Hungry Necromancer

Chapter 97: Spol (P3)

I found the Inn just as easily as I found the tavern. Ferio was right, it was hard to miss.

Unlike any other inn or building I'd seen in this world, this one brilliantly utilized visual advertising. The Inn has this large wooden banner of sorts, a sculpture of a bowl with food and a bed. 

The sculpture, placed at the top of the building is lit up by what I'm sure cost quite a bit to purchase. I've only seen these lights in Aste, to see them here, in a village like this would mean this world isn't entirely medieval.

Technology is widely used and accepted it seems. And the innovative ways they're applied excite me too.

But other than appreciating the style and effort of the advertising, I don't care much for the Inn. The night bill is ridiculous but I pay it anyway, Anselm and I are only stopping for tonight, we'll be out and about by tomorrow.

The inside of the Inn isn't as brilliant looking as the outside if I'm being perfectly honest, it feels like all the cash went into advertising that big animated board at the top.

I suppose it doesn't matter much in the end; everyone tries desperate things to survive.

Getting into my lodgings I don't have to wait much long before Anselm makes himself present.

"I've gotten a place for the carriage, it's not too far from here and it's convenient since we're heading North anyway."

With a nod I start the nightly process. Infusing my second ring with mana I call out, "Kaylin, can you hear me?"

It takes a moment and a bit of effort, repeating the question over and over again until we get some feedback.

"What is it? I was just dreaming about-"

"Reports, Kaylin, reports, what's happening down there?" I yell. As we've learned on the first day away from Aste, the range and frequency of these things weakens the farther we go. I'm almost certain she'll barely be able to hear us by the time we get to Frozia.

"Right…" she drawls over the comm, "Well, everything is going smoothly, I've overseen the first shipment of crops, seeds, fruits and all sorts of foods to the Elven North."

"And don't worry, I made sure the elves know that it's because of you or as they refer to you now Elvian Lord."

"Elvian Lord? What is that?"

"Apparently it's what they whipped up when they learned that you're not elven but you are very fond of elven company. So, you're elven but human, Elvian."

"Well at least they're grateful." I hum, "Anything else, you've secured the next shipment, right?"

"Yes, it wasn't easy either, the guards are very cautious about large and fast purchases like these. But Aren comes in handy in that regard, his buddies still remember him fondly, even more so now that we've greased their palms."

"Good, be expecting a shipment of weapons soon too, we've found a smithy."

I was actually planning on getting the chest filled with armour and weapons we found in that fort, the one with the bandits that attacked us. But it'll be a lot more convenient to have Ferio send us what we need in a two-day journey rather than a long and tiresome week long one.

"Already?" she gasps "You're really planning to work me down huh."

"Not much choice there, I'm slowly losing my mind apparently, Anselm noticed something while we travelled. I'm slowly losing time, losing consciousness, and I'm not sure where I go when this happens so don't ask."

She falls silent for a moment, "When do you think you'll get to the Cultists?" she sounds worried.

"It's another two days to Frozia from here, likely three if the lapses continue. But once we get there, I won't waste anytime killing the Cultist and getting this hunger out of my system."

"What about the Mayor? He's from the House Carbina, right? Leriva's family? When I think about it it's a bit suspicious that the Carbina lands are being attacked by Cultists, do you think they're specifically targeted?"

I've had this thought cross my mind as well. It's too convenient for two Carbina held Towns are beset by the Cultists. Honestly, I'm beginning to think the Synagogue simply has it out for them, with the discovery of Saia and the Synagogues founding dates, it doesn't seem so out of place to think the Synagogue has some way of controlling where the Cultists appear.

I mean, Aste hasn't even been disturbed, despite being right in the middle of both places. Maybe they're next, but for some reason I doubt that'll be happening, even with a Beta three days away, I highly doubt it.

"It's possible, but we can't be certain maybe the Cultists just have it out for Carbina and all its rulers. We can't be sure of anything right now except ourselves, so let's focus on that."

