Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 85: A Different Kind Of Help (P2)

The guard soon took off from his job to take me to Aren, it wasn't a particularly long journey to my mouse's shop although, I couldn't exactly tell where I was or where it was.

So, I asked, "Where is this"

He looks at me strangely and then realizes what I'm really asking, "You're confused about where it counts within the strata?" he chuckles when I nod, "Well, this is sort of an in-between place for the first strata and ground zero. It's fancier than ground zero but not nearly as successful as real first strata stores and businesses."

True to his word, the place really had a bit of both levels. It has the same stink to ground zero and the same building flair and power of the first strata.

We walk through some narrow corners and at some point, have to pass through what might be someone's home or place of business to get to the other side. We do this for quite a bit and I begin to wonder if this guy really knows the way.

"There." He says out of the blue, his arm raised and finger pointing forward at something.

It takes some looking but I eventually land on what he's pointing at. 

It's a building, newly built by the looks of it. It had its own little pasture with animals, mainly sheep and some goats trotting around grazing on the poor patch of grass they're standing on.

It reminds me of Arak village, where I first encountered the Cult.

The entire place stunk of mature and is full of bleating sounds.

"Is this the place? Is this where Aren is." The guard nods.

"It's a farm start up. He wants to make enough money to buy land first and expand into it. Right now, he can only afford this much I guess." He chuckles dryly and adds, "It's still better than standing all day."

I scoff and toss him his single silver tokus, "Thank you, you can go now."

He looks hesitant to leave like he wants to know more or be a part of the conversation. A steady glare makes him back down though.

Once I'm sure he's gone, lost within the maze of the middle-ground between success and failure, I take a walk toward Aren's place.

The floor here is slick with mud and all sorts of grimy substances and felt very uncomfortable for my feet. I'd have to clean off my boots after this.

As I approached his sheep and goat bleat even louder, bumping into each other as they clamour for a clearer view of me or on the likely assumption that a human would have cellouse material for them to feed on.

Aren's fertile ground wasn't exactly cutting it for this number of animals, so the ground is more or less barren.

Pounding on the door I call out, "Aren! Open up!"

Immediately I hear somethings break, I assume that's him stumbling awake. For laughs I add, "Someone's trying to steal your sheep!"

But then I realize… what's actually stopping anyone from stealing his animals? There aren't exactly kept is a secure steel cage but rather an open pen that really only keeps the animals in and not humans out.

The door swings open and my pounding hand nearly slams into Aren's head.

"I told you I'm coming, didn't I?"

"Oh, sorry about that."

I watch his deary eyes light up as they slowly peer open and take up my form, "You're…you're…my benefactor!"


"This is cold." I cringe bitterly and set the cup down on the table.

Soon after he's unreasonable outburst celebrating my existence and return, he invited me in for some tea as that is the only way to be a proper guest. 

It's within his…home, that I see clear as day that things aren't going as they should.

"Ah, sorry. I need to pay monthly for the hot water, but I haven't got any tokus left from what you gave me the last time." He chuckles sheepishly.

"What exactly did you spend the money I gave you on?" at this point I can't help being curious to the man's expenditure.

He hums a bit, a tight smile on his face, "Well, a business was the fore front of it all but…I sort of bought into some other stuff before I got around to actual work."

"Bought into?" I say, my nose crinkling at the still prevalent smells of manure and…something even worse?

"There's this guy, you see, he said he had a business in the upper side of the strata and that business acted like a mint."

For some reason this sounds familiar.

"He took us to the place, it was underground, the entire building was a front for a mine." Aren shook his head, the moppy mess of his hair bouncing wildly as he does, "He said that the Nobles don't know he's got access to their gold and all he needs is some investors."

Ah…I know how this goes.

"Investors to buy equipment? Do testing? Hire miners?"

Aren looks rather sunken as I mention all of these, "Yes. I gave him…a lot of money for ten percent of that gold mine."

"But he's no where to be found now is he?"

He shakes his head bitterly. "I really thought I could…triple the money I already had with him, but looking back on it it's just a miserable way of thinking. A goldmine? In Aste? And the King doesn't know about it?" he scoffs.

He looks to me and his mood perks up, no longer having bad memories replayed before his eyes instead here I stood, a veritable solution to all his problems.

I hold back a laugh at this point, the man is too easy to read. "So your business I failing because you didn't put in enough?"

He nods drearily, "I can't go back to my old job either especially since I left so…loudly."

Now I laugh. "Ah, I see, it must still be fresh in their minds and it's far too early for you to be losing out too. I mean, it's only been about a week since you started."

"Yes, that's my situation now. But how about you, sir? Why have you come to see me here?"

Why have I come to see him?

"I need your help of course; this is something only you can do."

"Something only I can do?" he repeats, enthralled by the idea. "What is it?"

"I need you to be my mouse."

He blinks.

"I need you to gather every single bit of information I'll need. Here's an example, right now, I need to know the location of the nearest Cultist camp."

"A Cultist camp?"

"And I don't need you asking questions, just receive the order and carry it out. You'll be my messenger too."

"Messenger? To whom?"

I give him a stern look and his hand flies to his mouth, "Right, no questions. I can do this sir."

I smile, "Good, very good. Now back to what I was saying."

"The Cultists, the Cult of Phien you mean right? They're the only ones really."

"Yes, the Cult of Phien, I want to know where their activities are at all times, this is a standing order. The moment you get new information, you tell me immediately."

He hums quietly at this, rubbing his little chin stubble as he does. "May I…ask a question?"

"If it's about your pay that'll be handled. Deadline to retrieve this information…well, the longer you take the less inclined I am to be generous with you."

He gulps, his heart of greed set to rest at last, "What else do you want me to do?"

"I said you'll be a messenger, for the moment, I'll be sending messages to the little elven terror group behind that incident with the Mayor…through you."

"What!" he exclaims, unable to hold himself, "Those guys are far too dangerous, they…they almost killed the Mayor!"

Mm? So that's the propaganda going around. They made a ruckus but it's a bit difficult to believe a group of elves truly threatened the Mayor within his city.

"You'll be paid handsomely, Aren. Just get in contact with them, tell them you serve someone who is keenly interested in their operations and wants to help."

Aren, however, shakes his head, "It's not about the money this time, I'm not an elf, they are wary of anyone that isn't an elf coming close, they'll surely kill me if I can even find them to begin with."

"You'll have protection don't worry and you'll be coming with an offering."

"An offering? What do you mean?" he eyes me suspiciously. 

"Well, that depends on what you can tell me about them what truths you can gather…actual truths, not rumours, not roadside gossips or fairy-tale. The truth."

"The truth…what are you…what are you going to do with all this dangerous information?"

I get up from the rather dusty chair I've been sitting on and chuckle lightly. Digging into my pocket I pull out ten silvers and set them on the table with his horrible tasting cold tea.

"For today. Try and get some hot water and maybe rid of this disgusting smell around your home. Good things are coming for you, Aren."

Just as I'm about to live I stop, "Oh and I'll be back to see if you've come by useful information on the Cult, so make sure you're available at nights."

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