I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 710: A Warm Family Dinner

Chapter 710: A Warm Family Dinner

Kitchen, Pedrarruna Manor, Elffire City

Theo looked at Aurora's message on his phone screen that said she was leaving the school before answering her with another message. Done with that, he started to cook dinner once again.

He knew that Aurora would be extremely tired and hungry when she arrived home, which was why he began cooking dinner only when he predicted she would be nearing home. When he was about to finish cooking, Aurora's message came through, confirming his prediction. As a good big brother, Theo knew how exhausted Aurora must be after organizing and managing her school's festival for the past few weeks. He decided on a comforting meal-a hearty chicken soup, rich with vegetables and herbs, to soothe and nourish her body.

Just as expected, a few minutes later, Sylph, his house AI butler, announced that Aurora had arrived with her driver. Theo moved to the entrance of the kitchen to greet her.

Aurora stepped into the kitchen, her shoulders slumped but her face brightening when she caught the aroma of the soup. "Hey, Theo," she greeted, her voice tinged with fatigue.

"Hey, sis," Theo responded with a smile, gesturing to the dining table, "I made something warm for you. Go wash up, and it'll be ready when you're done."

Aurora nodded gratefully, and after a quick wash in the nearby restroom, she returned to the kitchen, taking a seat at the table. Theo ladled the steaming soup into bowls, placing one in front of her and the other in his own place.

The two siblings sat down, and for a moment, there was only the sound of spoons clinking against bowls as they both enjoyed the first few bites of the meal. The warmth of the soup seemed to work its magic on Aurora, her tense shoulders relaxing slightly.

"This is exactly what I needed," Aurora said, sighing with contentment after a few more spoonfuls. "You always know how to make things better, Theo."

"That's what big brothers are for," Theo replied with a chuckle. "How was the wrap-up today? You must have had a ton of things to take care of after the festival."

Aurora leaned back in her chair, swirling the spoon in her bowl thoughtfully. "It was exhausting, honestly. But we got everything done. The festival was definitely a success, we managed to earn a lot of money and prestige for the student council, and everyone seemed to have a good time. I just didn't expect there to be so much work left afterward."

Theo nodded, understanding. "Yeah, it's always like that with big events. The work doesn't stop just because the main event is over. I'm really proud of you, though. You did an amazing job, Aurora."

She smiled, the praise from her brother lifting her spirits. "Thanks, big brother. It means a lot coming from you. I couldn't have done it without the girls, though. Everyone really pulled their weight and worked non-stop for the past few weeks, especially in the last few days." As they continued eating, the conversation flowed naturally from topic to topic, touching on the festival, their friends, and what lay ahead in their lives. Theo asked about specific moments during the festival, and Aurora recounted the highlights, laughing at some of the more amusing incidents that had taken place.

"Do you remember the first school festival we went to together?" Aurora asked, her eyes glinting with nostalgia.

"Of course," Theo said, leaning back in his chair with a fond smile. "Those were good times. Mom and Dad brought us to a nearby school festival, we were just kids, but we had so much fun playing those festival games."

Aurora laughed. "Yeah, and you and Dad always won. But I didn't mind, it was fun just being part of it with you, Mom, and Dad." She completed as she became downcast when she remembered that her parents weren't there to watch her success.

Theo reached across the table to give her hand a comforting squeeze. "Those were simpler times. But look at you now, running the whole thing. You've come so far, Aurora. I'm sure Mom and Dad would be extremely proud if they were here to see the amazing person you became,"

She blushed slightly, feeling a mix of pride and humility. "I guess you're right, I'm pretty awesome indeed" She giggled. "But it's nice to know that no matter what, you're always there for me."

"Always," Theo affirmed. "And hey, if you ever need help with anything, you know where to find me. Whether it's cooking, event planning, or just talking, I'm here."

Aurora nodded, her expression softening as she gazed at her brother. "I know, Theo. And it goes both ways. You've always been the one looking out for me, but if you ever need someone to lean on, I'm here too."

Theo smiled, appreciating the sentiment. The two of them had always had a strong bond, one forged through shared experiences and mutual respect. Their parents had raised them to look out for each other, and it was a value they both held dear.

As the conversation moved on, Aurora asked, "So, what about you? How's everything going with the studio and your other projects?"

Theo shrugged, taking another sip of his soup. "It's going well. A lot of things are in motion right now, but I'm managing. The studio is moving into new projects, and I've been thinking about some new ventures. Plus, I'm also preparing for the upcoming Moonlight Concert in Catadrid, although I still have around two weeks before the concert, I want to be prepared for it."

Aurora raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? Which project? Hmm, starting tomorrow I'll start helping you prepare for your concert, after all, I'll be in it as well"

"Deal," Theo smiled, before choosing his words carefully, "I've been considering starting a record label."

Aurora's eyes widened in surprise. "A record label? That's a big step. What brought that on?"

Theo smiled, knowing his sister would be one of the few people who would truly understand. "Remember the Mini Music Festival at your school? I was inspired by the talent I saw there. It made me think about how much undiscovered talent there is out there, and how I could help bring it to the world."

Aurora nodded slowly, seeing the passion in her brother's eyes. "That's amazing, Theo. I think you'd be great at it. You have an amazing ear for music, and you know how to nurture talent. Do you have any plans yet?"

"A few," Theo admitted. "I've talked to Sam and Ayia, and I'm getting a sense of what's needed. It's still in the early stages, but I'm excited about it."

Aurora smiled, knowing how much music meant to her brother. "I'm sure it'll be a success, Theo. You have the vision and the drive to make it happen."

They continued talking about Theo's plans for a while, Aurora offering her insights and support. The conversation eventually drifted to lighter topics, from their favorite shows to the latest gossip around the city.

As they finished their meal, Aurora stretched her arms above her head, letting out a satisfied sigh. "That was perfect, Theo. I feel so much better now."

"I'm glad," Theo said, gathering the empty bowls and taking them to the sink. "You've

worked hard, Aurora. You deserve a good rest."

She nodded, standing up and moving toward the door. "I think I'll take a shower and then

head to bed. I can't wait to just lie down and relax."

"Good idea," Theo agreed. "You've earned it. Sleep well, Aurora."

"Thanks, Theo," she said, pausing at the door to look back at him. "And thanks for dinner. You always know how to make me feel better."

Theo smiled warmly. "Anytime, sis. Now go get some rest. We'll talk more tomorrow. If you need me I'll be at the sound studio rehearsing,"

Aurora nodded, giving him one last grateful smile before heading upstairs to her room.

Theo watched her go, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. He was proud of his sister, proud of the person she had become. As he left the cleaning up the kitchen for Sylph, he headed for his in-house sound studio as he reflected on their conversation, knowing that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would always have each other to rely on.

That night Theo only turned off the lights and made his way to his own room late at night

after spending hours rehearsing in his sound studio. The day had been long, but it had ended on a perfect note—a simple dinner with his sister, filled with warmth, laughter, music, and


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