I Am A Monster Reborn [A Monster Evolution Litrpg]

Chapter 17 – A merry feast, because tomorrow we lay six feet under

Victor and Faro had reached the outskirts of the village, just barely, hanging on by the threads of his gooey flesh. In the short time he has spent with the cute-little dog, with its strange mannerisms, he has grown to trust the animal. Though he knew sooner or later he would have to sever the bond they built.

His mind had drifted towards the nymph.She was there in the forest, haunting him if only for a brief moment. Did his encounter with her leave him with some unseeable curse or worse,was she stalking him. Slowly tormenting him, did the herd appear at her desire. Did she direct nature’s anger at him?

No, it couldn’t have been. He was simply paranoid.

He had barely seen the world outside of this region, but he more than knew that this was an old realm, with old tricks. It may very well be true, as Faelion has once said, that they were the reason it was getting worse.

Ever since he had left that forest he had been feeling strangely uncomfortable, glitchy and twitchy. Something was creeping up his boneless spine and he didn’t like a single moment of it.

As he approached the Village gate, a familiar large hulking man with a crossbow greeted him. He looked slightly different than before and wore a different uniform, befitting his new rank. Blond hair braided backwards, and with a wide grin on his face. Victor could see he even had a new crossbow on his back.

Someone’s enjoying life.

“Victor, you returned unscathed!” Magnar shouted from the village walls. It seems Victor had piqued his interest, as he slid down the wall ladder.

“Not unscathed, but victorious in my quest.” He made sure not to overplay his hand, he had something to ask the man after all.

The gates flew open and he entered inside, Magnar waiting for him at the entrance.

“Well did you encounter it, brought something to show for it?” The man asked curiously, Victor wondered if his conscience was clean.

“You didn’t say anything about a herd of these beasts?”

“What herd!?” He seemed genuinely surprised. Though Victor doubted this sincerity. He wondered how he wanted to go about it. Accusing this man of luring him to his death, then again Victor chose to eat the bait. Was the paranoia getting to him.

He did initially not like him after all, then there were the remarks he made while he was absorbing zombie wolf meat. He was sure Faelion explained everything.

He remained silent.

“Victor I swear, I knew nothing about a herd, we usually don’t even go into those woods unless Faelion requests it. A herd of these beasts. I thought it was only the mad boar,” he looked at the dog next to Victor and his face went pale. “Faro? Did she follow you there? Is she unharmed?”

Victor could feel the fear emanating from the man, how the wizard would react, if his’ daughter’s dog ended up impaled in the middle of the woods. Might be a messy affair. Though he would also be to blame.

He retracted all negative thoughts, what was he even thinking? Is he going to outright accuse him of attempted murder. That would go well. Many of the soldiers around them were already twitchy. He let it go.

He switched up his mood, like if it was a sock plucked out of the drawer.

“Faro?, He’s fine, helped me take the beast of a boar down, and did a large number on the pig.” he said enthusiastically.

The warrior-captain raised his eyebrows, he got giddy like a child did when they saw a new toy.

“Take it down? What do you mean, Prove it then!”

Actions more often than not speak louder than words. Victor removed the massive beast from his inventory, the beast materializing out of thin air and collapsing in the ground in front of him . It was still as fresh as when he had caught it, not a sign of rotten meat. It was dead cold though, no indication of heat activity. Did dimensional storages serve as a fridge, perhaps as an infinite vacuum.

“What the fuck!” The man in utter shock ran towards the beast, and started laughing like a maniac.” you actually killed it.You mad little devil”

Was that praise?

A crowd started gathering near the gate, and he could even spot some jealousy in the eyes of the guardsmen near the entrance. Outright abandoning their posts to come stare at obese pig.

Quest complete!

You have received 105 exp

You have leveled up!

You have 15 undistributed stats.

Level threshold reached, you may find it harder to level up in your current state.

What did it mean by that? He internally checked how much exp he needed to level up.

You have 44 exp, you require 188 exp to level up.

Level up threshold reached, excessive experience will not be saved.

What was this all about? Regardless he didn’t have the energy or the stomach to focus on issues like this. He wanted to rest. Maybe actually read on Faelions books to pass the time, stuff himself with that boar meat. His thoughts drifted.



The rugged man called out to him, shaking him. Making him jump up into the air.

“Sorry, you’re clearly tired after that Victory, what do you intend to do with the boar?”

He only had one thing he could do with it.

“Uhh absorb it.”

Magnar scoffed. “Hah, don’t be dumb. This fur could make some fine leather, you only need someone to skin it. And the meat, don’t get me started, trust me you don’t want to eat this raw. You could get some excellent grilled cuts.”

To Victor it sounded like Magnar was trying to worm his way into his spoils. The spoils he had worked hard for, he and Faro of course. Though he could care less about leathery wear. He was hungry once again, he had lost the deer meat in the forest. He’d hate to go back and hunt again. The boar however was much larger than what he could outright absorb. Even with the minotaur case, he wasn’t alone in that room. His ‘siblings’ were there, he still found them disgusting creatures, despite being born in the same spawn.

