I Am Fugaku Uchiha

Chapter 108: He is strong!

Jiro and Fugaku were inside a warehouse, conversing with a fellow mercenary. Jiro had employed the group to transport his goods to the Land of Rain.

Pointing towards Fugaku, the mercenary asked, "Is he someone you hired?" Suspicion flickered in his eyes.

"Don't worry, he's one of the best mercenaries I could find," replied Jiro, attempting to sound sure of his decision. However, he wasn't completely confident in his choice.

Fugaku's appearance didn't match the typical description of a seasoned mercenary. He looked young, clean, and immaculately dressed, with no scars on his body. He carried a flask of wine but didn't open it.

Ignoring the mercenary's stare, he drew his katana from its scabbard and channeled his chakra into the metal. The sword glowed with a brilliant light.

"We should leave now. I can handle the task by myself," he said soberly.

The mercenary was amazed to see Fugaku's display of power and exclaimed, "What the hell? He has chakra."

Chakra was a rare and exceptional skill in that world. Both Jiro and the mercenary were taken aback by Fugaku's surprising abilities.

He smirked, enjoying their reactions, but he also knew that the chakra symbolized strength and power in this world.

A mercenary with chakra was quite different from one without it.

He had remembered how Naruto and Kakashi frightened off a horde of mercenaries with their shadow clones on the Land of Waves mission.

He had also heard of Mifune, who is the leader of the Land of Iron, a country of samurai.

He is a master of Iaido, a style of swordsmanship that involves drawing and sheathing the sword quickly and precisely.

He has a katana named Kurosawa, which he can infuse with chakra to increase its cutting power. He is also a skilled leader and mediator who has participated in several diplomatic meetings and joined the Allied Shinobi Forces during the Fourth Shinobi World War.

He once fought against Hanzo, a legendary ninja, and survived his poison. He respects Hanzo’s ideals and wishes to create a world of harmony.

Jiro had made a startling discovery: Fugaku possessed chakra! To show his appreciation, Jiro increased his commission by 5,000 ryo, an offer he accepted.

Their journey to the border of the Land of Rain would take a full day. Fugaku trailed behind the caravan, his katana at his waist, while more than twenty workers pushed eight carts.

In addition, twenty mercenaries hired by Jiro kept watchful eyes on their surroundings.

While on the journey, Fugaku noticed two travelers who stood out among the group—a pair. The older of the two appeared to be a woman who disguised herself as a man. She has a young child with her. Although Fugaku wondered about their story, he decided it was not his business to ask.

The merchant seemed to have guessed his thought and took the initiative to explain: "They asked to go together, and I thought I would stop by and take them with me."

The revelation that Fugaku had brought a smile to his face Despite their travels appearing long and arduous, he observed that their clothes were slightly shabby.

The woman's face was pale, while she had red lips and white teeth, but the skin below his neck was fair. It was evident that the woman had used disguised props to enhance her appearance.

He couldn't help but feel that it was strange for a woman with a child to be traveling in such a war-torn country as the land of the rivers.

However, he reminded himself that it was none of his business, and there was no need to think further.


A group of ninjas hid in the woods, watching a caravan approach from afar. They had a plan to ambush them. Distinguishing their villager affiliation from their forehead protectors.

“They’re on their way to the Land of Rain to hire more ninjas, just like our boss said. We’ve been waiting for them for days, and now they’re finally here.” A middle-aged ninja said this, peering through a telescope.

“They’re pretty smart, running from the Land of Grass to the Land of Fire and then coming back here. They must have thought they could shake us off.” A younger ninja said, admiring their cunning.

The middle-aged ninja grinned. “Good thing Konoha is busy fighting Suna, and they’ve moved most of their forces to the front line. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have gotten through the Land of Fire so easily. Let’s wait until they get to the canyon mouth, and then we’ll attack.”


He is filled with excitement at the thought of returning to Konoha and seeing his newborn son. And luckily, he has to look for a flying summon beast that could take him back quickly.

In the country of rain, before Yahiko's boys band had formed, Hanzo the salamander ruled.

But he was unimpressed by Hanzo's reputation and didn't consider him a threat.

“After the canyon ahead, we are almost at the border of the Land of Rain.” Jiro, the merchant, informed them happily.

They had not encountered any bandits on the way, which made everyone relieved. Even the woman and her child who had joined the caravan along the way smiled, hearing Jiro’s words.

Fugaku looked ahead and saw something at the mouth of the canyon. He smirked and said, “I’m tired of walking. Let’s take a break here.”

“Hey, who do you think you are? We can’t just stop whenever you want.”

“And you’re a chakra mercenary. How can you get tired like that?”

Jiro was puzzled. “We’re almost there. It’s only thirty minutes from here to the Land of Rain. Why don’t we just keep going?”

He is still polite to Fugaku, since he has paid him a lot of money. After all, he is a chakra mercenary.

Fugaku ignored Jiro and warned them, “If you don’t want to die, just listen to me.”

They were stunned, especially the mercenaries.

“What do you mean by that?”

“nothing much. I just don’t want to see you die," he said nonchalantly.

He did not care much about their lives, but he had taken the escort mission, right? He might as well save them. He had some work ethics.

Jiro felt a chill in his spine. Could it be that Fugaku had discovered something?

“Let’s rest here.” He quickly ordered, and the caravan stopped.

Fugaku sat on a stone by the road and asked Jiro, “What kind of goods are you transporting? They have attracted the attention of some ninjas. There are at least five of them, judging by their group.”

“What? Ninjas? How is that possible?”

Jiro panicked. He had hired some ordinary mercenaries. They would not stand a chance against even a genin ninja.

“No… No way.” Jiro was also baffled. “These are just some rare ores for making weapons. The profit is not that high after paying your commission. How could we be targeted by ninjas?”

Fugaku gestured toward the woman and her child and said, “It’s them. They are the ones who drew the ninjas’ attention.”


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