Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 201: OMAKE#16

It's terribly late in the night and terribly cold as well. Shivers run through my vulnerable, exposed skin, I look on to Hastra, dressed appropriately given the occasion and weather. 

Whereas I'd simply poured some water on my swollen face and eyes, slide into my slippers and rushed out with the guards by my side. Completely forgetting to change out of my night gown.

As a result, I've let myself be an inconvenience to one of the guards who followed to secure me. The poor man is now left in these freezing winds with his jacket draped over my shoulders. 

I'm grateful, but I can't wait to hand it back to him.

These billowing winds are not a new thing in Aste it seems. According to Hastra, the person I get much of my information and facts from, the winds took and upward turn in their speed the night Asher and Maylin drove the Mayor off.

And every night since then there has been a small but noticeable increase in the winds speeds. When she spoke about it to me as something of a bit of small talk, my immediate thoughts were that it must be the rain.

But no rain baits this long before falling, and even worse, the skies have been clear. Even now there isn't a single cloud to be seen in the black, bright star littered sky.

Now, I'm starting to think Asher and Anselm have something to do with this abrupt, cold change in the weather. Unfortunately, I'm not quite sure how to prove it nor am I sure where this certainty is coming from.

Asher has yet to fill me in on the details of his journey and from the sounds of it, when we last spoke it seems like he doesn't want Anselm blathering on about it to me either.

I'm starting to feel like a fool being cut out like this. It's starting to feel like…like all I've actually helped to do is set the foundation of his human led empire.

After all, its very possible he could have been lying through his teeth when he made all those promises about us ruling together and given the fact that he also doesn't want me ruling Aste either.

No, he wants Aren. Aren who has been asleep since I dragged his sack of a body away from the Palace while Asher fought Serue. Aren that's been asleep through all the racial turmoil and the general chaos of a new administration being thrown in place.

That Aren, is now awake.

Since his rescue he's been treated both by Asher's Healing Dire spell and mothers several healing practices. But nothing has worked so far, nothing spurred him out of his deep slumber and frankly, I thought the poor man was just another one of the many unfortunate victims of the Mayor.

This may be cruel, but I also thought we were going to put him out of his misery, but before I could embarrass myself, Asher said to have some maids take care of him until he wakes up. 

Something I thought a pointless endeavour, but after hearing how he intended to make Aren his representative to Aste…well, it all made sense then.

As much sense as everything with that man makes anyway; Asher the unpredictable Mage. I can never understand the thought process behind his decisions and so rarely has he ever rescinded one.

Anselm has also long stopped arguing with him so that doesn't say much good about my prospects in convincing him to let me be the representative here in Aste rather than the cavalier adventuring partner he wants me to be.

"Kaylin," I blink out of my reverie and find my cold, frigid legs have long since carried me to our destination; the modest lodge where his body has been kept, guarded and taken care of all this time.

Hastra beckons me in, a hurried look on. I nod but first take off the heavy, warm jacket on my shoulders and present it with soft thanks to my compassionate guard. I promise myself to get his name later and strut into the lodge.

It's warm, purposefully so I'm sure, to fight the coming cold, the ever drop in temperature as the night passes. In the corner I see exactly what keeps the place warm.

It's a combination of a fire place with wood gathered at the bottom of the square object, but then at the side is a shining red gem, no doubt the actual power source of the burning heat.

I can't begin to understand the mechanics behind the boxes workings and I don't try to, rather I'm simply grateful for some kind of warmth to my bluing fingers, toes and lips.

"I'll go check in on them," Hastra starts, then she stares me up and down and adds, "I'll ask if they have some warm clothes for you to borrow."

Before I can decline the she's already turned tail and headed into the other room, leaving me to warm up by the square contraption of magic.

There wasn't anyone by the door to greet us or take Hastra's coat, and there still isn't any near the parlour now. I suspect many of his caretakers have long gone to their various homes and warm beds.

The one around must be the single one on duty today, there's always at least one caretaker on duty.

I'm left by the heat until I'm finally free of the cold in my bones and move away, exploring the lodge. I haven't been in here since, well since we left him here. Being the Mayor has kept me busy to say the least.

The lodge has all the basics, not much really. Though, if memory serves me right there were a lot more ornaments arranged at the top of the fireplace with the chimney. 

Its obvious some of the effects of the place have been swiped away. I'm not left wandering long though, as a voice calls to me from behind.


It's hoarse, tired and I can hear how weak he is.

I turn and lo and behold, standing there with a walking stick in hand. He's thin, frail even and is also being held up by the one caretaker on duty.


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