Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 218: Prep For War; Reunion

Perhaps because we stood and observed from the distance we failed to see the glimmering and shimmering lights at the base of the city's walls. 

Anselm and trudged through the snow until we could see it clearly, what we thought was simply some for of light reflecting in our eyes happens to be a crystal.

An Ice crystal to be exact.

The base of the walls have been covered with large, jagged stake-like icicles. Presumably as a protection, protection from the cultists.

Unlike the icicles covering the walls of Frozia, we did not fail to notice the sinister presence of the cult nearby. It may have been some time since we last had one in our sighs but the unnerving feeling that they invoke is present as ever.

Last time I was here I left behind one Gamma warrior to act as a deterrent and as a reminder to Matthias and his people of exactly why they cannot do without me.

But now I meet three. The Warriors have multipled in number, something I was expecting and am in fact pleased about.

More experience.

Although, what I am not pleased about is the ice. It is clearly not natural, which means magic was employed.

But I only know of one person who can use cryomancy and he's just arrived with me. This means that Matthias has gotten another Mage, a mage that wields cryomancy.

Unfortunately, this theory isn't even the most plausible or most troublesome, that would be what Anselm's thought up.

"It makes the most sense though," he argues, "This is Frozia, and the people here have worshipped Frozia for ages. Snow has covered all the land from here to Spol and even on Aste. She's growing more powerful each day and with her power she's cultivating the people's faith in her once more, she's gifted someone, a living person, her magic."

The thought of this is wholly unsettling for a myriad of reasons. 

For one, it means Frozia is getting stronger at a much faster pace than I am, the power gap between us is already so vast I'm beginning to think of giving up on surpassing her. But that won't be a thing I do, not until I'm on my knees and trembling with powerlessness.

Another reason this worries me is because of Matthias, he could have cultivated foolish ideas of venerating Frozia to the point where she gifts out her magic more and more, blessing him with the firepower he'll sorely need to fight back against me.

The thought of this happening worries me simply because I've rarely had to face off against other Mages in all out combat, and the first time I tried it resulted in my near defeat, and let's not get started on the second time.

It's a lot easier to face off against the horses of Cultist minions and their Generals, rather than go against the unpredictable movements of other Mages.

But I think I'll manage. My passed experiences taught me something very valuable. One, I'm a Necromancer, I should have freaking allies by my side at all times and two, I have bad luck and end up going head to head with Mages in not truly ready or prepared for.

"Well, let's go find out what it is first then." I say, having nothing else to say to Anselm's happy face. 

He trails behind and asks, "Don't you want to kill some of these guys first?"

"Not until I know I won't need them."

"Need them? What could you need the for?"

As wee approach the frosty gates I mutter just under my breath, "Let's hope you don't find out."


The men at the gates failed to recognize who I am. I shouldn't blame them, after all I only stayed a day here in Frozia before leaving with a wagon full of weapons. But unfortunately for them, I do. 

"Arghhhh!! Please! ANEra!" one screams out, having long since wet his pants the guard cries for the Goddess to save his soul.

Little does he know that I have a say in whether or not his soul escapes to Anera.

"You should let them down now, shouldn't you?" Anselm asks for the guards sake.

I don't listen. I'm seated inside the little, tightly packed but functional guard station. The inside is far warmer than the outside, something that obviously has to do with magic, although I haven't figured out where the warmth is coming from just yet.

"Pleeeeassssee!" the guard screams yet again, rubbing his palms together begging me. "He'll be right back, with the Mayor and the Marshall, I promise!"

I consider this for a moment, he sees this and only sobs quietly, patiently waiting for me to decide to overturn his current fate. 

"No." His face drops and then rises with horror, ready and set to begin screaming again, "If you keep shut, I won't have Panda eat your arms."

The man, dangling by his feet over the open and waiting maw of my undead beast immediately seals his lips and forces down all sobbing.

"Much better."

Anselm shakes his head at me but I don't mind, my attention is dead ahead, where I sent this man's fellow guard on duty to retrieve the Mayor and Leon for me.

It takes a few more moments of silent fearful sobbing from the hanging man as Panda growls hungrily at him before Matthias finally shows up.

In the fog of snow I spot the man, helmed in a red, heavy looking fur coat that's more than likely incredulously expensive. He's not alone either, Leon follows closely, riding on the back of the horse that pulls the carriage they've come with.

Matthias presents himself in front of me, arms out wide and a dumb smile spread across his face, "I-"

"Kneel." I cut him off with a snap. He pauses at this, thinks, looks at his man hanging by his feet over Panda's mouth and then thinks again.

His knees fall into the snow not a second after, he chuckles and does a bow, "I am sorry for my insolence... I simply haven't been in your...esteemed presence in so long I forgot myself."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes at him and look back at Leon, still up on the horse. "Are you not coming to greet me? I have returned to rule you, as I said I would. Aren't you excited?" 

I spy a snarl on his face but he clears his throat and swiftly gets rid of it. The insolence...

"I am unable to use my legs, milord, I have become a cripple. Punished by our goddess frozia for speaking out against her Preist."

At this I raise an eyebrow. I had wondered what the carriage was for. The priest. And his legs, they hang by the side of the horse wrapped in some kind of think cloth. It's an easy guess what the punishment was.


"And you... You couldn't think to ride in the carriage with whomever is in there?"

A startled look draws across his face and he spits out, "One should not think to be in the same space, a confined space with the First Reborn Preist of Frozia."

I'm not sure when but I find myself scowling at him. I'd almost forgotten he's one of the passionate worshippers of Frozia.

Why you'd worship a Goddess who would punish you in such a manner...well, I suppose for the same reason you would worship a God of undead. 


In the end I give him a curt nod and turn my attention back on Matthias, "We have a lot to prepare for Matthias but first, get me that Preist." 

His bowed head shoots up at this, "Huh?" 

"You heard me." 

Nodding he gets in his feet and drags to the door of the carriage, he opens it up and rather inaudibly says something to the person inside. 

I hear some mumbling back and he steps back, hand set out for her to hold as she steps out. 

It's immediately apparent that a Goddess has touched this person. She wore on a thin veil that covered just above her lips and a white dress that fell over her beautifully. 

Of the little I could spy of her skin, I see it's white and still, like porcelain or...a cold corpse. 

She thanks Matthias and turns to me, I feel her eyes on me and I stand almost involuntarily as though compelled to stand in her presence. 

A smirk crawls onto my face as I feel the effects of a Goddesses powers on my mortal coil. I just can't help but be moved. 

My lips part to speak but I feel her eyes shift away from me and to the hanging man. 

"Accept Frozia as your savior and I will save you from your torment." she speaks in a regal manner, a commanding, inspiring tone that makes you want to hear more. 

The hanging man wastes no time to yell out new devotion to the Goddess of Winter and before I know what's happening the Preist, the beautiful woman in front of me flicks her wrists and Panda's hand falls off, freeing the man and saving his life. 

Without my permission... 

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