I am an anchor in the Three Kingdoms

Page 946

"What the hell!?" The warrior at the entrance of the city wall watched a snowman jump up from the bottom of the city, jumped three feet high, and then fell down again like a falling stone!

The mountain light in the western sky is only pale, and the bright moon in the middle sky is shining golden!

The golden moonlight is shining all over Tianshui City!

In a dark place, the Black Armored Corps breathed chaotically, and began to breathe heavily.

The four gates of Tianshui have already started a war.

At the head of the Nancheng city, the soldiers poured fire oil down the city wall!The fire oil flowed down the city wall and touched the snowman who was climbing the city wall!

The snowman climbing on the city wall raised one hand to look at the silky liquid on his hand, and then fell back.

"Get ready to light the fire!"

Everyone on the tower shouted!

Some shriveled snowmen climbed onto the city wall with the power of Gao Yue and began to climb slowly!

At the entrance of the city wall, a white palm climbed into the entrance of the city wall, and the guarding soldiers were immediately startled!

"Poke it down! Poke it down!" shouted the soldier next to him!

The tip of a spear stabbed out vigorously, and at this moment, the other hand reached out and grasped the tip of the gun tightly.

The tip of the spear pierced into the palm of the hand, which still held the spear tightly.The soldier holding the gun pulled in a panic, and the snowman was pulled into the entrance of the city wall.

"Aba, Aba..."

A snowman jumped up suddenly and came in from the entrance of the city wall.

Against the backdrop of the moonlight, the snowman threw himself on a Cao soldier, and the two rolled over the top of the wall.

The snowman quickly climbed up from Cao Bing, with white steam spitting out of his messy mouth, looking at everyone with a pair of white eyes!

After being thrown down, Cao Bing was already lying on the ground, dying, his bones were shattered and he couldn't stand up!

"Kill it!"

"Kill it!"

The surrounding guns stabbed over, and the Snowman grabbed the tips of the two spears with his hands, but his body was pierced by four guns!

The tip of one of the guns pierced the heart, and twisted half a circle fiercely. The snowman's heart was crushed, and the spirit of the body seemed to be taken away. Don't move!

A few shadows outside the city wall flashed one after another, and a large number of snowmen jumped in from outside the city wall.

"Light it up!" Du Tong personally filled in front of the gap in the city wall, and lit the fuel with a torch.

A fire snake burned out along the oil stains on the city wall, and the city wall was instantly ignited!

Fire snakes spread out from the mouth of the city wall, and the body of the snowman climbing on the city wall was ignited, burned dry unconsciously, and fell like a dead leaf.

The snowman on the city wall fell down like a moth being ignited, and there were also snowmen with burning armor climbing over the city wall.He broke into the crowd with black smoke on his body.

The city tower was in chaos, and the sound of endless fighting and wailing came from the top of the city.

"We can't hold on to the south city anymore."

On the wooden building in the distance.

Cao Xiong looked at the burning city tower and knew something had happened in Nancheng.

Chapter 1830 The City Surrounded by Flames!

"The rockets fired a volley and hit the city tower, leaving no one behind!"

"Your Majesty, there are also soldiers of our army on the tower..."

"That's too late."

The living and the dead on the tower had become entangled. According to the plan, the soldiers on the tower should have retreated.However, there are still nearly a hundred people fighting the Snowman on the top of the city!

At the beginning, Cao Bing fell to the city wall. After a short period of silence, his limbs began to twist strangely, and he slowly got up.

The newly born soldier took two steps forward obsessively, and smelled the smell of living people not far away!

So, with a corpse smile on his face, he stepped into the deep ditch in front of him!

A volley of arrows was fired, and the flaming arrows hit the top of the city tower. The snowman and the half-lived Cao soldiers were shot to death on the top of the city by random arrows.

There was a faint howl from the top of the city.

A moment later, there was an explosion on the tower, and the flames splashed everywhere!With the power of the oil, the fire diffused even faster!

Unbearable the pain of the fire, some Cao soldiers jumped down from the tower.

Some Burning Men jumped into the deep ditch, which was densely packed with cones and blades of different lengths and jaggedness.

The first snowmen who fell in were unable to climb out again.

On the top of the city, a burning man was walking slowly, like a messenger from hell, walking through the sea of ​​flames.

There are more and more corpses who are not afraid of the fire, and some have already begun to gather under the city gate.

With a "squeak", the South City Gate was pulled out of a gap!

In a monocular, one eye blinked, watching everything that happened in front of him in disbelief.