She sighs, it sounds like static over the glowing ring, "Fine, people are taking interest in the Elven north though, people talk and they talk fast. It's hard to conceal wagons of food, crops and goods being taken to the North so…as you can expect."

"What are they saying?"

"That the North is being taken care of despite their atrocities against the Mayor. They think it's the Mayor's doing as of now, none of the Mayors people has come out to deny it, but it could be too early."

"Right, might want to dispel those rumours, I want the elves on my side but I don't want the Mayor getting any more popular than he already is. In fact, ask Aren if he can spread some rumours of his own, I think the elves should be able to manage that at their current strength."

"What type of rumours? I'm not well versed in gossip you know."

"Aren't you? You prattle on more than anyone I've met."

I hear groan and chide me erratically over the static sounding ring, it's funny.

"I'll figure something out, it's just to counter and sabotage the Mayors likability, right? I think I can manage that."

Great. Much of this isn't actually necessary but it wouldn't hurt to kick your opponent in the knee before you take them down completely.

"Asher needs to head to bed now, Kaylin." I hear Anselm say. Suddenly he's holding my hand and speaking into the ring.

"Huh? Why?"

"He's had another lapse."


"I'm back actually, but Anselm is right, I should head to bed for now, rest as much as I can on this soft bed. It'll be a while before I get a chance to sleep on something like this."

Kaylin remains silent for a bit then sighs, "Right, if you say so." Her voice is subdued, "Make sure you kill those Cultists, goodnight."

"Goodnig-" the light in the ring dies before I get a chance to say the same. "Thank you, Anselm. I'll head to bed now."

It's hard not to see or hear the worry and concern in their faces and voices, but like many other things, it won't matter once we get to Frozia.


I didn't get any sleep.

Anselm left to do whatever it is he does with his free time while I simply stared at the ceiling all night. 

I checked out as soon as the rooster crowed, at least an hour before sunrise. But I didn't head out for Frozia immediately, instead, I got directions from the few drunks I managed to stir awake and soon found myself at the doorstep of a large building.

Ferio Smithy. 

Like the drunken man said, he works at a smithy. Although, the building I'm at is rather small given the task he said it carries out, it's about the size of the Inn, perhaps a floor taller.

Supplying the March with arms? From this small place? It can't be.

Still, I rudely banged on the door and screamed for him, "Mister Ferio! I know you're in there!" I didn't, "Come out! Open this door! Let me in!"

It doesn't take much more banging before the door swings open and I'm met face to face with the active end of a sword.

"What do you want at this unholy hour?" he growls. He looks even more messed up than when I left him, his eyes held dark bags underneath them, his hair ragged and his long wild beard had some left overs stuck in it.

"It's me, Ash."

"Yeah, I know it's you, I can see you fine." He groans, still not moving the blade and inch, "I asked what you want."

"You said you supply the March with arms."

"What of it?"

"I need a supplier as well."

He scoffs, "I'm not some smithy you can disturb for a few bent silver tokus! I supply the March, the Marquess' men, her retinue. Their blades, their armour, most of it comes from me!"

"But not for long." He frowns, "Your business is disturbed with this Cult of Phien mess up in Frozia, I'm sure that's where you get the real work done, in Frozia right?"

He doesn't answer but he does move the blade.

"It'll take a while before you can get back on your feet, and you'll lose a lot of revenue in the process, your competitors may as well surpass you and take your place at the March's supplier."

"But I can help you…if you supply my people, you'll retain your revenue and you'll also be supplying someone very important…what do you say?"

He scoffs, "Someone very important? Who might that be? You? Ha!"

"Like I said last night, I'll be heading to Frozia to kill the Cultists with my companion, but I've got an army in Aste that needs to be tuned up…an army that'll be taking control of this region once Aste has fallen over to us."

At this, his mouth falls open and his face contorts with…fear. "You...what are you? Who are you! What are you planning?"

"I'm planning to take over the March, Ferio, won't you join me?"

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