“The leather, how much would it be worth…in gold?” Victor asked, interested in the amount of monetary gain he could achieve from this.”

“More than a couple of gold, not something that is regularly hunted after all. A good friend of mine, a skinner and a hunter. He might be able to sort it out, though he asks a hefty amount for his work.”

A rare opportunity and yet risky a preposition. A couple of gold coins? He could only think of the sheer mass of food he might get to eat. ANd not raw wild animals, not disgusting humanoid flesh either. He could perhaps not exactly eat like a human but maybe he could get some proper eating habits in order, he was a growing boy after all.

“How about a thirty-three percent split, you, me and your hunter friend.” A sly smile grimaced the man again.

Victor hoped he wouldn’t scam him, after the merchant debacle he should be twice as cautious. Though Magnar wasn’t someone who could simply run away, much less is in a position to steal. He definitely was an opportunist.

“Are you serious! What about the meat?” he put his hand on the boar, sliding it down the fur.” you know… some of my men still think you nothing more than a monster or even the wizard’s thrall. You could prove them wrong tonight, perhaps even gain their trust.”

He knew what he was suggesting, splitting up the meat among his retinue, for social capital. He didn’t feel too strongly about it, he just wanted to eat and take a proper nap. If he gained something out of this, then that would be fine. Victor considered it.

“Fine, but I want part of the meat, and some for Faro too.”

The dog barked in affirmation. Clearly aware of the role it had played.

“Very well then, We feast tonight.” the captain laughed. “You said something about a herd.”

Victor had a sneaky suspicion he’d be seeing lots of villagers with white leather in the coming weeks. The creature may not have been so legendary afterall. How long had these people been here, if they didn’t know their own backyard. Faelion did mention something akin to starting the village. Inquiries, inquiries best left for tomorrow.

The sky had darkened and nightfall had taken the village. The feast is unlike anything Victor expected.. Though he could not blame the people, dozens of battle-hardened men were guzzling on boar grub, stuffing their mouths, dancing around. Slurping more alcohol than blood they had in their veins. Arguing then fighting and then some more arguing.

There was a minor tense-atmosphere whenever a soldier walked near him, like their battle instincts were going off. A threat sitting right next to you. One drunk soldier in particular had marked him for war.

“Look monster! Get him!” The drunk had drawn a sword and was charging at him. Victor wasn’t concerned.

The man was subsequently held back and knocked out by the legion of men. Magnar had apologized for it. No doubt playing nice, to further his agenda. More drunk fights also broke out, He did not enjoy this. He needed some peace and quiet.

Someone was stringing along a guitar-like instrument, the men singing along. Though the rhythm was off, no doubt the work of a fermented mind.

A village girl and a relative of Magnar had taken to cooking the meat. Though it appeared to be a difficult and arduous process. She was still in the process of handing out large pieces of boar meat, eventually and reluctantly coming up to him and the dog. With two large plates, even utensils, which he didn’t need. . Her face was every bit pale and she seemed spooked, no doubt by his appearance.

“For sir…. Victor, and Lord Faro.” She said as she was putting down in front of them. On the ground.

Faro had immediately dug into the plate of steaming boar flesh, devouring it.

Victor had met her terrorized gaze. And for a moment she froze as if asking for permission to move along. Like she had been under a spell. Victor blinked. Up close she was a beautiful girl, dark hair half hidden by a headscarf, a v-shaped face and soft blue eyes. He hadn't seen her before today. She was almost too perfect in this grim and grotesque reality, like something out of a hallucination.

Victor was reminded of past-life crushes he could never speak to. He never had the privilege of a proper social life. Back in school he was seen as a weirdo, as an adult people were naturally averse towards him, like he was a monster.

Here he was in the face of an elegant girl. Literally a monster.

There was no hope for him. He should have given up while he was ahead.

“Thank you… I apologize for scaring you…”

“You…didn't ... .scare…me..” she said, as if she had to force the words out and slowly trailed away.

“Can I ask your name, ms?

He shouldn't have asked her, she would probably have nightmares tonight about him.

“Erin…” she said reluctantly and briskly walked away. He was sure she would run had they been alone. She was a pristine light in the dark and dirty barracks. Victor wondered if he would see her again. That’s if she doesn’t drive a dagger inside his flesh.

‘Monster, i’m a fucking monster.’

He looked at his gelatinous hands and squeezed them together, staring at his crude and makeshift hands. He stoved the meat inside of him, and did his best impression of shaking his head. The meat was really good, like some refined pork you would find inside an expensive restaurant. It had filled his stomach, but it did not make him feel any better.

Then that feeling came back. That pervasive feeling that he was being utterly fucked with.

This isn’t right.

