hunt hollywood

Page 16

In any case, the broker's commission is still required.

Simon had to rush to Roger's convenience store. In the last few days, he was on middle shift, from 3 pm to 11 am. After talking about these things with Jonathan, Simon got up and left.

Leaving Jonathan's office, Simon had just turned around a corridor when he heard the hurried footsteps of a group of people behind him, with a faint arrogance that wanted to run over anyone who stood in front of him.

Some wondered who would be so ostentatious in the WMA headquarters, Simon moved to the side of the corridor, turned his head, and saw Matthew Broderick's expression was unwilling and angry, regardless of this being an office that needed to be kept quiet, Walked over step by step.

Moreover, behind Matthew was followed by a group of men and women who were also noisy in their footsteps.

Matthew Broderick clearly hadn't expected to run into Simon in the hallway of WMA headquarters at this very moment.

While walking, I suddenly found that Simon appeared in front of me. Thinking of the things in the past few days, the originally unwilling and angry eyes suddenly became more hateful. I looked at Simon fiercely, but my pace did not slow down. Passed by Simon and walked out of the building.

Simon didn't know that in order to calm the incident as soon as possible, WMA finally chose to sacrifice the interests of Norman Broca and Matthew Broderick.

However, feeling the hatred in the eyes of the other party, Simon was still a little more vigilant.

Six or seven men and women behind Matthew Broderick also passed by Simon one after another. The guy in the bar who was picked up by Simon with one hand tried to bump into Simon provocatively, but Simon easily dodged.

This is not a place for trouble.

Simon also saw Courteney's former roommate Christy Swanson in the crowd, but the other party obviously pretended not to see Simon at all, took a boy by the arm, and left with several other young people .

Chapter 029

Airship Bar near Santa Monica Beach.

Leaving the WMA headquarters, Matthew Broderick arrived here with a group of buddies.

At this time, sitting in the booth on the second floor of the bar overlooking the dance floor downstairs, thinking of the events of the past few days, Matthew Broderick became more and more irritable, and suddenly raised his head and poured a bottle full of dark beer. down.

Losing his role in The Butterfly Effect doesn't really bother him much.

It's nothing more than a slightly better script, and the most important thing in Hollywood is a script.If he couldn't kick that kid out of the crew at the beginning, he would also quit voluntarily.I am already a big star, and of course I don’t need to work with people I hate. Spielberg often does this.

However, Matthew Broderick never expected that he would be the one who was kicked out in the end.

If this is the case, maybe it will only be depressed for a while.

The development of the matter was once again beyond his expectation.

Because of this bad luck somehow, he not only became the one who was kicked out, but also had to sign a movie contract with Fox at a low price.

300 million US dollars.

After "Games of War" three years ago, his salary has reached this much.

Now, "Skipping School" is so successful at the box office that it can even squeeze into the top ten of this year's box office charts, but he still has to sign another contract with a salary of only $300 million.

Damn WMA.

In Norman Broca's office in the afternoon, Matthew Broderick almost turned his face on the spot and fired him directly.

However, he still didn't dare to do it.

The contract with WMA is only the most important thing. In the past six months, so many people have switched to CAA, and most of them have not completed their contracts.The point is, he knows that if he messes with Norman Broca, he will probably destroy himself.

In this world, the person who knows a star's privacy best is often his manager.


Cursing in a low voice, Matthew Broderick tried his best not to throw the beer bottle in his hand into the crowd downstairs. The suppressed anger in his chest made him almost want to go crazy.

Looking back at the dance floor downstairs, Matthew Broderick wanted to grab another bottle of wine, and inadvertently noticed the blond girl whispering in the arms of his buddy Alan Settler on the opposite side of the ring booth, Suddenly remembered the guy I passed by at WMA headquarters this afternoon.

All because of that damn Butterfly Effect.

All because of that kid.

Stretching out a hand to push away a girl who was sticking to him, Matthew Broderick raised his hand towards Christy Swanson who was facing him, then got up and walked towards the opposite side.

On the other side of the booth, seeing Matthew Broderick approaching, the others squeezed a little to the side.

Sitting down between Alan Settler and another buddy Mark Stein, Matthew Broderick asked Christy Swanson unabashedly: "Christie, don't you know that Simon Weiss?" Tello?"

