I am Kaka

Chapter 112 - Fight

Carlos failed to score, but the Brazilian offensive is still strong.

Ronaldo, who has been silent for more than ten minutes, shows signs of recovery. The new tridents of Ronaldo and Ronaldinho Gacaca finally began to show their power. Their continuous short pass in the frontcourt became more and more tacit. Both feet had good quality shots, but they were all resolved by Seaman in time.

Seeing such a scene, Rivaldo off the field was both relieved and frustrated.

Reassurance is the successor, and frustration is Lian Po old.

Thirty years old, a person ’s golden age, but the line that represents his career has changed from a sloping line to a parabola that starts to slide down. He was a little breathless.

And Kaka’s next performance made the Brazilian No. 10’s eyes more and more vicissitudes.

After taking the ball in the middle, he broke the **** head and Bart’s attack with fried balls, and once again passed Ferdinand with a human ball to give Ronaldo a comfortable straight plug.

Ronaldo rushed forward and shot low, but the smile on his face hadn’t been revealed before the referee’s whistle rang.

The flag on the sideman’s hand was raised at the same time.

Offside foul.

Brazilian fans could n’t believe it, and they even scolded a few black whistle, but the playback on the TV screen gradually calmed their curse.

England serves.

Seaman’s big-footed long pass found Scholes in the midfield.

He lightly stopped the ball at his feet and turned to face Kleberson, pretending to shoot.

Kleberson was fooled and stretched his foot to block, but Scholes dunked the ball, rushed past him, and quickly gave Beckham on the right.

There was no one around Beckham, which allowed him to calmly set up a foot and made an arc that made the Brazilians hairy at the 45-degree angle on the right side of the penalty area.

Football bypassed Lucio, bypassed Edmilson, and bypassed Junior, and appeared in front of Husky.

Husky jumped high and headed the ball.

The football did not fly directly to the goal, but from the top to the bottom corner of the left side of the goal.

Cheney was too late to save, but his right foot was stretched out like a conditioned reflex, and the ball was dangerously blocked.

Junior in front of the goal hurried to make a clearance, but failed to play in the middle, the football saw the height but not far away, and fell to Scholes again.

Scholes originally wanted to kick, even the posture was opened, but suddenly saw a familiar figure rushed into the penalty area from the left.

He pushed gently with his right foot and the football rolled over to the opponent.

Owen lightly led the right foot and took the ball under his feet.

Scholes’ shot was too deceptive, and no one came up to stop it. After Irving received the ball, there was only one Lucio in front of him.

This is a showdown between today’s top center defender and top striker, but this time the showdown came too abruptly and Lucio was clearly unprepared.

Irving moved to the left, but when he touched the ball, he suddenly changed a line to the right, directly passed Lucio, and faced Cheney.

Cheney’s save was finally half a second late and the football was calmly pushed into the net by Irving from the right side of the goal.

1: 0.

It seems that some fans have done informal statistics around 2010, and of all the forwards of that era, Irving has the world’s number one shot.

Regardless of whether it’s the early speed Owen or the later stage grab Owen, when you take the ball in front of the door, it feels only one word: steady as an old dog.

“GOAL! Michael Owen sealed his throat with a sword! This is a wonderful cooperation between him and Scholes. Whether it is a pass, a breakthrough or a shot, there is only one characteristic: Quick! Scholes’ sudden pass, Owen ’s fast position and rapid breakthrough achieved this goal! “

“It is now the 28th minute of the game. England lead Brazil 1-0! Irving scored his second goal of the World Cup and his eighteenth goal in England …”

Owen made a self-icon celebration action, raised his right hand high, and Junxiu’s face hung with an unassuming smile. It was not like a cold-blooded killer at the goal forward, but a sunny and warm. The big boy next door.

Cafu comforted the lost Lucio, and then asked Scolari for help, hoping to strengthen the offense.

Nesting in the half is not his style.

Scolari shook his head and rejected the captain’s request.

He firmly believed that there was no problem with the Brazilian team’s offense, they just lacked some luck.

The game started again.

Kaka and Ronaldo stood together in the middle circle. This was the first time Kaka saw such a dignified expression on Ronaldo’s face.

He is only twenty-five years old, but has experienced the glory and trough that many people have never experienced in his life.

On the big side, the 1998 final defeat made him once criticized by thousands of people. The Serie A champion he just lost has made him countless doubts, and this World Cup is his best chance to fight back.

From a small perspective, the opponent’s center has scored, and as a striker, he must immediately respond to defend the glory of his first striker in the world.

Kaka can understand his mood.

If the goal is Turkey’s striker, the Chinese team’s striker, Costa Rica’s striker, people will not make such a request to Ronaldo.

But Irving stood in front.

In terms of historical status, of course Irving can’t even see Darrow’s rear lights, but at this time, Owen is indeed one of the few super forwards who can be compared with Darrow.

When playing in the same field, people will not ask Lei Wan to respond to Wu Lei’s goal, but he will definitely be asked to fight back against Su Ya’s goal, because they are creatures on the same plane, naturally Will be used for comparison.

From an external point of view, this is a match between the two teams, but for Ronald many, this is the war between the forwards.

“Kaka …” Ronaldo said, “Pass me.”

“Relax,” Kaka nodded, “People arrive, the ball arrives.”

Ronaldo drove the ball, the man rushed forward, Kaka passed the ball back, and also ran forward.

Ronaldinho took the ball and passed it to Carlos in the back.

Carlos dribble the ball on the left, and after meeting Mills, Ronaldinho and Ronaldinho collaborated against the wall, and then a long pass to find Kaka in the frontcourt.

Kaka unloaded the ball precisely and faced Scholes. He failed to deceive him even after making a few fake moves. He could only pass it back to Ronaldinho who had followed.

Ronaldinho faced Bart, and was not able to get a favor. He was forced to walk sideways.

Both Cafu and Carlos were pressed by Scolari in the backcourt, but no one came to meet him. Fortunately, Kaka had already run out of time, Ronaldinho quickly passed the ball back.

This is a half-height ball that makes the catcher speechless. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is just at the waist position. It is too high with the foot and too low with the chest stop. Fortunately, the speed is not fast, so I can still give the ball with the thigh Stopped.

Kaka wanted to do the same, but the moment the football approached, he was suddenly blessed with the soul, with one side of his body, his right leg raised, swinging, and the heel tapped gently against the football.

Scorpio wagging its tail.

The football drew a parabola and landed in the penalty area, which happened to be Ronaldo’s position.

Ronaldo didn’t wait for the ball to land, and put the ball lightly on the foot. The football flew again, directly over the attacking Seaman’s head, and landed on the goal of England.

Everyone’s eyes retracted from the goal and looked at Kaka like a monster.

Ronaldo also turned around, trotting backwards to the sidelines, and his right index finger kept tapping Kaka.

Kaka gave him a bright smile.

Me, Kaka, a small cottage expert, after copying the girl to copy Ibrahimovic, who’s bull forced me to copy who.

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