Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 91: Tough Conversation

In an exciting and surprising but ultimately relieving turn of events, Aren walked out of that shanty building safe and sound and even better looking than when he went in.

For the life of me I couldn't seem to get past all the elves in here, and while they are disorganized as heck, their priorities seem to be aligned when it comes to the security of the building.

Truly, I wasn't expecting things to be this easy. 

Although, I am grateful it turned out to be so because if Anselm had burst out of there in chaos as I expected him to, I'd likely need to help clear a path for our escape.

With the number of elves present though…I'd likely have to use Circle of Death.

But none of those bad thoughts have any merit now, Aren walks out safe and sound and completely unperturbed by whatever transpired in there.

Quietly, I blend in with the crowd of the elves gathered and follow them as they follow Anselm and his entourage of brutish guards to the end of the North. 

I haven't heard from Anselm so it's likely he's either with Aren or the spell ran out. Likely the latter, the time spent invisible put a strain on consumption and that's not taking his constant flight into account either.

I'll summon him up once I'm clear of here. For now, I watch as Aren and his brutish guards reach the border, the somewhat unspoken divide between the North and the rest of Aste.

It's hard to see from behind all these bodies in front of me but, it doesn't matter much. Now I've got to find a way to get away from the crowd and eventually follow behind Aren.

It shouldn't be so hard to do but right now, with all the focus and gossip pinned on Aren and the rest of Aste, it'll be curious to see someone walk out with him like they aren't an elf.

Aren gives the guard a handshake from what I can make out. He leaves shortly after but…the crowd still lingers. I've got half a mind to just go 

'Mwuahaha it was me all along'

But that's a bit lazy. It takes some time but eventually the crowd does disperse and I'm allowed to sneakily escape into Aste once more.

Once away I'm challenged with another dilemma.


I haven't had the time to go get her and fill her in on what's happened and what will be happening. And I do need her to manage Aren and all the expenses he might incur while out on the missions I'll have her give him.

I exhale, my hands placed on my knees and squat.

I'm exhausted.

This is turning out to be a lot more disorganized than I'd have liked. Maybe Anselm could get her? Maybe. I don't know, his time physical has increased by an hour but it'll probably take just as long to find and convince Kaylin that I genuinely need her here.

With a huff I decide; I'll go see Kaylin myself, besides, I do have to speak with Maylin about the Beta Warrior and what turned Carbina into what it is now. 


I come to realize in hindsight that it may not be the best course of action to leave Aren all alone. Anselm, with whatever mana he has left would run out eventually and all that'll be left with Aren is his vivid paranoia.

But as it is with hindsight, you can't really do anything about it when you finally see it.

I've rather rudely barged into the home of some unsuspecting resident of Aste and silently used his trap door to access the underground congregation of perhaps the poorest creatures in Aste all while he yelled outrage.

After having a first hand look at the scenery up North, I suppose it'd be inaccurate to call the those that live below the city the poorest. The North is certainly in peril far worse and demanding than that of Maylin's large society of hobos.

And unlike Maylin, the North doesn't seem to prioritize feeding their people, at least, that's the much I could make of the situation as I walked around the place as part of the crowd.

A lot of them, perhaps even all, were living the same way Elsa and Sem did before I came along and went all religious. From scraps to littler scraps and then to the streets of Aste, digging around trash for whatever leftovers they may be lucky to find.

In another bit of hindsight, I realize the North is not amply prepared to carry out any sort of revolutionary action, military wise that is. 

A large majority of them are malnourished and on the brink of starvation. I suppose it's the sort of thing I could relate to given my current condition and my past.

As planned, I'd have to wait a bit longer before arming them with weapons to wield against whomever I point at. But this is fine, this is one of the things that can be done during Kaylin's interim and my journey to Frozia. 

The timing isn't so bad after all.

Coming up on the soup kitchens, tailoring and smithy set ups, the not so poor community of elves working for Maylin seem to recognize me.

I know this because most of them stop whatever it is they're doing and poke their necks out for a closer look. The overall vibe I'm getting isn't exactly square either.

What did that big mouth Kaylin say this time?

I'd be finding out soon because it seems word of my presence reached my destination before me. 

Maylin stands hands on waists in front of me, not looking at all too happy with my arrival. 


"Hello again, Maylin, you're looking healthy." I greet.

She gives me a look. It's a mix of anger, outrage and pity then she spits out, "We need to talk."

"That's why I'm...and you're gone." I follow her retreating figure into the one solid building in the underground society of poor unfortunate folk.

Like last time I was in here, it's filled with the moaning and groaning of the ailing. At the sight of Maylin and at the sound of her voice they all begin pleading for help and assistance.

Merlara is here though, she quickly calms the sick down with words they've no doubt heard many times and is quick to toss me a scornful look.

I don't pay it too much mind and walk by, Maylin stands by the door to the room on the right, her office basically. I offer her stern face a smile as I pass but she doesn't back down.

Closing the door after herself she says, "Take a seat, you have a lot of explaining to do."

At those words I can begin to imagine the number of things I could be asked for an explanation for.

There are few. Only two really, I'm not a very interesting person.

"Let me guess," I start as I take a seat opposite her, "This is about my magic."

"Amongst other things." Her voice, cold and flat.

"Let's get on with the questions then."

She purses her lips at me, studying my posture and visage quietly for a moment, "Kaylin tells me you're a Necromancer."

There it is. I expected her to blab, of course I did, and I wasn't really expecting a warm reception after the reveal if Kaylin's reaction to the news the first time was anything to go by.

"Yes." Is all I say.

"But you're not…killing people indiscriminately, according to what she's told me…you haven't built you army of undead yet."

"I'm not evil."

"You're a Necromancer."

"Practicing Necromancy doesn't make me evil."

She fixes me a pointed look for a second and huffs, "I am old…quite old. I'm old enough to have seen the aftermath of the last Necromancer, but young and lucky enough not to have lived in that fear."

The last Necromancer…

"What did he do?"


"What? She?"

"Yes." She scoffs, "You think a man is the only one capable of cruelty? The last Necromancer was a cruel and selfish woman who refused to let go of the dead."

"You said it yourself, Maylin, you said I'm kind. Does that all change because you've found out what magic I practice?"

She blinks rapidly at me and I see it coming, "Yes! It does, I am not infallible and that judgement was obviously a result of my imperfection! You dabble with the work of Gods! You are a threat to all for the mere fact that you attempt and succeed at controlling souls!"

"I'm not hurting anyone!" I yell right back at her, "In fact, all I've done is help people! All I've done is give! You threw Kaylin on me, I thought it was a bad idea but now-"

"Now she's refusing to leave your side!"

Wut? Refusing to leave my side?

"You've got her tripped up on some crusade for the elves, do you have any idea how insane that sounds? A revolution? Ha!" she laughs, "You're just using elves as an excuse to pile up bodies for your Necromancy! How my daughter doesn't see that is beyond me."

I'm speechless for a moment but Maylin fumes.

"You!" She points, "You are just like her, building an army to trample over every single person who goes against your wishes. My daughter will not be a part of that!"

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