I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 708: Meeting of Champions: The Student Council and the Top 10 Clubs

Chapter 708: Meeting of Champions: The Student Council and the Top 10 Clubs

The grand hall of Yukihime High School's administration building buzzed with excitement as the representatives of the Top 10 clubs gathered for a highly anticipated meeting with the student council. The festival had been a whirlwind of activity, and now, these clubs were about to reap the rewards of their hard work. The air was thick with anticipation as the student council members took their seats at the front of the room, a large screen behind them displaying the final rankings from the festival.

Vivian, the student council president, stood up, her presence commanding the attention of everyone in the room. "Thank you all for coming," she began, her voice calm but filled with pride. "As you all know, this meeting is to discuss the distribution of your rewards for earning a place in the Top 10 during the festival. You've all done an incredible job, and now it's time to celebrate your achievements and plan for the future."

The room was filled with representatives from the Manga Mania Club, Art 101 Club, Athletics Club, Baking Sweets Club, Mystery Detective Book Club, Board Game Club, Anime Chibi Club, Martial Arts Club, Love Nature Club, and the grand champion, the Delicious Food Fan Club. Each club had sent their leaders, eager to learn about the details of their rewards and how they could best utilize them.

Vivian gestured to a detailed model of the new building that had just been erected on campus near the campus lake. This architectural marvel would become a symbol of the festival's legacy. "As part of your reward, each of you will receive a floor in this brand-new building for the rest of the school year. The 10th place club will occupy the first floor, and so on until the grand champion, the Delicious Food Fan Club, who takes the top floor. This building is your canvas-you can arrange your floors however you see fit. Whether you want private study rooms, a dedicated workspace for your members, or even move your entire club activities to your floor, the choice is yours."

A murmur of excitement rippled through the room as the club leaders exchanged glances. The idea of having their own space, a floor that they could design to their liking, was thrilling. It was a reward that went beyond just financial gain—it was a chance to leave a lasting mark on the school.

Vivian continued, "In addition to your own floors, your budgets for the rest of the school year will be doubled. This will give you the flexibility to expand your activities, host more events, or invest in new equipment. We trust that you'll use these resources wisely to continue the amazing work you've already done."

Hanako, the public relations representative and social media manager, leaned forward with a bright smile. "And for the top three clubs-Martial Arts Club, Love Nature Club, and Delicious Food Fan Club-you'll receive additional sponsorship from the student council to throw an event of your choice. This could be a workshop, a special event, a field trip-anything that aligns with your club's mission and goals."

The room erupted in applause as the representatives from the top three clubs exchanged excited whispers. This sponsorship was a golden opportunity to elevate their clubs to new heights, and they were already brimming with ideas.

Vivian nodded at the enthusiasm, then added, "And finally, the grand champion club, the Delicious Food Fan Club, will receive a complete makeover of their equipment and structure. You've been requesting updates for years, and now, it's time to bring your kitchen and facilities into the modern age. We'll work closely with you to ensure that you have everything you need to continue your culinary excellence."

Olly, the president of the Delicious Food Fan Club, couldn't help but grin. This was the reward they had been dreaming of, and it was finally within their grasp. He could already envision the new kitchen, gleaming with state-of-the-art appliances and spacious workstations where the club members could create their culinary masterpieces.

Vivian looked around the room, her gaze softening as she took in the expressions of the club leaders. "Now that you know what's on the table, we'll take some time to discuss how each club plans to use their rewards. We want to make sure that everyone has a clear idea of their next steps and that we can assist you in any way possible."

The first to speak was the president of the Manga Mania Club. "We're thinking of creating a manga library on our floor, with private reading rooms and spaces for members to work on their own manga projects. It would be a place where creativity and passion for manga can thrive."

"That sounds fantastic," Vivian replied, nodding in approval. "We can help you with the logistics of setting up the library and finding the best resources for your members."

Next, the Art 101 Club's representative shared their plans. "We want to turn our floor into an art gallery, where students can display their work, host exhibitions, and even conduct art workshops. We believe it would inspire more students to get involved in the arts."

The idea was met with applause from the other clubs, and Vivian agreed enthusiastically. "An art gallery would be a wonderful addition to the school. We'll work with you to make sure it's a space that fosters creativity and expression."

As the discussion continued, each club laid out their visions for their new spaces. The Athletics Club planned to create a training and conditioning center, the Baking Sweets Club wanted to build a dedicated kitchen and bakery, and the Mystery Detective Book Club envisioned a cozy, mystery-themed reading lounge where students could immerse themselves in their favorite whodunits.

The Anime Chibi Club's president shared their idea to turn their floor into an anime screening room and cosplay workshop, complete with a stage for performances. The Board Game Club wanted to create a space where students could come together to play games, both old and new, in a fun and welcoming environment.

The Martial Arts Club, now in third place, had grand plans to design a state-of-the-art dojo, where students could train and hold tournaments. The Love Nature Club envisioned their floor as a green oasis, with a rooftop garden and spaces for nature-themed activities and education.

Finally, Olly from the Delicious Food Fan Club outlined their plans for their new kitchen and event space. "We want to create a place where we can not only cook but also share our love of food with the rest of the school. We're planning to host cooking classes, competitions, and even charity events where we can give back to the community."

The room buzzed with excitement as the club leaders shared their plans, and the student council members offered their support and advice. The energy in the room was palpable, with each club eager to get started on their new spaces.

Although they knew that they would only have these spaces until the next club festival, they were still excited about having such a fancy club space. Plus, this building served to build their prestige among the other students, they already could see the faces filled with jealousy from the other clubs.

After the plans were discussed and the logistics were ironed out, Vivian brought the meeting to a close. "Thank you all for your dedication and passion. The success of the festival is a testament to what you can achieve when you work together. We're incredibly proud of each and every one of you, and we can't wait to see how you transform these spaces into something truly special."

The club leaders stood, ready to head out and start the next phase of their journey. But before they left, Vivian had one final message. "Remember, this building is not just about the physical space. It's a symbol of what you've accomplished. So, make it a place where your club's legacy can continue to grow, and where future generations of students can be inspired by your work. And most importantly, don't be complacent as your rewards will only last for

this school year."

With that, the meeting adjourned, and the club representatives quickly dispersed, eager to return to their club venues. The festival's success had energized them, and now, with their rewards in hand, they were ready to take their clubs to new heights.

As they made their way out of the administration building, the sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the campus. The task of disassembling their festival venues lay ahead, but the mood was light and cheerful. They worked quickly and efficiently, their hearts buoyed by the excitement of what was to come.

By the time they finished cleaning up, the sky was dark, but their spirits were high. The rewards they had earned were more than just prizes-they were opportunities to build something lasting, something that would benefit not only their clubs but the entire school


As the last of the stands were taken down and the festival grounds were cleared, the students headed home, tired but happy. The festival had been a triumph, and the future looked even


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