Hearing Matthew's question, Mark Stein on his left immediately moved closer.

The experience on the dance floor in the bar a few days ago made Mark Stein unforgettable. Because of the way he was struggling in the hands of Simon Westeros, some people even started calling him 'monkey' recently. This word spread unknowingly. The nickname has made Mark Stein a laughing stock in the eyes of many.

As Matthew Broderick's best friend, Mark Stein is still very clear about the ins and outs of a series of WMA events in recent times.

At this time, hearing Matthew Broderick take the initiative to mention Simon Westeros, he was keenly aware that his revenge might be coming.

Different from ordinary people outside the circle, during this period of time, many eyes in Hollywood began to unknowingly began to pay attention to a boy named Simon Westeros.

Kristy Swanson is equally aware that Simon is no longer the nobody he was a few weeks ago.However, she didn't feel at all that the other party could be compared with a popular niche in Hollywood like Matthew.

Hearing Matthew Broderick asking about Simon, Kristy Swanson didn't even want to mention him, and shook his head, "Matthew, I just met him that day. All I know is that he was probably at No. 25 in Midtown." work at a convenience store down the street."

Matthew Broderick was immediately disappointed.

If Christie Swanson knew where Simon lived, he really wanted to take a bunch of buddies there immediately, clean up that guy, and vent his depression and irritability.

Now, that guy is making $20 on a single script, obviously no longer working in a convenience store.

Mark Stein noticed Matthew Broderick's disappointed expression, and immediately said: "Matthew, maybe we can go to that convenience store to see, even if he doesn't work there, other people in the convenience store should know about him whereabouts."

But Matthew Broderick began to hesitate again. He was a man who was afraid of trouble.

Seeing this, Mark Stein continued to urge, "Matthew, these recent messes were all created by a script by Simon Westeros, don't you want to clean up that guy?"

At the end of Mark Stein's speech, there was a bit of gnashing of teeth in his tone, and his voice couldn't help being a little louder.

Alan Settler, who was hugging his girlfriend, heard what Mark Stein said, and laughed loudly: "Monkey, you want to clean up that Simon Westeros, right?"

The young people around laughed loudly.

Mark Stein straightened up with a flushed face, pointed at Alan Settler and said, "You fucking dare to call me a monkey again."

Alan Settler was not at all frightened. The demonstrators raised their eyebrows and raised their voices: "Monkey!"

Matthew Broderick saw that Mark Stein jumped up and was about to pounce on Alan Settler, grabbed him, and said, "Stop fucking it."

Having said that, Matthew Broderick got up and said, "Let's stop here today, all the women stay, and the men follow me."

Hearing the conversation just now, several young people already understood Matthew Broderick's intentions. Mark Stein jumped up again first, and several other young people also stood up laughingly, following Matthew Broderick's intentions. Broderick walks out.

Christy Swanson, who was left in the booth by her boyfriend, just shrugged indifferently as she watched a group of boys leave.

Just fighting.

Or rather, some guy is going to take a beating.

But it's no big deal either.

It was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Matthew Broderick and his group of six drove two cars from the Airship Bar, and soon found this convenience store on 25th Street in Midtown.

Originally, he was thinking about how to get the address of Simon Westeros from the clerk, but a young man who was sent to inquire about the information had just gotten out of the car, and easily recognized the figure standing behind the cash register behind the glass door of the convenience store .

After confirming the target, Mark Stein in the car behind immediately ran to the BMW in front, knocked on the window, and waited for the window to roll down, then said to Matthew Broderick in the co-pilot: " Matthew, shall we just go in and drag that guy out?"

Before Matthew Broderick answered, Alan Sellers, who was in charge of driving, scolded: "You are stupid, you will be regarded as a robbery if you do this, of course it is waiting for that guy to get off work. And, Mark, you What the hell are you doing with a baseball bat, it kills you."

Mark Stein thought that he would get his revenge soon, and he no longer had the same knowledge as Alan Sellers. He waved the baseball bat in his hand and said, "I know how to fight. You don't need to teach me how to fight!" .”

There is no lack of similar part-time job experience among young people, knowing that 7 convenience stores will change shifts at 11 o'clock in the morning.

