I Am Fugaku Uchiha

Chapter 3: Mikoto Uchiha

"Hey, Fugaku? Fugaku?"

Haru's voice echoed through the room as he jolted awake, his mind still foggy from the surreal experience. He couldn't quite shake the feeling that it might not just simple dream.

Looking around, Haru found himself still nestled in bed, prompting a sigh of relief. "It was just a dream after all."

The girl was nowhere to be seen, and the room was now cloaked in darkness, save for the bright sunlight streaming in through the windows. Judging by the intensity of the light, it had to be well past 11:00 a.m. in the morning.

"Huh, why do I feel so light?" Haru mused as he prepared to leave the bed.

Glancing down, he realized he was clad in pajamas, prompting a puzzled frown. "Where are my clothes?"

 His attire might not have been designer, but it was certainly worth a pretty penny. With a resigned sigh, he decided to tolerate the pajamas for now and inquire about his clothes later.

But upon searching the room, he couldn't spot a phone to call the front desk, leaving him frustrated.

"What's up with this hotel?" he muttered under his breath, pushing open the door to address the staff in person.

Yet, as soon as he stepped out, a shadow darted past, sending a shiver down his spine. But before he could react, the figure vanished.

Haru's eyes widened in shock. "What was that? Where am I? This isn't a hotel!"

Instead of a high-rise building, he found himself in a quaint wooden house with a yard and a closed gate. How did that shadowy figure get in?

"Holy cow…" Haru exclaimed, his heart racing as he struggled to keep his balance.

In an instant, the shadow reappeared—a young teenager, no older than sixteen, clad in a vest and bandaged feet. But what caught Haru's eye was the gleaming forehead protector.

The teen scratched his head sheepishly. "Sorry, Clan Leader. I was in a hurry and took a shortcut through your yard. Hope you're not mad."

He door slammed shut behind him, leaving Haru breathless. "What in the world...? A ninja? He had the Leaf's forehead protector, and he moved so fast... He called me the clan head... Could it be...? Did I transmigrate to another world? Did I become Fugaku Uchiha?"

Shaking his head in disbelief, Haru tried to rationalize. "No, it can't be. I must've opened the wrong door. If I try again, I'll go back to my world. I will…"

Summoning his courage, Haru slid the wooden door open once more. The young man outside still waited nervously.

"Please, clan head. Hear me out. I'm really in a hurry. It's not an excuse." But before he could finish, the door slammed shut once more.

Running into the clan head in such a manner was beyond unfortunate. He braced himself for the scorn and anger he would undoubtedly face from everyone.

Approaching the door, he bowed his head in apology, hoping to alleviate some of the tension.

Meanwhile, Haru sat on the floor, his mind a whirlwind of confusion and fear. The incessant babbling of the boy outside hardly registered; all Haru could think about was the possibility of having crossed over into another world.

"Ah, husband, you're awake?" Startled, Haru turned to see the girl from the night before, wearing an apron and holding a spatula.

"M-Mikoto?" Haru stuttered, suppressing his shock.

 Mikoto nodded, her smile warm. "Yes, it's almost noon. Food will be ready soon. Just wait a bit."

As she retreated to the kitchen, Haru couldn't shake his disbelief. Was this real? Had last night not been a dream?

Driven by uncertainty, Haru pushed the door open again. Uchiha Rei approached, eager to speak to the clan head. Haru led him to the center of the yard.

"What's your name?" Haru demanded, his heart pounding with anticipation.

"Uchiha Rei," came the swift reply, tinged with confusion.

Haru's mind raced. "Show me some ninjutsu," he ordered, still grappling with doubts.

Uchiha Rei's excitement was palpable. "Is the clan head-sama going to teach me advanced ninjutsu?" he asked eagerly.

"Quit stalling and do it," Haru urged, his patience wearing thin.

"But here? I'm afraid…" Uchiha Rei hesitated, casting a wary looking around the yard.

Haru sighed, realizing the impracticality of their current location. "Fine, just use a shadow clone jutsu or something, okay?" he suggested, hoping to expedite the situation.


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