the entire population of Demme.

"Hello!" I start out, testing the capabilities of the object. Many at the front wince at the sudden, sharp sound of my greeting so I know it's working. "My name is Asher Taserman, you may refer to me as Lord Ash. As I'm sure many of you know by now, I am from the outside, the other side of the walls."

Murmurs split through the silent crowd like a torrent of water, but I don't let it consume what I'm saying.

"I am the Mayor of Aste, Frozia and Spol. After coming to an agreement with your leaders, Alric here on my left," I nod to the stout man and he waves to them, not that they'll see it at the back, "And Fragas, the representative of the Warriors on my right, and we have come to an agreement that from this moment henceforth, I shall be the new reigning Mayor of Demme."

This time the reaction is so varied I can't make anything out. There are people applauding, others screaming and the classic murmurs of gossip. All strike through the crowd in an instant.

I decide to let the noise go on for a bit longer before I speak again, "The reason behind this is simple. I am the only one willing and able to lift the trap of the monsters and the sacrifice of the Benefactor off of Demme. I am the only option to Demme once more having a prosperous future. I am the only road to full meals for everyone!"

I make sure to enunciate the fact that I'm guaranteeing food for every single person.

"I will make sure to revive Demme's agriculture in time so you learn to feed yourselves properly once again, but in the months after your freedom from the monsters, I will cover the cost. Frozia, Spol and Aste will be Demme's crutch in those times."

I stop to take in the populace's reaction, but this time, to my great surprise and pleasure. They are absolutely silent and expectant.

Their heads looking up and their ears perked and wide open, ready to listen to my next words if I have them.

And I do, in fact, these are the most important.

"Now!" I yell, startling everyone, "This is the most important part. I am but one man and while I could fight the entire forest for you and get rid of the monsters, I'd rather not."

For the most part, it's absolutely true. After all, the forest is still meant to be my training grounds for the next step in my power. The power I need to achieve to knock people like Maylin over with a flick of my wrist is still out there, waiting for me in the System.

And I intend to get it.

"It would take too long and it'd be exhausting and as I'm sure you understand, I am a very busy man. So, to subvert that, I have a different, quicker and easier solution. But I'll need your help for this."

I faintly hear Anselm muttering something along the lines of 'How could they possibly help'

Far too busy keeping the people enthralled, I spare him not a glance.

"You may be asking, 'how could I possibly help free my village? How could I get food for my family?'" At this point I feel like a cheesy commercial so I stop and get to the point, "All you have to do is believe in me, and believe in the words we're about to repeat together."

"Everyone!" I yell, not waiting for a reaction, "Let us pray together, repeat after me!"

"Oh Lotar!" I start but nearly snicker at the face I can clearly imagine Anselm making. "Great Deity of the Wolf. The Silver white Wolf of the night and day!"

Obediently, they repeat the words. It sends a shiver down my spine hearing each and every one of their voices coalesce into a chorus and pray to the Damned Wolf. 

Lotar owes me big time for this. On the other hand, Frozia won't be so pleased.

"We call on you!"

"We beckon for you!"

"Shine your mercies upon our unfortunate souls!"

"Bring us bounty and goodwill for our unwavering belief! Bring us joy, mirth and a hunt!"

"Oh Lotar! Answer our plea!"

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