"The city gate was indeed opened."

Cao Xiong exclaimed!

Hundreds of meters away, Cao Xiong could only see the movement of the city gate through the binoculars, but he made up the sound of the city gate mechanism being pulled and the city gate slowly opening.

It was like the door of a train full of zombies was opened.

A large number of snowmen broke in from the south gate.

Cao Xiong felt a little cold.

He wasn't very afraid of death, but facing such an army of corpses, he still looked very spectacular.

The stone platforms and closed urns in the city are already full of cao soldiers and automatic machines!

Cao Xiong looked up at the starry sky...

The golden red moon!

The moon seemed to be stained with a layer of blood and became bright red!

Cao Xiong watched the army of snowmen pouring into the city from the gate.

An army without a leader is like a fly without a head.

No matter how big a fly is, it won't live long without its head. It's just bumping around.

The mechanism in the urn was moved, and a large number of crossbows were fired.

The body of the snowman shot by the crossbow was pierced, and the crossbow dragged the snowman behind the snowman backwards, and then fell hard to the ground.

There was another round of rocket rain in the city, and they all landed at the city gate!

A raging fire burned out sideways, blocking the snowman from the deep ditch.

A large number of snowmen only knew to follow the scent, but fell into the deep ditch where the sharp blade was hidden.

One by one, the snowmen jumped into the sea of ​​swords and flames!

One snowman after another fell under the deep ditch, and soon the deep ditch was filled.

Those snowmen still impaled on the point of their knives struggled on all fours, and the newly jumped snowmen stepped on their backs and climbed out of the deep ditch.

"Ah... ah..."

The snowman's gums were exposed wantonly!Even though their bodies are full of scars, their eyes are still full of desire.

Lust for bloodlust and tear everything apart!

Chapter 1831 A red scarlet moon!

The road ahead was dug up and dozens of lanes were built. On the top of the lanes, Cao soldiers with long guns and oil sacs stood one after another!

The snowman who rolled out of the deep ditch continued to move forward, rushing towards the place where there were living people.

Dozens of Cao soldiers disappeared into the alley, leaving an invisible figure behind the snowman.

The piled snowmen were divided into dozens of alleys, and their running in the alleys became narrower and darker!

The depth of the alley gradually deepened, and at the end, I could only look up at a handful of stars in the ten-deep alley!



"Boom!" Explosions came out from the alleyway one after another.

A large number of oil sacs were thrown into the narrow and deep roadway from top to bottom.The snowmen gathered in the alley were burnt to bones!

Even so, there were still snowmen covered in fire climbing out of the deep tunnel.

Cao soldiers on the side of the road retreated one after another, and the archers behind them shot a volley of arrows. The arrow force brought the snowman who was shot into a sieve and fell into the tunnel again!

"Is that all?"

Cao Xiong raised his head, looking at the red full moon!

The blood moon, rarely seen in thousands of years, appeared in the night sky!

The blood moon as far as the eye can see is all dyed by Zhuge Liang's painstaking efforts!

But no matter how these snowmen jump, they can no longer jump out of the ten-deep alleyway.

The snowmen outside the city are still pouring in.

The wooden tower has already begun to push towards the gate of the city!

The snowmen blocked by partitions are like wrapped moths, and what awaits them is death.

On the wooden building in the distance, Cao Xiong turned around, and below him was a neat and complete black armored cavalry!

From the armored horse to the helmet covering the face, this iron cavalry is armed to complete the whole body.

In ten days, [-] sets of iron armor for the knights were forged with the power of the entire heavenly water!

Raising soldiers for a thousand days, using them for a while!

Now, it's time for this army to strike.

Cao Xiong came down from the wooden building, and Wu Xiao, who was also armed to the teeth, had been waiting for him for a long time.

He was wearing a bright red flame armor and a flame helmet on his head. He gently pulled down the iron cover and fastened it!

"The Battle of the North Gate will be our last battle to truly capture Tianshui!"

"The winner lives, the loser dies!"

"When you meet the Black Armored Corps, don't leave a single one behind, and kill them all!"

Cao Xiong raised his long sword and shouted.

"Not one!" "Not one!" "Not one!"

Three thousand warriors headed north!

The red moon is in the sky!

On the tower of the north gate, a listless snowman is climbing the city wall for nothing.

The city wall that has been poured with kerosene is very easy to lubricate.

It doesn't even need to be ignited, and the snowmen outside the city can't get up.

Occasionally, one or two snowmen who jumped up were stabbed to death by Cao Bing guarding on the top of the city.


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