Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 212: Prep For War; Stress (P2)

Two agonizing days have passed since I returned to Aste and began to restore order y the scattered chaotic place.

My strategy with the surrendered nobles worked magnificently, they were quick to point the way to their friends little hiding holes and underground bases. Before the end of my second night all the cowardly nobles who fled at the first sign of their plans blowing up in their faces.

I decided to show some favor on the ones that remained where they were, the four I caught along with the Diviner. I decided to let them back in and had them the front seat view of the ritual that will turn their twenty other counterparts into undead in my army.

Anselm may have said my rituals are a sight not to be observed by anyone, but I think observing it will be the ultimate deterrent for these men.

Although, I'm sceptical about the gathered Nobles abilities to function properly as undead, many of them are robust in their sizes and very well useless should they be asked to fight.

Perhaps the ritual will change that, or even their very nature as undead will override the limitations of their weight and previous uselessness.

Either way is fine, so long as I've got some damned undead walking around, monitoring things in the city on my behalf.

Another thing I'm a bit skeptical about would be actually using this ritual at all. The Spriggan of the Forest and Anselm both sensed that there was a second, unexpected influence when I chanted the words to the ritual. I can't deny I felt things either, a force certainly not of Divine nature, certainly not a friendly force either.

But I've got little choice at this point. Anselm, Shaco, Panda and the four nobles I spared stand by my side out on the outskirts of the city.

Before us are twenty-one men, all of them in chains that have been hammered to the ground.

With the creation of Panda I had to have Anselm freeze his Werebear self to the ground before I could go ahead with the ritual.

Fortunately for me, I'm more prepared and these are no more than human men with no magic, restraining them is no problem.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Anselm asks, not for the first time either, "We have no idea what that power is and we're not exactly prepared to fight against anything like it."

He's right, we aren't prepared to fight a being of that much power, especially one from the Reais. After our little encounter with the Benefactor, or Icktar, there's no doubt that the beings residing in the Netherealms are not of good.

If this being isn't a Deity, if it isn't a Divine being, then surely it must be of Reais. We don't want to mess with that. 

"Unfortunately, I'm quite sure I want to be doing this. These undead will represent and act as the very first proof of my strengthening Necromancy, something I'll need to push to frighten the other Counties into place." 

My main concern really isn't the villages with their Mayor's, Juri, Panda and even Shaco as well as Aren can be deployed to levy their forces... Or else. 

However the same doesn't apply to the other Counties, the rest of the world, or even smaller, the current Duchy we reside in. 

Without sufficient power, fear and renown working in my favor these independents will not fall as quickly as I'll need them to. So it's best I prepare now. 

"Besides, I'm sure the System will provide another ritual, a better one where I don't have to take power from whatever that thing is. For now tho... I'll have to risk it."

He doesn't say a thing, but I know he isn't satisfied. Neither am I really, but a Necromancer's got to do what a Necromancer does best. 

" Shaco, " calling on my familiar he silently slithers over with a glowing, humming purple gem the size of a jar.

Along with other pressing matters, this is what has kept me busy. A mana crystal, one I ordered quite some time ago at an artificers store.

I was meant to retrieve the complete crystal with the remaining half of the payment I made to the short, Dwarven man but as I am indeed the ruler of most of the March now, I naturally got it off for free.

Over two days waiting for Yelenia or Maylin to show up I pumped it full of my mana and now it holds up to thirty thousand worth of my mana in it. Quite an impressive deal given that I only have a two thousand myself. 

It floats out of Shaco's grip and ascends over my head, hanging in the air as I prepare. 

"Watch very, very closely." I tell the four captured nobles.

They don't say a thing, simply staring back at me or straight at their chained friends.

Perfectly helpless.

Satisfied, I begin by reaching into the crystal, reaching out to my mana within it until I'm brimming with so much mana it sets my eyes alit.

And just as my lips part for the beginning of the chant, a voice calls out ahead of the unfortunates gathered.

"Please! Spare me! I will aid you! I will fight for you!"

I let go of the mana and focus my eyes on the source of the voice.

The Diviner.

He has somehow bitten through the cloth that stuffed his mouth and now calls out for mercy. Disgusting.

"But I have no use for you." I state, clear and simple.

Desperate he tries to walk forward but soon falls over, unbothered he screams out, "Yes, you do! You certainly do!"

It irks me how much confidence rings in his voice, I wonder how much of it is simply just desperation to survive and not true belief in himself.

Still... I'm curious, "And why do you believe that I would need you? What use for a Diviner does a Necromancer have?"

He stumbles up on his feet and with focus and pride he says, "A preacher."

I narrow my eyes at this but before I can reply I hear my name called out.

"Lord Ash! Lord Ash!"

I turn and find a sweating man galloping towards me on a horse.

"What is it?"

He's quick to announce, "Lady Maylin and Yelenia have been sighted over on the West gate!" 

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