After spending more than an hour indiscriminately, Matthew Broderick and others drove back to the convenience store, and soon saw Simon Westero riding a bicycle from the alley behind the convenience store. come out.

The two cars started immediately and followed quietly.

Walking south along 25th Street for a certain distance, Simon Westero directly turned onto Santa Monica Boulevard, which was still bustling in the wee hours of the morning.

They continued to follow for a while, until Simon Westero turned into a narrow street with only a few sparse street lights between residential areas, and the two cars exerted their strength tacitly together.

"I won't go there," Matthew Broderick looked at the approaching figure in front of him, and after thinking about it, he still cautiously said to the buddies in the carriage who were eager to try: "You beat him up hard. , next week I invite everyone to play in Las Vegas."

Hearing Matthew Broderick's promise, several young people in the carriage showed excited expressions on their faces.

Immediately, Alan Seilert stepped on the brakes, the door opened, and the three youths rushed past like Simon Westeros riding a bicycle in front.

A figure behind the three seemed to be even more impatient, waving a baseball bat over the three of them, chasing behind Simon Westeros, mercilessly waving the baseball bat, and hitting Simon Westeros hard On the back of the backpack.

Matthew Broderick, who stayed in the car, saw Simon Westero on the bicycle in front of him was thrown down on the road by Mark Stein, and several other youths immediately dragged the young man on the ground with tacit understanding. The man walked into the alley next to him, a trace of worry flashed in his heart, and then it turned into excitement, and he even regretted that he didn't go up together just now.

In the even darker alley, the muffled sound of fists, feet and sticks hitting the flesh continued.

The sudden baseball bat almost made Simon faint.

The remaining instinctive consciousness made Simon curl up and protect the vital parts of his head with his hands.

What's going on here?

Such a doubt arose in my mind.

In the merciless fists and kicks, a thick wooden stick was mixed in.

This is a baseball bat.

Simon faintly discerned it.


It will kill people.

Is there really such a big hatred?

A puddle of water seeped into his clothes, and a cold feeling came over him, gradually cooling down Simon's consciousness.

In the dim light, Mark Stein's expression was a bit ferocious. All the humiliation he had suffered these days had been brought back. Seeing that the young man lying in the sewage had no resistance at all, Mark Stein even gave birth to a little bit. A master's feeling of loneliness.

Boy, get up again if you have the ability!

Shouting this in his heart, Mark Stein swung the baseball bat at Simon again, this time aiming at the shoulder, and the dull blow was especially obvious amidst the sound of fists and feet.

But this time, when Mark Stein habitually wanted to lift the baseball bat again, he found that his hand was suddenly empty.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the scattered kicks and beatings, there was an obvious sound of breaking through the air.



There was a clear sound of bones breaking.

A young man who besieged Simon immediately fell to the ground, hugged his leg and screamed, even crying in his voice.

"Ah, my leg, aha, leg, my leg is broken."

The sudden change made the other four people startled.

Mark Stein was the first to react, and he threw himself on Simon who was on the ground, and said loudly, "He stole my baseball bat."

The broken leg of a companion obviously did not scare the other four people, but instead aroused the viciousness of these young people.

So, under the reminder of Mark Stein, the other three people also rushed forward.

"Hold him, hold him!"

"Go grab the baseball bat first."



Another young man fell down immediately.

"You are fucking holding me down, legs, call an ambulance, I want an ambulance."

"Shut up and stop howling."

"kill him."

In the narrow alley, the remaining three youths were still besieging the young man who was trying to get up from the ground, one was pressing his body, the other was punching and kicking, and the last one was trying to snatch back the baseball bat in his hand.

Once again trying to get up to no avail, Simon resolutely gave up the baseball bat in his hand that made him unable to use it. He squinted at Mark Stein, who was pressing on him, and suddenly charged up, and a fierce elbow hit the opponent's side face.

Mark Stein felt as if he had been hit in the face with a hammer, his head tilted suddenly, and he spat out a few bloody teeth. ,

Seeing that Mark Stein also fell to the ground and howled miserably, the remaining two youths finally felt a little fear.

Simon didn't give them any hesitation, and without the constraints of Mark Stein, he easily regained the baseball bat again.

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