A light rain started falling in the sky, as if adding insult to his mental injury. The water drops falling inside of him, messing with his body chemistry. Some of the men darted away, other’s continued, sheltering the fire under the light rain. Victor took this as a queue to leave.

Everything was fine and everything wasn’t. Faro had beaten him to it. The large slab o meat in his mouth. Running off towards his family home.

Victor himself drifted away.

“Leaving so soon hero?” a soldier had asked him, approached him from behind.

Victor stopped dead in his tracks. His skin shivering he turned towards the newcomer. He was wearing the uniform every other soldier around them wore, though something was off. He was way to clean, no cuts, no bruises, no scars on his flesh. A perfect physique and teeth whiter than the fur of the torn apart boar. Short but clean cut hair.

“Pardon. Do you need something?” He asked the man, cautious

None of the soldiers had confronted him, if he hadn't confronted him first. Except this man.

“Just curious that’s all. Man cursed in the body of a beast shows up in the village on the day of its need, makes friends with a powerful wizard who had just taken him prisoner earlier, slays a beast and gives it away as a charitable deed. Saves his daughter from four overgrown frogs. Makes one think.”

Victor doubted everyone knew about that last tidbit. This man was dangerous.

“Did you lose something, did I offend you. In anyway shape or form..”

The man clapped his hands together.

“I’m just a busy-body, that's all.” his eyes narrowed. “Where are you running to Victor, the feast has barely begun. Scared of a little rain. Or are you hiding something.”

Whatever he had felt earlier had intensified severely. Mental sickness had become a physical one, he felt nauseous for the first time in short-new life. There was also a hunger growing inside. Not the hunger to eat but hunger to devour living things.

“Who are you?What is it you want?”

The man spun a coin in his hands. A gold coin with a face imprinted on it on both sides.

“Heads,” he moaned. His grin stretching almost impossibly wide “Damn, looks like you're off the hook for now. Lucky man…”

No one around them seemed to notice the scene. Victor readied his tentacles to strike the man. His body reacted very slowly. The growing hunger, and the rising sickness, then there was the temptation to do things. This strange man. He wanted to hurt him.

“I’ll see you around, Victor.” he said. Walking towards the fire in the center of the barracks, without another word.

Victor sped away, deciding he would tell Faelion all about this when he came back, he didn’t feel good he needed to get away from here. He also couldn’t afford to ruin the little trust he had built with the people here.

As Victor left, he peered back one more time at the strange soldier. He had completely vanished without a trace. He couldn’t have gone in any other direction that fast. It was clear to him none of that was normal. He wouldn’t question it.

It was time to go.

At the cabin. At the first sight of his sword being near him, it glowed repeatedly like strobing lights coming alive. The roman ghost appeared in front of him. There was anger on his translucent face.

“You need to leave Victor, you need to leave this place.” The spirit said without explanation

“Why.” Victor said, his body starting violently rejecting some of the food he had eaten. Exciting his stomach like it had been cut open. He was hungry, something raw and old and primal was carving its way out.

“Don’t you see it. Are you willfully ignoring it, you’re changing and not for the best reasons. You need to leave, then we need to speak. Take Gladius and leave town. We will have a proper discussion soon.”

Strange images started flashing in victor’s head.An explosion of colors, visual shapes were beginning to distort, his vision had become almost blurry.

Victor pondered the ghost's words. The spirit had kept him alive at least twice now, he should probably listen to it.He grabbed it and started his trek out of the village.

The soldiers at the gate had let him pass with no issue, however they were giving him strange looks, as if the undead had justy past them.

He could have unequipped it and yet he didn’t feel like it. He was weak; he felt safe dragging the blade along the ground with him.

On the outskirts of the village, he had entered the southern forest, leading along the east river, where he had come from. He heard a rustle from the bushes. Throwing the blade around, preparing for the worst.

The dog approached him, sniffing and observing him, touching him with his paw.

Victor snapped, shoving the dog away. “No, Faro! Go back! Go back Now!” His voice sounded all round, grumbling, harsh and animalistic.’

The dog retreated with reluctance peering at him occasionally. He had followed the river upstream in the same direction the nymph had been. He didn’t have a death wish, whatever happens he hoped. It didn’t result in him harming the villagers.

He shut out the world around him. Starting to look for a safe place to rest. There was none, nothing safe, nothing hidden. A particular large oak stood out to him, tree roots deep and old. It would more than suffice.

He moved behind it, out passerby’s and started digging and burrowing a hole frantically. Tentacles turned into claws, throwing out dirt. The hole, now large enough to fit him, was quickly occupied by him, He covered his head with rough patches of dirt.. A couple of worms had ended up in the hole with him. The nature of his body made their lives horribly short.

He was desperate to hide himself from the world. Thunder struck in the distance, startling him. The rain had intensified, he wondered if they would stop the barracks party.

The system displayed something in front him

Evolve? Y?N

Evolve into what?

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