I Am Fugaku Uchiha

Chapter 116: Mangekyo

"I have." Yahiko was taken aback when he heard.

Fugaku leaned forward and said, "Huh? Let's hear it!" His eyes sparkled with interest as he looked at Yahiko with a smile.

Yahiko hesitated for a moment before replying, "My dream is to become a great ninja, just like Hanzo-sama.'"

His words resonated with the warmth of a sunny day, mirroring Naruto's infectious positivity when declaring his ambition to become Hokage.

Yahiko had unwaveringly voiced his aspirations for an extended period, and he wasted no time articulating them once again.

Konan and Nagato exchanged approving glances, their smiles affirming their endorsement of their friend's resolute declaration. In their eyes, Yahiko's goal was to be a beacon of inspiration.

Aware that the current salamander, Hanzo, held a revered position as a leader in the hearts of ninja across all nations, Fugaku couldn't help but acknowledge the man's significance.

Hanzo was a figure deserving of admiration, particularly among the ninjas of the Land of Rain.

Initially, Fugaku had contemplated cautioning them about the enigmatic Hanzo, but the idea now seemed futile. The trio's fervent devotion to Hanzo would likely render his warning ineffective.

Not only would they disbelieve him, but there was a risk of them distancing themselves from him, possibly even hurling insults in their allegiance to Hanzo.

Besides, the Akatsuki organization had not yet taken shape, making any revelation about Hanzo's true nature seem premature and irrelevant.

Fugaku had briefly entertained the idea of persuading them to depart from the Land of Rain, sensing the impending dangers. However, he quickly recognized the impracticality of such a proposition.

In the midst of wartime, he couldn't play the role of their guardian, constantly watching over them.

Furthermore, if they were to abandon the familiarity of the Rain Country, they might find themselves confronting an even swifter demise.

Especially with the specter of war looming over the Rain Village.

The sheer magnitude of the task at hand felt overwhelming for Fugaku. The Uchiha clan couldn't shoulder the responsibility of safeguarding their own, let alone extending their care to strangers.

Contemplating Jiraiya's decision not to bring them back to Konoha, Fugaku couldn't help but wonder if the legendary ninja foresaw the challenges.

Perhaps, in the intricate web of ninja politics and village alliances, bringing them to Konoha would only lead to further complications.

The inherent distrust ingrained in Ninja villages, including even Konoha, presented a formidable obstacle.

Even if someone possessed the rare and powerful Rinnegan, like Nagato did, bringing such an individual into Konoha would likely result in them becoming a mere subject of research.

Despite Nagato's Uzumaki lineage, sympathy might be perceived as futile and could inadvertently harm him.

To compound matters, Fugaku recalled the painful detail that Nagato's parents had seemingly met their demise at the hands of Konoha ninjas. This grim history casts a shadow over any notion of bringing them back to the village.

Yet, Fugaku grappled with the unsettling question: could he simply stand idly by and do nothing?

The moral quandary tugged at his conscience, urging him to navigate a path through the complex maze of allegiances, politics, and the impending storm of war.

Yahiko noticed Fugaku's furrowed brow and couldn't resist probing, "What's wrong, Yasuo-sama? Is there something off about my dream?"

Snapping back to reality, Fugaku took a sip of wine, mustering a reluctant smile. "Dreams are essential, but to become a formidable ninja like Hanzo, you must possess formidable strength."

Yahiko, undeterred by Fugaku's subtle discouragement, rallied his spirits. "I'll give it my all!"

Fugaku couldn't help but feel exasperated. He had hoped Yahiko would reconsider, but it seemed the young ninja was resolute in pursuing his ambitions.

The dilemma weighed heavily on Fugaku. Killing Yahiko was not an option, and persuading him seemed futile. The question lingered: how many lives would be sacrificed for his dream?

The trio's unique powers—Konan's paper technique and Nagato's Rinnegan—were triggered by a tragic loss.

