I Am An NBA Goalkeeper

Chapter 96

Chapter 96 You have a new advertising contract

Wang Dachun looked at his villa, although it was empty inside. But Wang Dachun’s heart was particularly at ease. This is my home in America.

I really didn’t expect that I was a worthless football student in China a year ago, and would have a villa of my own a year later. It’s a bit like a dream.

The second day after returning from San Antonio. Frank called and told him that the villa had been renovated and that today was the final acceptance, let him come and take a look.

While Wang Dachun was sighing about his life, Frank walked over from the backyard. While wiping his hands with wet wipes, he said to Wang Dachun.

“Okay, the gym has already received the experience just now, there is no problem.

During this time I am busy decorating your villa. I have delayed many things myself. It really doesn’t match my identity. I’m your agent. ”

Wang Dachun didn’t care about Frank’s complaint. Because he knows that this guy is talking about it at best.

“I can’t help it either. The match schedule is so tight, how can I have time to take care of the decoration! Hehe!”

“No, you have to make up for me. My time is precious.” Frank continued to complain.

“Okay, I will invite you to have a meal later, and make up for you.” Wang Dachun said with a smile.

“What is a meal? At least three meals!” Frank said insultingly.

“Well, it’s all up to you, three meals will be three meals.” Wang Dachun’s expression is at your disposal.

“Remind you, although the house has been renovated, it should not be occupied for the time being. At least it will be free for a few months.” After joking, Frank still felt that Wang Dachun should be reminded of some things that need attention.

“Well, I know this, I will pay attention, besides, it is empty now, there is no bed, I can’t move over right away!” Wang Dachun said while looking around.

“How much are you going to invest in the furniture, appliances and hardware facilities of the villa? The money given by Hugo Boss has been completely spent, and the part I put in will be directly deducted from your other advertising expenses. “. Frank reminded.

“It should be. As for how to buy furniture and appliances, I haven’t figured it out yet, and I don’t know much about it. Don’t worry, anyway, I don’t have much money now.

In the second half of the year, my second-year contract will take effect, and I can get more than 40,000 US dollars a month. Then the money will be a little more generous, and then I will slowly buy furniture. “Wang Dachun broke his fingers and roughly calculated.

“I said you are a dead brain? Didn’t I tell you? Don’t look at your rookie contract now, he won’t make much money.

What you need to consider is signing a big contract, you need to sign a big advertising endorsement contract, understand? At least it should be like Hugo Boss. ”

Frank really didn’t want to discuss the contract with Wang Dachun. As soon as this guy is involved in the contract, his brain is easily convulsed, just like his rookie contract.

“What you said is easy? How can there be so many good things?” Wang Dachun looked completely unbelief.

“Don’t you believe it? You don’t know how many sneaker companies there are now, do you want to endorse you? Frank said.

“Sneakers endorsements? Didn’t you hear them?” Wang Dachun asked puzzledly.

“I didn’t tell you, because it’s not time yet. There are already two big brands looking for you. But they put their posture too high! I’m consuming time with them now!” Frank explained.

Which two are you? Or a big brand?

“One is Adidas and the other is Nike.” Frank said.

“What do I need to think about, signing? These two brands are both big brands!” Wang Dachun said anxiously.

Fran overcomes his forehead.

“I should soak my mouth, I shouldn’t have told it so early!”

“Alright, okay, let you talk about it all, then you have to let me know the general situation, right?” Wang Dachun saw that Frank had no intention of continuing to say anything, so he could only compromise.

“That’s what you said. In the future, your contract will never be signed without my confirmation, understand?” Frank said solemnly.

“I know, I know, let’s say it!” Wang Dachun became a little impatient.

Frank looked at Wang Dachun and shook his head.

“Adidas was only willing to give you a merchandise contract when it first started. I just rejected it at the time!”

“Why refuse?” Wang Dachun didn’t understand.

“Nonsense! Of course you have to refuse. Commodity contracts are for general marginal players or bench players! Only 100,000 yuan a year! Obviously there is a meaning of robbery, of course I have to get it back!” Frank mentioned. The matter is a little angry.

“What happened then?”

“Later they were willing to give a cash contract again. At first there was a bit of sincerity. It was 3 million in 5 years. Although it is a bit low, some bonus clauses can be discussed.

Wasn’t your playing time compressed in the previous period? The data has declined, plus your data this year, it’s nothing to be selected for the best rookie first or second team.

They didn’t mention the award terms, and said they wanted to sign you with 4 million in 7 years. I just threw them aside and ignored them.

But yesterday, the person in charge over there called again and said that he was willing to continue the talks, and some amount and reward terms could be increased.

I guess it was your performance in the playoffs that tempted them again, so I’m back to talk about it. “Frank gave a general idea.

“It really depends on data to speak!” Wang Dachun sighed a little.

“Yeah, I told you a long time ago, as long as your data is okay, endorsements are naturally okay!”

“What about Nike? Is it the same?

“Nike is more sincere and willing to give you 4 million in 5 years. For a rookie center of yours, this contract is not too low. Generally, the contract of a center’s shoes is not too high. But the award clause is in this respect. Nike doesn’t want to give too much, I’m still talking to that side.” Frank said.

“What are the reward terms you mentioned? What are the main ones?” Wang Dachun asked.

“Of course it is the best of the week and the best of the month. Regular season data rankings playoff data rankings, best first or second team player, best defensive player and so on.”

Frank looked at Wang Dachun and said again.

“Please, these things can be found on the Internet, you usually pay more attention to this aspect, can you?”

“Well, I see, I will pay attention to this in the future! Then you can continue to talk about it. I am destined to be the one who will occupy the rankings of various data in the future.” Wang Dachun said with confidence.

“Well, I just admire you as a confident person.” Frank said very cooperatively.

“Okay, let’s not talk about the shoe contract. It will take some time. But there is really an endorsement waiting for you, but that needs you to return to your country. This is a contract in your country.” Frank said.

“Our country’s product endorsement?”

“Yes, the other party just contacted me some time ago. Through the conversation, I feel that the other party is very sincere. After that, I did a research on this company and brand.

According to the feedback from my current research, the other party’s strength is very strong. In your country, they will put half of their revenue into advertising every year. And the popularity is very high. ”

“Highly known? What’s that name?”

Wang Dachun wants to be well-known, he should know what brand it is.

“Their company is called Giant Group. It seems that their boss has been on the list of rich people in your country?” Frank said roughly.

“The Giant Group has never heard of it! Then what is the name of their product?

“I haven’t fully figured out the name of this product. It should be called “CEREBROPLATIN”.”

“What! Platinum?”

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