Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 207: Prep For War; Intermission (P3)

We'd marched for days on end, even at nights because I wanted to make it back to Aste and organize this army of mine as soon as possible. Though it occurs to me that Frozia's military has been some what exempt from my more recent plans, I believe adding on to the powers that already are in Aste with the ones from Demme would be a sufficient enough base for the large army I see forestalling any and all attacks from Serue.

After all, it's been more than a week now since I took over, since he fled. And while I'm not sure how true Maylin's comment on the internal politics of the House of Ire is, I believe they're strong and rich enough to simple hire another army to bulldoze through me.

Which is why I need to hurry up with my preparations for an undead army. An army that will withstand the push of Serue and the Kingdom's inevitable attack on me.

It's all a matter of time, and time is something I don't have in spades as it stands. Which is why when we marched into Aste's territory, when we broke through enough to see the walls of home on the horizon and saw it covered in white, cold brutal white of snow.

I can't help but be annoyed, severely so.

"Anselm…" I growl, "You understand what this means right?"

He looks down at me and back at the militia, "Yes, unfortunately I do."

"How the fuck did she even manage to get her hands on Aste though? She doesn't have any priests, I haven't even thought of keeping up my end of the deal, why do you think I prayed to Lotar and not her huh?"

"Because you needed food and not…freezing death?"

"Yes! Because she can't support life! She's the Goddess of freaking winter! There is no growing, not nurturing no living!"

My hand slaps onto my face and I heave a tired, exhausted and strained breath. "This is ruining everything Anselm; I can only imagine the horrors of what's happening within those walls."

"Sir!" Juri approaches, concern and confusion written all over his face, and its easy to figure out why, "Are our enemies the cause of this…cold?"

I fucking wish it were our enemies.

I don't answer his question, rather I give him an order, "Have the men double time it, they don't want to get caught in this cold, it'll be disastrous."

The look of confusion doesn't disappear but at least he doesn't complain about the order, "Aye sir! Get a move on men, to home!"

"To Home!" They cheer.

I wish I could cheer.

Beckoning Anselm aside from the marching militia, a fidgeting look stained over his face.

"Can you at least tell me how she provides for her followers? How does she ensure they all don't die out from the cold, from her brutal unforgiving cold?"

At this Anselm heaves a sigh, "Well, they venture out like hunters out looking for game, and according to her will as well as how loyal and serving they've been, they will return with something."

I tilt my head at this. "So just meat, every eats meat all the time? Is that what you're saying? What about vegetables? Corn, you like corn don't you?"

"I do, and they would still be around as well, just growing slower."

I can't even.

"Look, Frozia is a terrifying Goddess, she will of course be considerate of your plea for food and even if she isn't, there are plants that can survive the cold of winter."

I fold my arms and narrow my eyes at him, "Really, plants that can survive the cold of a Goddess of Winter?"

He doesn't answer, rather he leans forward and wraps a hand around my shoulder, "Look, all I'm saying is that we ask, and I think she will be favourable with the winter…the new winter anyway, after all, your plans of expanding through the Kingdom can't exactly help her plans of expanding her name and reach over this Kingdom and continent if they're hindered by the winter."

I exhale at this, my shoulders falling, "If you say so."

He grins, "Besides, this can help you!"

Groaning at his loud voice I ask, "How?"

"Well, no one's ever fought in Winter and this Kingdom hasn't known winter for centuries, they don't know how to stockpile and preserve food."

"Neither do we."

He wags a finger at this, "But that's where I come in, this is the function the priests of Frozia were often charged to carry out. We preserve the food via her magic, and we show people ways to preserve their foods as well, without magic. Your army will be fed and your enemies will be scrambling through libraries and beckoning on scholars for a solution to the cold."

A smile finds its way onto my face at the painted picture of Armies heading my way simply dwindling to nothing in the fierce snow storms and mass retreats becoming the norm.

All this as my army of the living and the dead march onward, unhindered, in fact, emboldened by the snow.

"Fine, I suppose there is a way for us to thrive with this, but let's get to Aste first, then we'll ask her to lay off the snow and cold a bit."

If that doesn't work then there is another solution one that I hadn't thought of in my panic until now. 


The city of Frozia stands buried in snow and cold, not a green leaf in sight. And yet they can afford full meals and healthy hot snacks.

Matthias must be doing something right and I'll know what it is before the week ends.

Anselm chuckles with clear cheer as we catch up to the militia, "I wonder what Kaylin is doing now, I wonder if Aren is awake yet."

Kaylin, Aren.

Yes, I wonder what she's done with the city, nothing too horrible like making Humans slaves to Elves I hope.

"Ha!" I laugh out loud, startling Anselm. Yes, I suppose that's the worst thing she could do to the place.

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