Yahiko, on the other hand, possessed a charming personality reminiscent of Obito's but lacked significant combat potential and was destined for a short life.

He recalled how Danzo and Hanzo had conspired to annihilate Akatsuki. Perhaps he should eliminate Danzo as soon as possible?

Fugaku sighed, This seemed to be the only viable course of action for now.

The world seemed different, and many familiar elements were missing from the ninja world he remembered.

The Uchiha clan's role and Tsunade's involvement in battles were anomalies. Even the Land of Grass's princess, Komeko, remained a mystery.

However, in that moment, looking at the spirited Yahiko beside him, Fugaku couldn't bring himself to quash the young ninja's enthusiasm.

Adopting an elder's role, he encouraged, "Young man, work hard. I believe in you."

Yahiko beamed, responding, "Yes, Yasuo-sama, I'll do my best!"

Fugaku, though maintaining a certain detachment from the destinies of Yahiko and his companions, felt a brief warmth in his heart, acknowledging the young ninja's unwavering determination.

Despite the uncertainties that lingered, he made a conscious choice to allow the spark of hope in their dreams to persist.

Despite his genuine fondness for Yahiko's charismatic personality, Fugaku recognized the limitations of his influence. The extent of his involvement could only stretch as far as refraining from taking their lives.

As a gesture of goodwill and perhaps an attempt to assuage the concerns he had unintentionally stirred.

They were aware of his early departure the next morning, so he took it upon himself to ensure their well-being. In a bid to alleviate some of their immediate worries, he left them with a sum of money.

Though the prospect of future financial stability was likely assured, Fugaku understood that, in their current circumstances, money held a certain practical significance for them.

Even if they were destined for prosperity, the present moment demanded a measure of practicality and foresight.


After bidding farewell to Yahiko and his companions, Fugaku retreated to his inn room and reclined on the bed.

A sigh of relief escaped him—the Rinnegan. He had finally witnessed it—a power akin to his own Sharingan, which required a profound emotional catalyst for awakening, much like his dojutsu.

His contemplation led him to explore the origins of these ocular powers. According to his recollections, chakra was linked to the god tree in this world.

The Byakugan, one of the three major dojutsu, was associated with the Otsutsuki clan.

Consequently, the Sharingan and the Rinnegan were perceived as powers originating from the Otsutsuki clan.

The requirement for emotional stimulation to unlock these dojutsu was familiar to him, but the price for the Byakugan remained elusive.

As he unraveled this information, a realization dawned on Fugaku. The strength of spiritual energy played a pivotal role.

A loved one's death was a means to intensify spiritual energy instantly, facilitating the awakening or evolution of the dojutsu powers.

The sage body represented physical energy, while the Sharingan and Rinnegan symbolized spiritual energy. When these two energies converged, a chakra was born.

In times of distress, spiritual energy must flare up.

However, Fugaku acknowledged the limitations faced by ordinary Uchiha clansmen.

Even if they awakened their eyes through the loss of loved ones, their physical strength often proved insufficient to bear the greater power of their eyes.

He reflected on the frequent bleeding suffered by Itachi and Sasuke with a single Mangekyo Sharingan.

This can be seen from the fact that Itachi and Sasuke bled frequently with a single mangeyoko eye power.

Comparisons arose, such as Nagato from the Uzumaki clan, unable to harness the full power of the Rinnegan due to his physique. Similarly, Obito, who transplanted cells from the First Hokage, could only withstand the power of a single Rinnegan.

In contrast, the Sage of Six Paths, equipped with a pair of Rinnegan, necessitated a physique matching the sage body level. Fugaku, assessing his own capabilities, concluded that his physique was certainly no inferior to that of a sage body.

In essence, as long as he possessed sufficient spiritual energy, he could leverage this power to stimulate the Sharingan, potentially awakening the coveted Mangekyo.

The prospect of unlocking this extraordinary power fueled Fugaku's contemplation and laid the groundwork for a path of potential evolution.



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