Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 220: The Marquess (P2)

The man and his ruffian guards are dismissed from our presence, good thing too, can't be near filth like him for extended periods of time. 

Once they're gone, as if watching from somewhere I can't see, the doors swing open as she speaks again, "Come on in."

Gladly, I oblige ad stride into the room. 

Or as it's starting to look...Palace. The room is unimaginably wide, the floor is covered in carpets of all sorts of expensive fabrics here and there, and the ceiling hangs several metrws above my head with chandeliers of magic bulbs illuminating the entire space in a cool gold luxurious light. 

There's little shame in admitting that I am dwarved by the wealth displayed here. Even grandfather... 

It seems our branch truly is the laughing stock of House Ire, and perhaps even the entire kingdom. 

"It's good to see you again, Serue." she speaks again, and while my eyes have wondered all about the place looking at all the riches on display, I have yet to find where her voice is coming from. 

It takes some purposed searching to find the long mirror on the other side of the walls with an equal long make up table and a woman seated in front of it, brushing and puffing her face. 

Her eyes meet mine in the mirror, "You never once responded to my party invites." she says. "And here I thought all my subjects would leap at the chance to dance with me." 

I let out an awkward chuckle and she looks away. Her eyes sting. 

"I just never had the time, I was getting used to holding my own balls for nobles and ruling a city."

She stops brushing at this, and I feel her stare again, "Is that so? Or did you feel I was far of lesser standing than you, a man with Ire blood?"

Well... You're not wrong. 

I remain silent. While all I've seen and experience certainly says my blood means nothing to her, especially when I can't back it up with power, raw power and wealth. I dare not bismirch the name of Ire any further than I have already.

"So it's true." she says with a sad finality. She looks away, picks up some sort of cloth and wipes her face with it. "What do you think? Pretty enough aren't I?" 

She has no make up on, "Yes, yes of course."

She hums, "Of course." 

And finally, she stands and turns around. Her hair falls down from the previously folded bun into a waterfall of black locks that cascade down her shoulders. 

I can't help but gasp as I take her in. Her skin glows, it glistens and shines a gold light, reflecting the gold illumination of the chandeliers. Her chest is bare, the blouse just cut over her breasts and down into the silky, spider web dress she has bracing her body. 

She smiles at my reaction and walks past me, heading towards the chairs and cushions. She claps her hands as I follow closely behind, still stricken by her beauty, and a line of servants appear. "Tea." she says and the servants disappear to work. 

I wonder, does this room, this large space have a servants quarters? Or a pantry? 

My questions are likely to be left unanswered as we take our seats, she crosses her legs and a servant appears from somewhere with a cup of tea to hand to her.

She smiles at the servant and looks to me, the servant disappears in a flash and appears again with a cup for myself. 

I chuckle, "The first bit of hospitality I've gotten since I stepped foot in here." my eyes widen just as the words escape my mouth, "I'm sorry, I didn't mea-" 

"No, it's alright, you're right after all." she says, admitting that I haven't been given the best treatment since. "But you can't blame me can you? The one subject who refused my call to my balls and events and even regularly refused to pay me the expected tax... Is suddenly at my doorstep after losing the fief I allowed them to control." 

"Ah.. About that, I'm sorry I-" 

"No, I know, you thought your Ire blood meant something. But you forgot that all it means is that you're related to the current ruler. It means you'll always be related to a line of rulers, but it doesn't mean you are that ruler, you will never be that ruler either."

The truth cuts deep when you're forced to hear it and recognize it. I sigh, "Yes, you are right." 

A thin smile spreads across her face as I say this, she sips some of her tea and asks, "I see the Rauler branch is having some trouble, I mean, they have to be if you're here." 

Rauler... The name of my grandfather and the name of my father once grandfather dies, and my eldest brothers name once father dies. The branches of House Ire are named after the five brothers that forged the Kingdom and their we are descendants of these brothers. 

"A temporary setback." I say it just as father does when he fails. 

She smirks, a sinister, sick condescending smirk that makes her look even more beautiful. 

"If your ancestors were alive they would be shocked at the poor outcome of their gamble." she pauses and adds, "Unless of course, the multitudes of elves serving your family now is enough of a reward for them." 

The ancestors she's speaks of are the ones who reigned back when Elven kingdoms still existed on the face of this continent, she speaks of the ones who provoked th war with the elves and the ones who won it at all costs. 

I think they just didn't realize back then that the cost of their war with the elves would be the decline of their power centuries from then. 

"You really are a Rauler aren't you? You never thought you would lose your power did you. You never thought you'd need to beg for it as you are now... Or rather as you will once you speak." 

I take a deep breath and recognizing my failures I try to put away my pride, "You're right, I have come to beg. I have come to beg and I have come to help you as too." 

She looks at me from behind her cup, nesrlt choking on her tea, "I'm sorry, help me? You?"

"Yes. Me. Help you." 

She frowns, pursing her lips, "Well then. Speak, tell me exactly what it is you could possibly help me with."

I nod, "Well, your boy outside mentioned that you've deployed people to look into the man behind my ousting."

She doesn't let me finish, "Yes, and we are already taking measures to counter him, whoever he is he won't last against my men."

"So, you don't realize you will need an army?"

Her eyes narrow at this, "What do you mean?" 

It's my turn to smirk, "You can take my hand now and guarantee me my city back or find out two weeks from now."

"A week, I don't have the same transport limitations you do, Serue. And I'm not going to fall for that, you've barely told me anything, just speculation and rumor."

"There's a bit of truth in all rumors. And I rumor that your men...the same ones I managed to get past just a few minutes ago...will be soundly defeated." 

She scoffs and re-crosses her legs, "You think just because you were defeated my employed Mages will be too? Just for the record, the ones outside aren't who I'm counting on." 

I shrug, "Are you an A-rank Mage?"

Again, confusion splays across her face again, "Why do you bother asking that? You know very well I can't be bothered with magic."

"I'm asking because it will take a lot more that scattered C-ranks and a sprinkle of B-ranks to stop that man, to stop him or his allies."


"Everyone is allowed to have allies, even brigands as I hear you're calling him now. If you want to stand a chance at him...then take my hand now and let's work together."

She seems to think about it for a moment, her thoughts scattered here and there by the rapid movements of her eyes.

After a moment she breaks the silence, looks down at my hand and says quite firmly, "No. You still haven't told me enough, this sounds a lot like fiction."

"But is it!" I yell and jump on my feet, getting a bit angry and very very much desperate to be believed, "He is a Necromancer for fucks sake and you're too late! Far too late to stop him. He's taking control of your county, he's taking control of the March village by village, city by city! I know it! I just do!"

As I huff and pant I feel arms wrap around mine. Strong arms. 

I look and lo and behold, I'm surrounded again, "Fuck!"

The disgusted look on her face tells it all, "Take him away, let him rest somewhere with his butler." as the men drag me away I lock eyes with her one last time and she says, "I'll see you in a week, with your brigands head on a platter."

She has no idea. 

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